View Full Version : can some one fix my comp?

08-14-2002, 03:59 PM
you might need a bat or a chain though.

i'm using my step dad's computer. it blows.

its a relatively new (well new in non computer terms) dell Pentium 4 1.4ghz with some shnazzy speakers.

i know my way pretty well around computers but this i cannot figure out.

i randomly get an illegal opertaion in Kernel32.dll followed by kernel32.exe when using internet explorer.

when i try to recieve or send an image in AIM, right when the image pops up, my computer freezes.

i can't run scan disk or defrag even tho i close every program using control alt delete, it still says something is making it restart. I'm gunna try doing it in safe mode... that should work.

i'm using Windows ME (i hate it.)

any help would be greatly apreciated.

08-14-2002, 04:27 PM
Turn all non-essential stuff off. Doesn't help? Reload Windows. If reloading Windows from scratch does not solve it... some part of your computer is broken.

Typically: Bad motherboard, Bad Memory, or Bad CPU... or a combination if you're lucky. :)

Learn how to reproduce the problem so that you can describe to tech dudes... and get it RMA'd if need be.

08-14-2002, 04:32 PM

my computer does (actually did) the same thing for a while. I think it has to do with Windows ME personally :)

but after a while (and the computer dying 2 or 3 times :)) it has had no problems at all. :)

08-14-2002, 04:40 PM
Make sure you run Windows Update. I've heard of a problem similar to yours (w/ Kernel32.dll) I'll try to find the fix for you.

08-14-2002, 06:00 PM
cool thanks for the help...

i'm trying to get my step dad to just format and put windows XP or 98se on here.

Miscue, with my luck it will only be the motherboard and processor... oh well. ;)

I just did scandisc and defragged in safe mode...

i'll let you know if it healed it for any reason...

magic that would be fantastic if you could find a fix.

thanks guys

08-14-2002, 06:25 PM
Well, I did a little research, and it seems that this Kernel32.exe, is associated with several email worms (one being Badtrans). I found a fix, but it includes deleting some keys in the regestry, so beware.
Here are the instructions:


search for a file named kernel32.exe (don't confuse it with kernel32.dll)
if it exists in your windows\system directory then your infected!


reboot in safe mode.
delete the following files:


run regedit and search for kernel32.exe and remove all keys referring to it


Let me know how it goes.

08-14-2002, 07:01 PM
magic, you da man.

i'll try it and let you know. if i'm not back in a few days, assume the worst. (i was thrown off a cliff)

08-14-2002, 10:41 PM
I got a virus similar to what u are saying I couldnt get online and if I could AIM and ICQ would mess up. If all else fails reformat.

08-15-2002, 08:11 AM
all better!

well it seems to be.

i had to leave and come back to my dad's house (with a WORKING computer) so i couldn't really do any heavy tests, but some things started working that hadn't before.

thank you so much guys!