View Full Version : Galactic Z Body?

08-14-2002, 07:15 PM
Hey does anyone know about the Galactic Z Body? I've been thinking about it for my next upgrade.
BTW incase anyone wants to know what I have curently its below incase they wanted to sugest another upgrade:

LX, RT Valve, Nitro, DYE Frame and Trigger, HALO and Foregrip


08-14-2002, 07:17 PM
dont get it, it doesnt do anything, get an Iframe and you will be much happier.

08-14-2002, 07:35 PM
By IFrame do you mean Intelliframe?

08-14-2002, 07:37 PM
also just curious where does your opinion come from?

08-14-2002, 07:50 PM
yes intelliframe.

every true test done showed that the body was'nt even consistent in being able to throw the ball the same way all the time.......if I remember correctly, the test was done by warpig and again by AGD.

08-14-2002, 08:33 PM
What is it you like about the z body and YES they definitely do work with the correct barrel.


08-30-2002, 12:42 AM
They work fine with the correct Barrel and I just called AGD about Going Retro and we got into a detaled discussion about the body and nothing was said about it "not doing anything" Also the backspin can be turned off and it functions as a normal body the takes 'Cocker barrels and "Cocker ball detents. And it justlooks great...

http://publish.hometown.aol.com/steviefx1/images/6mag829.jpg http://publish.hometown.aol.com/steviefx1/images/9mag829.jpg

08-30-2002, 12:00 PM
The side effects of a backspin system outweigh the added 'distance' and flatter trajectory.

You lose accuracy and what range you gain is not necessarily 'effective' range. A backspin ball is 'floating,' that's what gives it more distance. It may stay in the air longer, but there's a severe drop in energy going in the horizontal direction.

What's the point of extra range if it makes it harder to hit stuff at medium ranges?

08-30-2002, 12:17 PM
Good points, And you do have to pay close attention to make sure the body is straight up and down so it doesnt hook or slice when backspin is on. But it is effective at distance and since it can be adjusted on the fly its easy to readjust to hit what ever range you want. And I must admit that since it can be turned off. I usally leave it off and put a tigther bore barrel on there and just use it as just a rebodied mag. The look and performace is nice with the "Spin" off I :D. (This not meant to be sarcastic or as anything but a question :)) Miscue have you used one of these?

09-02-2002, 09:12 AM
May increase your distance, but will decrease accuracy, and increase your number of bounces at longer ranges.

09-02-2002, 12:26 PM
Actually the few times Ive used it for spin I used it in the mid range settings to just flatten the trajectory so I could shoot through small breaks in the brush. While others are tring to lob them in at me I can shoot flat at thier cover. And when being used like that there was no real drop off in accuracy. While at longer distance its not like a Tippmann flatline and lofting them you set it to shoot flat at the distance you want to shoot at. And they do break alot more on people than when using the Tippmann barrel. But as I said spin was just secondary to the whole thing, I like to play with the spin. But for the most part I just leave it off and just shoot it as a re bodied 'Mag. Its kinda fun at tournies becuase people are always trying to guess what it is (like the A.I.R. valve doesnt give it away ;) ) Except for the kid that asked me if it was a Brass Eagle "Silver Eagle" That was depressing..lol Since Im waiting for the Z Frame to come in I am thinking of putting on a chrome intelliframe with some chrome Kapp panels I have in one off my parts boxes. I want to see if one can go too far with the chrome...

09-02-2002, 10:23 PM
tell us how that goes

09-02-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
yes intelliframe.

every true test done showed that the body was'nt even consistent in being able to throw the ball the same way all the time.......if I remember correctly, the test was done by warpig and again by AGD.

I never did get to see the AGD test (Which I would trust alot more than a Warpig test) And in the war Pig test ( http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/zbody/index.shtml ) They even admited to using the wrong barrel for the test and that could have accounted for the problems they were having.
But they did finish up by saying:

"While our field-testing did not show the Galactic System Z Body to be perfect, it would not be fair to say that it failed either. When it did spin the ball, it was very effective. Getting that spin one hundred percent of the time will definitely make a difference on the field. Far bunkers become easier to hit, and shots in the woods, where branches block lobbed paintballs become possible. What was evident from our field trials was that the fit of the ball to the barrel is critical to the success of this product. As we moved to larger barrels and more consistently round, smaller paint, the straight shots brought about by the Magnus Effect became more pronounced and regular. Making the most out of this receiver will involve a very careful barrel selection, and some time spent in finding the optimum velocity and nubbin depth adjustments. For the shots where the spin did not kick in, the performance provided was still at the level of a normal Automag, so no accuracy or range was lost by using the Galactic System Z Body. The Body itself gives the Automag a distinctively different look, and since it is aluminum, unlike the AGD Automag body it can be custom anodized. The ability to dial in the level of spin on the field is a first for backspin products and will be key for players optimizing its performance. As with any product the player will need to decide if the cost matches the benefits they will get. Building a custom Automag around this body could start at the component level, buying a Retro Valve kit, trigger frame and rail followed by a good large bore barrel."

Speedyejl Quote: "tell us how that goes" which the intelliframe or the Z Grip or the over abundance of chrome?,LOL.

09-02-2002, 11:55 PM
well after some searching I came up with this quoted from AGD

Well backspin systems are interesting. Yes they absolutely give you flatter trajectory. No they do not go any farther in total distance. Accuracy suffers with the light weight ball. I problem I see with them is the balls flight profile means it has almost no velocity when it's at the end of it's flight. A backspining paintball will float out to the max distance hovering at say 6 feet above the ground then drops out of the air from that height. So it does this -------- get it? If I am in the bunker the ball hits me like it was dropped from 6 feet with no energy, I can even catch it. A standard barrel shoots the ball in a big arc so at the end of it's flight it's coming down from 50 feet in the air and carrying some velocity. Imagine dropping paintballs on someone from 50 feet they would be MUCH more likely to break. So that is my opinion on backspin barrels. In general they do what they say, shoot flatter with no free lunch.


09-03-2002, 02:27 AM
Cool this is getting fun, Oh and I am not trying to antagonize anyone. And I am not keeper of the flame on "Backspin" stuff as I said I just liked the looks of the body and I run with the spin off most of the time. But it is fun to play with. So that said here goes:

In a very enlightening quote from AGD it was finished up by saying "So that is my opinion on backspin barrels. In general they do what they say, shoot flatter with no free lunch." Even though the artice starts out refering to "Backspin Systems"It seems to be directed at backspin barrels (Like the Tippmann Flatline) The Z bodies work on a differnt system to produce the same effect. And they produce something that hits a little flatter and harder. This is backed up by independent tests by people like Ravi and the guys from G3. Here is a direct quote from the galactic site (No I dont belive everything I read and advertising hype, its just another way to look at things)

"The backspin technology is sort of new for paintball, but it has been used in the Airsoft industry for years. Players will have to experiment with this product to find the happy medium where the ball flies straight, long and breaks on target. There is a point at which the ball might travel such a great distance that by the time it impacts the target, the energy with which it impacts is so diminished that the ball does not break. The Z-Body was designed to increase range while maintaining, or increasing, enough energy to cause the ball to break"


So the flatline barrel seems to me to be more like throwing lets say a baseball with some slight backspin but alot of arc to get your distance. Hence the floating. The body on the other hand seems to put major backspin on but throws that same baseball straight at you. which one is going to have more energy on inpact? So if even if you arent going for extreme distance, it's real nice to be able to shoot straight/flat into cracks in cover some times. Oh and I have shot both systems so Im not just "Shooting" in the dark here.

09-03-2002, 03:28 PM
Where can you get the body and how much does it cost?

09-03-2002, 06:27 PM
Here is the factory site:


But as they are getting more rare they only have a couple of U.S. distribs. so try here:

http://www.paintballinc.com/cgi-bin/paintballinc.storefront/3d7531e308fb9c6f2717d82a873a06dd/Search/Run And type in "Z Body"

Where you can find the bodies at $40 to $70 off M.S.R.P.

09-03-2002, 08:20 PM
My automag was origonally(sp?) a Z-body. I used a CP .700 bore 10" and It spun Every Single Time. COnsistantly.

the War-Pig test was flawed. if you want a better review, check out the one done by Ravi Chopera. I don't have the URL handy, but I'm sure someone else will, or if you do a search, it'll come up.

If you have a barrel that's a .696 or larger, to the point where a ball will roll out the barrel easily, it will work.

I had GREAT results with the Advantage shell paints. The only problem was that my mag, at the time, was a lvl 7 and didn't like the shells. AKA BLender.

I gave up the Z-body eventually. Yes, there was a loss in accuracy, however that wasn't what made me give it up.

I'm a front/mid player at heart, and I didn't exactly need the extra range :)

...the thing looked damn cool tho

09-03-2002, 08:55 PM
Thankx! Its nice to see someone other than me who has used one in on this too. Also backs up the claim about the Warpig test. Anothe thing I've noticed is that with this body on the gun has a whole different sound to it too, it's hard to explain. Could be just more muffled due to the thicker body...So it seems Lvl.10 will solve any paint problems....'Jezze the GF keeps getting mad as I look at the Checkbook...Oh well she can be replaced,LOL.

Here is the link to Ravi's article:


09-04-2002, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
the War-Pig test was flawed. if you want a better review, check out the one done by Ravi Chopera. I don't have the URL handy, but I'm sure someone else will, or if you do a search, it'll come up.

What is often referred to as "The WARPIG test" was Paintball Magazine's review of the Z-Body reprinted on WARPIG. Either way though, I'm constantly on the look-out to improve what I do.

In what ways do you think the article was flawed? The conclusion of the article was that in order to obtain best backspin performance from the Z-Body the choice of paint and barrel are critical. I still think that's a pretty sound statement, even the manufacturer of the Z-Body says that.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

09-04-2002, 11:45 AM
I think flawed is too stong a word and Im sorry it was used. What the problem is that people who dont like the system use just select parts of that test to back up their claim. Where those who do like the system will defend their positions by saying that the choices in barrels were not optimized for backspin. If they as in Galactic Systemz,Yoshi had sent you the Z Barrel (Or some other Huge bore) to go with the body then the system would have been considered "Optimal" to some, atleast I think thats how the the argument goes. I actually used the closing statment from the article in one of my earlier posts (9 back I belive) to bring out that what was said was that to make the system work at all even slightly a person needed the proper barrel and paint. And I used it word for word as opposed to the guys that just use select parts of the test to backup whatever stand they are taking in the whole thing. I am sorry if we offended you. I have used things you posted or tested, like the ballistic loader test to back a few different statments on different boards. This whole thing started because of the statment "dont get it, it doesnt do anything," that I thought needed addressing. Thank you for taking the time to wade in here and as I said I am sorry if what was said was taken the wrong way.