View Full Version : C&C grumblings

08-15-2002, 07:22 AM
So as usual I have bad luck with AGD products.
You would think that this great new, fancy, shiney marker would work right out of the box, NOPE.
So here is my story:
I got my C&C on tuesday. I didn't have the right air fittings to hook her up right. So I had to wait till last night to try it out. I picked up the necessary equipment on my way home from work. Once home I hooked up the air lines and gassed her up, pulled the trigger and NOTHING (at this point the lvl 10 is running off a 1.0 carrier, mid spring and two shims). So I take off the warp breach and try to manually recock it, still nothing. So I crank up the velocity pulling the trigger. Finally it starts firing but it is venting out the back so I turn it down a little. Now it will fire every once in a while but usually needs to be manually recocked. So I read through the instructions provided for tunning lvl 10. My first attempt at a fix was to put in a longer spring. Well this seems to work well, except it started putting dents in my wooden spoon I used to test it. So I turn down the velocity while continuing to test it against the spoon. It gets to the point where it is almost soft enough to not dent the spoon, but the velocity was too low to fire the gun. So what does anybody in this situation (read as someone with a job that cannot call tech support during their normal hours because tinkering with a paintball gun at work would get you arrested) do, he calls his mag totting buddy who has already gotten a few lvl 10s up and runnings (that would be synreal). After telling syn about my dilema we decided to try going a carrier bigger and leave the mid size spring in. So after getting off the phone with syn, I threw in the 1.5 carrier with mid spring. Now the bolt is causing serious dents in my poor wooden spoon and the velocity is set at the point where turning it down will not give it enough pressure to fire, and turning it up causes venting out the back.

Here is the setup.
C&C running off a 68/4500 system X (850 psi output), on a system X on/off cradle, hooked up with macro lines. Lvl 10 set at 1.5 carrier and mid spring.

So oh wonderful AO, I give this to you to rekindle my lost love of the mag. Help me get this monster up and running so that I can once again be a mag lover.
Last year I threw in the towel and picked up a timmy and let my mag sit on the shelf. I have not had a problem with either of the timmies I now own. Both ripped straight out of the box. Thinking that the new C&C with a lvl 10 and an ACE would combine the best of both worlds, I dropped over a grand in pretty new C&C and it doesn't work.

PS I would like to use it on saturday.

08-15-2002, 08:19 AM
I believe you need to add more shims if the marker doesn't recock on its own. I see you are running two right now. I would recommend adding one or two more or until the marker starts leaking down the barrel. Then back off shims until it stops.

If that doesn't work I would send it back and have AGD fix it as I would expect a marker to function out of the box.

good luck,


08-15-2002, 08:27 AM
Because i care, here's what i'll do for you. You send me that silly looking black valve (that doesn't work) and I'll drop off a perfectly good valve that already has a level 10 and is finely tuned and running great ;)

How much air do you have left in your tank? I know that I had to run mine with an input pressure of about 925 until the o-ring broke in, then I could turn it down.

08-15-2002, 08:34 AM
Nice try syn. But I'm thinking I like the new lighter one.
There was just over 1000psi left in the tank when I called it a night and went to bed.

08-15-2002, 08:55 AM
hehehehe... the bolt is going to stage two before it hits the spoon, i should hope it dents it. :D

put the spoon right up against the bolt and it should go pssht pssht pssht without really pushing much.

leave it like it is now and get the velocity back to 300, its running fine.

08-15-2002, 09:04 AM
I know where the spoon is supposed to be. It's throwing it forward and then denting it.

08-15-2002, 09:08 AM
there is a vent hole inside your bolt correct? :p

try throwing in a few extra shims to get the bolt to vent sooner. if worst comes to worst, you can always truck down to my place this weekend and we can make a bar-b-q/tinker-fest out of it (just need to clean out the pool).

08-15-2002, 09:13 AM
I'm up for that, how's saturday? You still got tato's tank, we may need a few extra.

08-15-2002, 09:25 AM
I still have Tato's tank, but as soon as I figure out when he is going to be home for an evening, I was planning on dropping it off. Who knows, I might be able to drag the galoot down and we can make sure his mag works too.

I'll check with the mrs. to see if she knows of any prior engagments, but Saturday should be fine (except for the 40% chance of Isolated T-storms all weekend).

08-15-2002, 09:27 AM
It can't t-storm this weekend, it's cruise weekend. But that sounds good. We could probably take care of this in PM.

I'm still looking for help so I can get it running to play on saturday.

08-15-2002, 10:34 AM
hmmm... have you tried taking the barrel and just trying to stop the bolt from moving? the piston is small enough that unless your feeding the dump chamber like 5-600 psi, it shouldnt push very hard. is it venting?

try getting it shooting and put some harder paint in there. if it chops there is something seriously wrong.

08-15-2002, 01:16 PM
See! the MAG gods are punishing you for getting Timmies!!!


(carpooling with Wyn to Shatnerball...)

08-15-2002, 03:54 PM
Try the short spring, just an idea..

08-16-2002, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by personman
Try the short spring, just an idea..
tried that one as well. Thought the spood was going to crack in half.
Well I didn't get a chance to play with it last night (no air), hoping to get back at it tonight.

08-16-2002, 08:42 AM
You could just give it to me, I guarantee you'll never have problems with it again...

08-17-2002, 11:43 AM
Try clipping the middle spring a bit. If it is almost working with the middle sping, clipping a little should put it right where it should be.

08-17-2002, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
I know where the spoon is supposed to be. It's throwing it forward and then denting it.

Sounds to me like your gun might of been ok, but your expecting different things from your test than would happen with paintballs.

A ball would not be thrown forwards and thus have the full force of the bolt unleashed on it. It would stop the bolt close to it's start where it only has a reduced force.

There is enough force to push something forwards that can move freely and this force picks up significantly after only a couple of mm's of bolt travel, after all the gun needs to chamber a ball passed the detent in order to be able to fire it.

If I just tried to hold my bolt back with a rod it would also throw it forward and dent it on the last part of the stroke!

but that same bolt set up stops very happily on hellfire!

Put something down the feed stub that is almost the same diameter as the hole and see if it vents happily.
