View Full Version : Not using a Chronograph!?!?!?!

Chairborne Ranger
08-15-2002, 10:54 AM
Ladies and gentlemen I need your help. There is a young man on another forum that I frequent that doesn't use a chronograph. That forum has a much smaller audience. I'd appreciate it if you could relate your knowledge and experience about this. The quotes below are from posts on that forum.

It is from a paintball forum that has a lot of youth. I'm not telling you how to communicate, but I'd view it as a personal favour if you wouldn't use a lot of profanity.

Stephen Johnson

"I've played at an organized field 2 times, I've played paintball for 2 yrs.I have chronoed My gun 2 times. the closest field is 2 1/2 hrs away. after playing at least 50 afternoons, I've chronoed 2 times? man thats pretty sad. I would buy a chrono, but who has an extra 80 bucks lyin around? I actually have used a vlocity before, but I don't consider that a chrono, that thing just throws out random numbers in between the broken paintballs. I shot probably 7 times and about 5 broke in the thing, not in my barrel, in the vlocity.but for 20 bucks I might get one, MIGHT! I'd love to get a chrono for our group considering every1 cranks there velocity as high as they can without breaking too much paint. every1 says my gun sucks cause it doesn't shoot as far as theirs, with they're velocity screwed in as far as it can go, with a high tension spring...the time I did chrono it was like 315, so I turned it down and then tried not to touch it for a while, last time I did check it, about a month and a half ago, it was 303, I turned it down to 290. one kid in our group shot his m98 at a 5 gallon paint bucket a bunch of times and finally started putting holes in it...its a good thing he doesn't play with us very often... a chrono would be a good thing for my group. I've tried to get em to bring money for one but uhh, 80 bucks for a chrono? just so it won't hurt as bad? they've never brought any money."

and from a follow on post.

"well, uhh, I know you guys think I really need a chrono, and I really want one, but I don't have 80 bucks and the guys I play with wouldn't even bring 5 when I suggested it. I could save up and get one for 80 bucks but that means that I wouldn't be able to play due to lack of paintballs for 2 and a half months. 2 1/2 months w/out paintball? We play every sunday afternoon so that means I'd miss out on around 10 afternoons? I am thinking no. as much as I'd like to "

08-15-2002, 11:00 AM
People like him are the reason outlaw play is being banned. You never gave us the forum.

08-15-2002, 11:02 AM
That should work

08-15-2002, 01:23 PM
We used to play w/o a chrono, but believe me, we were shooting around 180 or below. Then we bought one of those handheld ones for 90 bucks, and it really works well. I think EVERYONE should be required to use one for outlaw, now, there's no way to enforce this, but it's the way things should be.

08-15-2002, 01:40 PM
845, what do you mean being banned? How do you ban an activity that's on private land? Like any sport or activity paintball can be dangerous. However, when the rules are abided by, paintball is one of the safest sports in existence.

Knowing and following safety rules is important both on established fields as well as private “outlaw” ball. This guy is risking his eyesight every time he plays with excessively fast guns. The goggles we all use are rated for a max normal speed of 300fps. Of course they will stop a paintball going faster, but they are not designed to stop when every paintball that hits them are above 300fps.

I have been playing what most would call “outlaw” paintball for as long as I have been playing (around 9 years). Luckily I learned how to do things the safe way from the start. We have always had and used a chrono. We have all had and used barrel plugs at all times when no on the field. We have had and used correctly a CO2 fill station for years, and now use that and SCUBA fill stations for HPA. We have all had eye protection designed for paintball. It’s not hard to play a private game and be safe, it just takes a little effort.

Patron God of Pirates
08-15-2002, 02:39 PM
On a side note:

That site rules, check out thier baner:


08-15-2002, 04:01 PM
I have been to a local field that didn't have a chronograph! they said that the owner forgot it. I will forever have a scar on my arm from a hot ball shot at me from 15-20 feet. :(

Oh-well, chicks dig scars and i don't go back to that place anymore.