View Full Version : ******Issue with LVL 10 and RT Valve Bumpers*******

08-16-2002, 12:58 AM
After maintaining the demo guns at the IAO and looking at the wear of a few RT bumpers that have LVL 10, I've noticed that they get chewed up A LOT faster with the LVL 10 bolt. I'm sure it's due to the faster recock speed and the smaller diameter back of the bolt smacking the bumper, that's making the bumpers wear so fast. I've pulled apart a few guns where the bumper turned into little shreads that spread throughout the gun. Once that bumper is gone, the step in the bolt starts smacking the carrier and you'll start running into problems. So my advice is to keep an eye on your bumper if you're using the urethane bumper used on the RT valve. A little bit of torn up bumper towards the center is fine and was typical with the LVL 7 bolt, but once it gets excessive, replace it.

08-16-2002, 09:10 AM
been there done that.... got to remember to order a dozen or some bumpers cuz parts kits are killin my wallet =)

i noticed that with mine even before i had got my LvX... i may have to look into seeing what i can dig up for an alternate material with the same durometer as the current rt bumper but are a little better at handling the abuse... doubtful i'd be able to find something that meassures the same but i might be able to find something close (its fun to work in the parts room/tool crib, i got access to lots of fun toys and books about this stuff, we use lots of different rubber rolls in the printing process on plastic tubes so even got some access to the people that make the rubber rolls for us) =)