View Full Version : Leaky Mini Mag

08-16-2002, 02:38 AM
Hi Guys (and Gals)

I have a Minimag, which won't stop leaking. I have replaced all the O rings, using an AGD Spares Kit but still the thing leaks.

When I gas it up you hear a little click the wahey gas everywhere.

Is it likely to be the on off valve? I have stripped it right down and cleaned/oiled it.....

Thanks in advance

08-16-2002, 11:53 AM
well gas it up... hold the trigger and does it still leak? where? if not it the pt.. if it does leak.. then replace the crap in the on off.. and is it all agd parts? or some aftermarket stuff?

08-16-2002, 01:21 PM
Try this before replacing anything... hold the trigger...then gas up the gun. What may be happening is the pressure is building up behind the bolt tooo slowly, causing the bolt not to lock in the sear and it just floats allowing the pressure to leak from behind it. This happens alot with screw in tanks. When you hold the trigger then screw in the tank, the pressure builds up behind the on/off the once the tank is fully screwed in (350+ psi) behind the on/off and you let og of the trigger it should lock the bolt onto the sear. If that doesn't work..put a shorter powertube spacer in the gun. Good luck :)

08-16-2002, 08:32 PM
Only RTs need a quick burst of pressure. Try pushing back teh bolt with a dowel or somthign when it is leaking. If that stops it is your PT spacer.