View Full Version : my first turny!

08-16-2002, 12:10 PM
Is on sunday the 18th. prize is 400 bucks! i hope to get an lx if i win. any tips?:D

08-16-2002, 12:14 PM
communication is the most important thing. my team took 1st in our 1st tourny. and then 2 weeks later we place 3rd because a couple games we didnt communicate that well.

08-16-2002, 12:21 PM
If you relax and dont stress out on the field and talk to your teammates then you have fortune on your side

Jack Napier
08-16-2002, 01:05 PM
Its important for me to stay near a teamate that can definetly hear me the first time.

08-16-2002, 01:48 PM
Yeah, communication is a biggie. Also, to take a qoute from my buddy Bea Youngs of the Femmes.."Be aggressive!" Too many times my team and I see people on teams that don't move the entire game. Actually, we played in a tourney last weekend (took 4th) and all the teams below us were the ones everyone watched and said "Ok, these guys never move. We should have a good game against them." So get some good movement and be aggressive, but not stupid aggressive...there is a difference. See the move before you make it and make sure the place you're going has good clean lanes to shoot from or at least will afford you the ability to get to another part of the field.

Get to the event early and walk the field thouroughly. Practice getting down in positions you think you'll find yourself in during the game and look out over the field, this will be the view you'll see as your shooting. Take a mental note of whether or not it's a good spot, or if the field has bad places and avoid those. When you get a chance, go around and talk to the other teams there and try and build some rapport with them. It's a great way to meet other cool people and to schedule some practices with other teams so you get more experience.

Bring everything you think you will possibly need no matter how off the wall. Extra batteries are a biggie. You don't wanna be stuck using a good 'ol gravity fed because your revvy is dead. Lastly, Relax! Tourney ball is pretty high speed and exciting so it's easy to get nervous. Hope this helps you out, and good luck!!

08-16-2002, 02:27 PM
bah..the most important this is to:

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!