View Full Version : A cheap shot that cost me 15$

08-16-2002, 11:00 PM
ok i was playing with a couple friends and it was the end of the day. me and my friend matt were the only two left with both balls and air so we decided to do a 1 on 1 with the remaining supplies. i eventualy won (as usual). we were walking off the field and i hear him running up behind me. i didnt think of it much but i look and see him running at me with his gun up. he starts shooting and i duck and tuck to avoid the balls. well i dont feel any hits and i fire a shot back nailing him in the center of his mask, stopping him almost imediatly. well i didnt think of it as a mean guesture because we were both laughing about it. i get home and start to put up my gear. i take out my 3 remaining pods and am startled to see yellow paint in all 3 pods. apparently the cheap shot he took, broke a couple balls in each pod and ruining 420 balls. :(

08-16-2002, 11:36 PM
lol,man,that sucks...ide run them under water,and dry then off before i threw them away...

atleast u gogged him..

08-16-2002, 11:58 PM
Were there hits on the outside of the pods? Dumb question, but if there weren't then it could have just been that the balls broke when you were running or something, or if you didn't have them all filled all the way that could be it also as they were moving everytime you moved. Just thought I'd point this out incase you hadn't already thought of it.

08-17-2002, 12:29 AM
well i take about 3 min per pod to load because i make SURE i can fit another ball in there and there are secure. i know it didnt happen during the game because i reloaded and then didnt move from the bunker i reloaded from. and what are the chances i broke balls in 3 of 4 pods and grabbed RANDOMLY the only pod without breaks.

yes he did hit my in my pack... 5 times. my butt 2 times and my arm once

and his mask once

08-17-2002, 09:21 AM
There not ruined man. Take a towel, roll em around in there. Dude, i used nothing but broken and cleaned paint all last weekend...ya...it sucked, but it was a fun game and its better to save ur money for the important times when barrel breaks every 10 shots arent acceptable ;)