View Full Version : Favorite mask debate

08-16-2002, 11:20 PM
i wanna see how different masks compare to each other so here's how it's gonna work.

1. what masks have you owned or used in order of purchase or use

2. take the above masks and order them from your favorite to least favorite

3. take your favorite mask and tell why you like it and what it has that is so much better then the others


1. Scott stalker with thermal lense
V-Force Shield
Dye Invision

2. V-Force Shield
Dye Invision
Scott stalker

3. I prefer the V-Force Shield because it has soft foam that forms to your face and pushed around your forehead and around the sides of your eyes and does not pinch your nose. if you are hit in your mask, cleaning it is a snap, literaly. you can take the lense off in less then 5 seconds so you can clean both sides of the lens easily. good ventalation, when i wore my scott it was like an oven. this is more open and it provides good air circulation. finaly there is the fact that there is enough space in front of your mouth to fit your hand with an armored glove on... i.e. take care of those pesky itches easily.

08-16-2002, 11:38 PM
BE Zleader ( still have the lense some where)
Jt Xfire ( curent mask i use)
Scott BAD *** ( gone)
JT Elite ( my new spare mask, brand new never used)

JT Xfire ( current mask, thermal smoke mirror lense)
Scott BAD *** ( SOOO comfy, i got it for free used)
Jt Elite ( never actual played with it but it seams ok)
Zleader ( decent but scratches to easy and had little protection)

X Fire,I am just attached to it... cause i was gunna get a new mask in june and i could get a Nvader for 22$ or i could have gotten a new thermal lense for my Xfire for 20$ i figured my xfire is alread broken in and isnt that old so l get a new lense and im so happy! those days with the sun pounding on the speedball course are easy with a smoked mirroed thermal lense... Pluse i look wicked awsome with this all black mask that reflects so you cant see my eyes...

08-17-2002, 12:24 AM
-jt spectra systems of all sorts(flex 7,spectra,ize,proteus)
-dye invision
-vforce morph

-vforce morph
-jt spectra(all feel the same, just different shapes)
-dye invision

i always thought masks are one of my most important peices of equipment and i tried all the "best of the bests" out there and none even come close to the v-force morph. the reason i chose this is because its as comfortable as the jt masks, it looked as good as the dye masks, AND the lenses come out in seconds for cleaning. they NEVER fog and they arent even thermal, just permanent anti fog coated. the peripheral vision is awesome and its more clear than the dye mask to look through. i started out with the jt because it was always the best. then dye came out, i got it cuz it was cool looking and thought ok maybe dye made a good mask. i was VERY wrong. dye masks are the most uncomfortable masks and after a long hard day of sweating the hard foam leaves black lines on your face. i soon got the v force morph after seeing some players on dynasty use them and also the jax warriors use them too. i figure shoot they have to be that darn good. i was right

08-17-2002, 12:28 AM
1. JT nForcer/nVader
2. V-Force Armor
3. JT x-fire
4. V-Force Shield Gunmetal

1. V-Force Shield
2. V-Force Armor
3. JT nForcer/nVader
4. JT X-Fire

Ok, the Shield is my new mask and I've got to say I love it. It's got better coverage than the armor, which I rated second. I liked the anti fog on the V-Force masks. The Shield looks good, feels comfy(the foam is better than the armor foam), and it has a good fit and field of vision. The armor is next because neither of the JT masks had anti fog. I tried the nForcer/nVader on at my friend's house and it felt fine but the fogging was driving me nuts. I didn't even bother trying to wear my glasses under the nForcer/nVader. The JT X-Fire was pretty comfortable but it also fogged like heck. The X-Fire was also hard to fit my glasses.

Ok, so I've got more praise to add to the shield. I like the quick out lense system. I'm still practicing with it but it's so easy to work with the lenses.

08-17-2002, 12:34 AM
Jt enforcer, walmart jt mask (not bad) black flex, ize red flex

the flex is awesome, good air flo lol.. never fogs.. dont even know im waering it.. but can feal it Really good if u got shot in the mask.. anypart..

jt enforcer.. fogged on bad days.. kinda hurt.. never feal getting hit in it..

i guess all the jt masks are great...

08-17-2002, 05:11 AM
1.Jt-something/sides made of foam
2. scott big azz
3Jt spectra w/xfan(one i still use)

1.Jt something-not to comfortable cheaply made
2. scott-good per. view but to many holes in front you can really taste the paint
3.Jt spectra- good per. view,comfortable, gotta love the xfan~although it doesn't take direct hits too well.

08-17-2002, 08:08 AM
JT xfire : It's the only mask I've owned. Every year I throw a new pair of thermal lenses into it and play on. I personaly like the throat protection it provides.

Mild 7
08-18-2002, 01:08 AM
*Brass Eagle Walmart mask - 1st mask I owned ('97). It was used twice and I got rid of it.

*JT Spectra - I bought this right after I got rid of the BE mask and it lasted me 'till this year, because the whole mask fell apart. It served me well (5 years old).

*JT Flex7 IZE - This is the replacement for the Spectra. Very comfortable & good for outdoor speedball on a sunny day. The tint does scratch easy and the mask doesn't look very "cool". But it serve its purpose.

*JT Spectra - I bought it for my brother this year. The design changed somewhat compared to the old spectra I purchased 3-4 years ago. The new design is a little cooler, tighter, and the visor is the same as the JT Proteus.

*JT Proteus - I bought a clear Proteus this year because the Flex7 I have is tinted and sucks for indoor. I would say it is the BEST out of all the mask I've owned and tried so far.

*V-Force Morph - It's ok. The only reason I would want this mask is the ease of switching out the lens. Other than that, its the same as all the other high-end masks. As far as the vision goes with this mask, the glare bothers me because the lens are rounded out.

*DYE Invision - Nice mask. A little too tight for my taste and not very comfortable for me personally because I wear glasses behind the mask. Other than that, I don't think I would mind owning one.

08-18-2002, 07:41 AM
I found the DYE mask one of the most comfortable masks I have ever worn. I agree on the glasses thing though, it's definitely a mask for contacts :)