View Full Version : Extreme's + future = difference??

08-17-2002, 08:34 AM
I am planning on getting an extreme in the DISTANT future. I just got my emagnum and love it but since I'm such an AGD fanatic I cant help but still want an extreme if nothing else then to just be able to say I got one. I still need to get a car and a job(which will be in about a year) and have to get both of those for a few reasons. 1. I REALLY need a car and 2. the job will help me pay for the extreme. So do ya'll think that in a year the extremes will change any? and if you do...how do you think they'll change. Thanks


08-17-2002, 09:03 AM
hey this is AGD and AO your talking about if the extreme changes it will be for the better, anyways AO will not let Tom make a bad change

Example: discontinuing the minimag, AO got upset and the minimag was put back in production

in other words AGD doesn't change they improve

08-17-2002, 11:03 AM
In terms of cosmetics there will probably be a bunch more colors to choose from, there might be different body milling designs, there might be a new battery pack design, there might be Xtreme E-Mag's being made by other companies like DYE, Shocktech, etc.

AGD is constantly going to be improving/changing their line of guns. It's the way the industry is moving anymore and if you want to stay in it and keep the kids excited and buying new product you have to keep bringing new stuff to them.

08-17-2002, 11:17 AM
hey, are you sure minimags are back in production cause i dont think they are?:confused:

08-17-2002, 02:57 PM
They are, check a few online paintball stores and you have your proof

08-17-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
there might be Xtreme E-Mag's being made by other companies like DYE, Shocktech, etc.

If DYE made an extreme I would diffenately get it. I've always liked the way DYE made guns look. That would be prety tight. Thanks ya'll. Anyone else?