View Full Version : Shatnerball III

08-17-2002, 02:40 PM
UPDATE 8-27-02

Special Thanks to JJ and Gambit1106
Remember that event parking is cheaper for carpoolers! 3 or more people per car + SPPLAT issued parking pass and you park for free, so everyone try to fill those cars. The best parking spots will be given to those with the most people in their vehicles! I will have extra parking passes with me on Saturday morning. If you need them, contact me at the RedRoof Inn.
Please Read
OK folks - this thread is for people attending Shatnerball only. Please don't reply if you are not attending. The purpose of this thread is to find out when and where everyone will be for the SPPLAT Shatnerball weekend. I figure the best way to do this is to copy and paste the below section into your responses and fill in as much information as possible.

Please reply once, so I can gather all the information thoroughly. If you need to make changes, edit your post, don't make multiple responses. Just put a line that says "UPDATE" and the Date so I can edit the list. Thanks everyone - see you at Shatnerball!

Copy the following form into your response.

Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Number in your group:
Other Information:


Accommodations: Red Roof Inn - Joliet
Arrival Date: Friday, August 30 - Early evening
Departure Date: Sunday, September 1 - Morning
Number in your Group: 1 - MagDog68
Other Information: I can take some people from the hotel if they need a lift.

The AO Platoon

* denotes the player has entered information
! denotes player's information was entered in another player's response.

*Load SM5
!Kaiser Bob
!TooDamnSweet - Federation Team
jim bergles
*gibby - Federatio Team

Potatoboy - Not Attending
Synreal - Not Attending
The Frymarker - Not Attending
oldsoilder - Not Attending

08-17-2002, 03:00 PM
Here's my info. I hope all Shatnerball players post this info. We need to get our act together or we're gonna get our butts kick if we don't do some advanced planning

Accommodations: Holiday Inn Express - Joliet
Arrival Date: Thursday, August 29 - Early afternoon
Departure Date: Sunday, September 1 - Morning
Number in your Group: 2 - 2000Sabre, TechBoy (my 13 year old son)
Other Information: I have a minivan and get take up to five additional passengers. I have an extra Motorola 280SLK FRS radio if someone wants to borrow it.

Last Updated 8/25:

Have we decided to meet for dinner and drinks on Thursday at 6:00 PM and where/what time are we meeting Tom on Friday. We should confirm these activities. Also, I am willing to put together an AO cell phone list so if you arrive late and have a cell phone you contact AO folks. Just PM or email me your info.

08-17-2002, 03:13 PM
Accommodations: Yet to be certain but somewhere in Chicago :) On the floor at the Red Roof inn after drinking with Thordic and co, or with Muzikman somewhere if he has a spare bed going. A bed would be nice...
Arrival Date: Wednesday or Thursday depending on work commitments, Currently due out on Weds afternoon but that is flexible.
Departure Date: Staying around Chicago until 11th Sept with Work then going to Detroit for a few days (and maybe the weekend).
Number in your Group: Just me, on my Billy ownsome...
Other Information: Hellishly dis-organised but due to work I have only just been able to determine that I could come for sure!

The important thing is that I will be there! :D Everything else is secondary.

I'll be happy to get rides/taxi's/radio's/beer/women as people feel free to hand out :) Otherwise that's what Credit cards are for!!! (except the women that is, even I don't have enough credit to afford one of those ;) )


08-17-2002, 03:18 PM
Accommodations: Red Roof Inn
Arrival Date: Thursday August 29th evening
Departure Date: Sunday September 1st
Number in your group: 4 (maybe only 3)

08-17-2002, 03:38 PM
Accommodations: 30 mins from park
Arrival Date: Friday evening for registration
Departure Date: Sunday
Number in your group: just 1, me

08-17-2002, 03:53 PM
Acommadations: my house
Arrival Date: Already here - where are you?
Departure Date: november 12 1980 time ?
Number in my group: 1 unless you count bob my split personality
Other Info: I am by o-hare, i can give 1 or 2 people a lift to the park, and i have a pickup.

08-17-2002, 04:46 PM
Accommodations: red roof inn
Arrival Date: friday morring early
Departure Date: sunday afternoon
Number in your group: 3 total, the other 2 are not on AO
Other Information: I have room for 1 more in my van. i will be setting up a tent with a "AO" banner on it so we can find each other.

Load SM5
08-17-2002, 05:49 PM
Accommodations: Jon's floor, couch, or dusty corner next to his shoes.
Arrival Date: Thursday, 29th
Departure Date: Monday, 2nd
Number in your group: just lil' ol' me
Other Information: I am purely dependant on other's for rides, and am very generous with buying drinks at bars after I've had a few.

08-17-2002, 06:46 PM
Copy the following form into your response.

Accommodations: Joliet/ My house
Arrival Date: I live here
Departure Date: When my wife unlocks the chains from the wall
Number in your group: ME,titansu, freshiemedia, Gunga and another friend of mine
Other Information: Have a truck and will transport people and eqiupment to most places within reason. Airports are no problem to pick people up or drop off.

Email [email protected]

08-17-2002, 07:41 PM
Accommodations: Not sure yet
Arrival Date:Aug. 29th evening
Departure Date:Sept.1st evening
Number in your group: 1 Player(me) 1 Spectator(my dad)

08-17-2002, 08:31 PM
Accommodations: RRI in joilet
Arrival Date: sometime on thurs... i'm driving out leavin MA sometime wed eve/night
Departure Date:sometime sunday
Number in your group:2
[bold]Other Information:[bold]none that i can think of right now =)

08-17-2002, 11:47 PM
Accommodations: My house :D
Arrival Date: Now
Departure Date: Later
Number in your group: 1
Other Information: If i can get adress of red roof inn i can take 1 or 2 ppl to the game possibly (pending on other stuff)

08-19-2002, 08:30 AM
Accommodations: Red Roof Joilet
Arrival Date: Late morning thursday
Departure Date: Late afternoon sunday
Number in your group: Me and Fred
Other Information: We will both be playing the pump tourney on friday. Can fit two plus anyone's extra equipment in bed of truck and will lock it all in the cab during game time(bed has a cover). Plan on going out with the crew on thursday. And have extra floor space for anyone desperate for a place to stay.

08-19-2002, 08:34 AM
Accommodations: Red Roof Inn, Joliet
Arrival Date: Thursday Afternoon
Departure Date: Probably Monday, depends on how much fun Im having :)
Number in your group: 4-5
Other Information: It's going to be me, SprayingMango, spacemanspiff, Riotz, and possibly Mel from PBX. He still hasn't confirmed :)

08-19-2002, 10:42 AM
Accommodations: my house in elgin and my coworker's van!
Arrival Date: Friday evening (between 8-9)
Departure Date: Friday evening, 5PM
Number in your group: 2 (coworker)
Other Information: lookin' forward to it!

08-19-2002, 11:19 AM
Accommodations: My House
Arrival Date: I live about 20 minutes away
Departure Date: day of
Number in your group: I have at least 2 others with me (Nerobro and 314159)
Other Information: get this try to cram as many people per car as you can get... parking is free if you have 3 or more in your car... less than 3 and it's only 5$ but hell that 5$ more you can spend at the bar...

08-19-2002, 11:35 AM
Accommodations: Hampton Inn (rt80) Joliet (4.8 Miles from the Roof)
Arrival Date: Tuesday 8/27 (evening)
Departure Date: Sunday 9/1 (late afternoon/early evening)
Number in your group: 1 (me, myself, and I)
Other Information: I will be playing the Pump tourney with Skeemer, NeroBro, 314159 and someone else I hope:) Will have a rental car, but do not know what it is until I get there (Might end up being an SUV).

08-19-2002, 12:31 PM
This is for me and Ratt

Accommodations: Super Motel 8
Arrival Date: around 4 or 5 on Thurdsay
Departure Date: Sunday Evening or Monday Morning
Number in your Group: 2
Other Information: Ratt and I will be playing in the pump tourney on Friday so any plans made for a large meet and greet on that day will need to happen before the event (before noon) or after it is over for us to make it.

08-20-2002, 11:57 AM
Accommodations: Red Roof Inn
Arrival Date: 6pm on Thurdsay
Departure Date: Monday Morning
Number in your Group: 1
Other Information: Hope to meet some fellow AOers out there.
I have a rental Car. Can pile in people.

08-20-2002, 12:14 PM
Accommodations: To be determined
Arrival Date: Aug. 28
Departure Date: Sept 1
Number in your Group: 2 (TooDamnSweet and Gibby)
Other Information: TooDamnSweet will be a volunteer...if you see her wearing her jersey with her name, say hello!

08-20-2002, 01:34 PM
Accommodations: Red Roof
Arrival Date: Friday around 12-1
Departure Date: Sept 1
Number in your Group: 2 (myself and the wife)
Other Information: KayleAGD is working the event... don't know his official plans... will arrive Friday evening.

08-20-2002, 06:01 PM
Accommodations: live 30mins away in hangover park
Arrival Date: will be there thursday to register and friday to practice and saturday to play
Departure Date: n/a
Number in your group: 4
Other Information: borgs are gonna win
and i got 3 of my buddies to sign up for out team
scott, bean, and hellshooter

08-21-2002, 03:13 PM
Accommodations: Coming from home - Downtown Chicago
Arrival Date: Friday, August 30 - Morning
Departure Date: Saturday, August 31 - After main event
Number in your Group: 1 - Slapp
Other Information: I'm planning to scout the fields during rec ball on Friday and laying some warp fed, intelliframed, retro mag delivered doughnuts on the Mancow and Shatner minions on Saturday. Cya there!

08-21-2002, 10:03 PM
Accommodations: Gambit's House
Arrival Date: Thursday
Departure Date: Saturday
Number in your group: ME,Gambit1106, freshiemedia, Gunga and another friend of his
Other Information: Have a truck and will transport people and eqiupment to most places within reason. Airports are no problem to pick people up or drop off.

08-22-2002, 05:50 PM
Well, it looks like I'm going after all :D

Accommodations: Red Roof Inn (w/ Riotz and Thordic)
Arrival Date: 8/29 afternoon (on my birthday!)
Departure Date: 9/3 afternoon
Number in your Group: 4-5

08-22-2002, 07:35 PM
Accommodations: My house :)
Arrival Date: Hanging around with people thursday night and friday night
Departure Date: end of shatnerball
Number in your group: 2 me n dad
Other Information: Need to take 1 additional player with equipment to the event from hotel so I can park. I also have a 10'x10' ez-up tent to aide in our staging area.

08-24-2002, 07:15 PM
Accommodations: Holiday Inn Express - Joliet
Arrival Date: Thursday , August 29 - Night (11PM-12AM)
Departure Date: Sunday, September 1 - Evening/Night
Number in your Group: 2 - Spazzed(me) & my dad.
Other Information: Have room for 1 or 2 more in car if anyones interested.

08-26-2002, 07:23 PM
Accommodations: Rer Roof Inn Joliet
Arrival Date: Friday Early AM
Departure Date: Sunday sometime
Number in your group: Just me :(
Other Information: I would love to drive or ride with others on Sataurday to get better parking. I can take my full size van if people want me to drive.

08-26-2002, 09:29 PM
Accommodations: secret( dont want tank screwd with)
Arrival Date: Friday 1200hrs
Departure Date: Saturday asap, or early if the tank sells
number in your group:1
Other Information: need help unloading at the field
when I get thier, Also need some more nerf howler footballs for the cannons, the ones with whistles in/ or without.
Jim B

08-26-2002, 09:35 PM
i am attending.
i wanna be on the list.

Accommodations: red roof
Arrival Date: friday
Departure Date: sunday morning
Number in your group: 4
Other Information: i sold my rt

08-28-2002, 05:08 PM