View Full Version : Bad times with the new revys...

08-17-2002, 07:15 PM
I picked up one of those new revys. The kinds with a different plastic, clear lids, and xboards. And its a piece of junk!

First halfway through my first day with it the paddle pops off. It apparently was not attached at all. It would not stay down by pushing it in, and eventually I ended up having to borrow another persons revy until I could superglue mine back together.

Then this morning I pick up my gun, revy attached, and the revy just peels off at the feed neck! Now I am not one to throw around my stuff, but I do admit ONE shirt was on top of the revy when I picked it up...

Answer to this problem? $69.99 for a new revy at the local store, or not play in the big game jah had planned...

I dont know what is going on, but I have DROPPED guns with the old style revys on them and have never even seen a feedneck break before (although I'm sure it has happend).

So I'm going to call BE on monday, and plead my case to them, although I'm quite certain I'll get nothing out of them and have to spend more money on a new shell just so I can sell one of these and get some of my money back...

08-17-2002, 07:20 PM
hahahha be is gettin even cheaper than b4 get a halo there nice

08-17-2002, 07:28 PM
weird my step dad played bout 2 weeks ago and my brother was with him (i was outta town) and he said the same thing happend! crazy, those new bevs must suck, stupid BE ruining something good.

08-17-2002, 07:29 PM
ever since they sold out brass eagle the new line has been cheap

08-17-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Restola
I picked up one of those new revys. The kinds with a different plastic, clear lids, and xboards. And its a piece of junk!

First halfway through my first day with it the paddle pops off. It apparently was not attached at all. It would not stay down by pushing it in, and eventually I ended up having to borrow another persons revy until I could superglue mine back together.

Then this morning I pick up my gun, revy attached, and the revy just peels off at the feed neck! Now I am not one to throw around my stuff, but I do admit ONE shirt was on top of the revy when I picked it up...

Answer to this problem? $69.99 for a new revy at the local store, or not play in the big game jah had planned...

I dont know what is going on, but I have DROPPED guns with the old style revys on them and have never even seen a feedneck break before (although I'm sure it has happend).

So I'm going to call BE on monday, and plead my case to them, although I'm quite certain I'll get nothing out of them and have to spend more money on a new shell just so I can sell one of these and get some of my money back...
Solution:BUY A HALO B!

08-17-2002, 07:53 PM
I saw that same thing happen to a guy at the MI Monster Game... hopefully it's just one bad manufacturing run and not all of them.
With the Halo A's only 90 or so now, I think those are your best bet for a new loader, mine's worked great.

08-17-2002, 10:37 PM
Im not suprised. See if you can pick up one of the old shells somewhere for cheap.

08-17-2002, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by xmetal2001
Im not suprised. See if you can pick up one of the old shells somewhere for cheap.


GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE + they are only about $7 for each half for a clear shell I believe. I bought an extra shell when I had my warp, one with holes drilled and one without. So for a new shell that'd be running you $14 or so. And these are the older shells, the ones made of that tough polycarbonite that Warpig did a review on. My two shells are sticking up great...

08-17-2002, 11:08 PM
I'll agree 100% on this one. I bought mine back in May when i was at the Coram Big Game, By the end of the weekend it had already devoloped 2 big cracks in it and also the screw hole that is right up by the hopper lid has borken off. Luckily i still had my old shells, i'm gonna step out on a limb here and say my next hopper won't be from Viewloader.

08-17-2002, 11:32 PM
I've seen this type of post on other forums. It seems that pretty much all of the new revys have fragile shells and are breaking frequently, but not from abuse. Maybe BE needs to do a recall/ replacement with better shells or face another eggo style failure.

mike e
08-17-2002, 11:33 PM
i would just buy a used pre be revvy
i have three of them
and i paid a total of 45 dollars for 3 fully functional revvies. used stuff is the best stuff

08-18-2002, 12:25 AM
ahh i was gunna by smoke shells off 888 for my old revvy that is beet (i didnt care about it:( ) ah.. what to do now...

08-18-2002, 01:01 AM
Ricochet always worked perfect for me

08-18-2002, 07:03 AM
You beat me to it. I was just going to say that the Ricochets have always worked well for me. They even sent me a free replacement shell after I went and stripped the screws in mine and that was my fault.

08-18-2002, 03:22 PM
wow, that broken revy looks just like my new one. I did send it in to BE and they sent me a new one to break

08-18-2002, 04:41 PM
Yup Automan39, and I will promise , it WILL break ! We´ve had that in Germany, someone broke 3 Revy´s in a row, not doing anything special to it, just playing. I myself saw a revy falling of a V Feed Cocker, for no reason. Totally f++++d up !
Hope they´ll get this stuff straight asap.

08-18-2002, 04:46 PM
Here you go !

from my teammate :


Evil Bob
08-18-2002, 05:02 PM
Yep, Brass Eagle is just sucking big time, I refuse to buy product from any of the companies they have acquired, including JT.

Pres BE Revy's held up to tough abuse, never had a problem with them. Post BE revy's I've had paintballs go THROUGH the shell, I've broken off the feed necks, etc., they just plain suck. One of the major reasons I went with the HALO was to get away from BE garbage.

Before BE acquired JT, how many products had JT recalled due to manufacturing problems? How about the Proteus being recalled due to the plastic being brittle? Revy's with brittle plasic... hmmmmmm... there is a reoccuring theme here with BE.... don't trust your money or your eyesight with it!

-Evil Bob

08-18-2002, 05:26 PM
i was playing with my friends, just backyard and i cracked my friends clear rev into 3 pieces with 2 shots to it. he popped out with his cockerand i shot the middle of the loader twice and it pretty much shattered in 3 pieces, spilling 1/2 hopper of paint everywhere. He was pissed (not at me, at BE, cause it was only like 2 weeks old)

08-18-2002, 09:47 PM
I just sold my old revvy so i could buy a better one. then i read this and right away, I went to actionvillage.com and ordered the Kingman Java 12 volt revvy(Which is what i sold) I am very, very happy that they still had them in stock! :) :) :) :)

08-18-2002, 11:30 PM
Yes, new revvy's are horrible.
I got a Red revvy right after the BE/jt buyout and it was still a pre-BE pre X
I bout a X, installed it and the hopper has been through high hell and never busted.
My freinds new black one snapped off his timmy a week ago, looks like that.

08-19-2002, 02:18 AM
i bought a new revvy too, then i liked the shells off my other one better, so i switched teh new ones with the old ones (the new one was a 12v and the old was a 9v). Then i sold my friend the 9v with teh new shells and before i sold it to him a piece of plastic by the lid broke off. Then after he had it like a day later the feed tube broke when he tried to take it off his gun.
Also, paintballs get stuck under my 12v's prop now (the prop keeps coming up), can i fix this?

08-19-2002, 09:54 AM
I superglued my prop back on.

However I would recommend taking a short walk to a nearby trashcan, and saving yourself some frustration.

08-19-2002, 10:10 AM
when my pre be 9 volt died due to old age i went out bought a used 12 volt ( pre BE) and boutght an extra shell too... and they claim that BE has nothing to do with it.

08-19-2002, 11:10 AM
am i the only one with a screw down prop?

08-19-2002, 11:28 AM
Mine has a screw as well.

08-19-2002, 11:37 AM
maybe mine was supposed to have one, i dunno

The wonders of Quality Control...

08-19-2002, 07:04 PM
yes, the QC at BE is well... lacking.