View Full Version : AO ops!!

08-17-2002, 09:30 PM
OK, I have seen some bad things happen in te chat rooms.
Now what I want to know is how a user can tell an op to F off and still stay in the channel, and then many other peole say some pretty vulgar things, and I report them to the op, he does nothing but bann me for the word muff. Could someone explain this to me? Or did I miss a real big part of the rules?

08-17-2002, 09:33 PM
This is not a burn to anyone by the way, I just re read the post and it sounds like it. I guess the main point I am trying to make is there should be a place to report user abuse in the AO chatroom when the ops are AFK, if there is please let me know.

08-17-2002, 10:02 PM
Umm did you get banned or just kicked because there is an auto kick for when you say certain words and why do you need to report people anyway just let them get in trouble if the mods see it I dont see how its your problem.

08-17-2002, 10:08 PM
From what i've seen in the chat rooms is you can get away with alot more than in the forums, even when talking to mods. Im not complaining.

08-17-2002, 10:21 PM
lol, your just going to have to live it like me and personman :p

08-17-2002, 10:27 PM
edit: since foo deleated his posts i look like a retard so im dealeating them too:rolleyes:

08-18-2002, 03:21 AM
ok guys this thread is not for your comments, its for ops, the staff of AO, and people who have information on the topic so stop spamming please. could an admin remove these previous posts.


08-18-2002, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Umm did you get banned or just kicked because there is an auto kick for when you say certain words and why do you need to report people anyway just let them get in trouble if the mods see it I dont see how its your problem.

I believe i was banned but thats not the point. I want to know if there is a place to report bad behavior. Wehn the ops are away there is still some control because they log but there is nothing they can do when there out of the room. Is there a place to report really bad behavior? if not can we make one?

08-18-2002, 03:27 AM
Most of the time the bad behavior is monitored anyways. There are scripts and usually other AO members to tell them to shut up. If you're talking to an op and you're badmouthing/dissing you're probably joking or a very good liar.

BTW, I'm deleting my previous posts...

08-18-2002, 07:08 AM
The Chat Room is run a bit differently for many reasons… real time interaction, much smaller viewing numbers, and other reasons. They are not as strict on some things, yet more strict on others. The Chat room is also not archived like the Forums are… something to think about. Yes there is a record kept, but the general membership can not at will read any chat session from any point in time, on any topic.. as can be done with the Forums.

Why certain people are banned, or kicked also tends to do with a pattern of behavior as well as the actual banning or kicking *offense*. It is quite possible to swear and NOT get kicked or banned in the chat room, but “not” swear but simply be annoying and GET the boot. The reasons for each case are different, and often not just what you may see at face value.

What I would suggest it sending this question DIRECTLY to one of the OPs, or Moderators (since they have insight into this matter). I am sure they would be able to better explain the reasons behind YOUR situation better than any of us who were not there, or are only reading your side of the story from your perspective.

Yes, I agree that at times the *powers* are used a bit willy nilly in the Chat Room, and there should be more uniformity. But I will leave that at that. ;)

I hope this helps in some way.

08-18-2002, 12:34 PM
The Chat runs in real time, and most heavily at night across the country. We try to monitor as best we can, but seeing as the posts can zoom by at times, it can be very difficult. Realize that we do not get paid to do this, nor are we glued to the monitor 24-7, some things that are against the rules will get by.

RobAGD has an auto-script that will kick or ban you for certain words or actions, it is not a willy nilly thing, you must break the rules before the auto-script will kick in. 8 out of 10 times that you are kicked or banned by Rob, the auto-script did it. Rob is in the metro Washington DC area, so he will not be on-line when I am (usually) here on the beaches of California.

Yeah, we actually have lives that do not revolve around the website or the chat room, but we do our best to keep both running smoothly, honestly, and clean. It's up to YOU to help keep it that way when we are not available. Army

08-18-2002, 12:56 PM
LOL When I used the words willy nilly, I was not personally talking about the scripts being used. I am not saying you were referring to my use of those words, but just wanted to clarify my meaning. I was actually talking about OPs making a decision to ban or kick a chat room participant… not scripts.

I have seen people kicked for minor to NO infraction because they were either annoying other members (but not breaking rules) or annoying an OP. And then I have seen people actually break rules (and yes, even I have pushed this a time or two), and nothing happed to them… and this would include OPs as well. Come on…. We all know the deal.

Do I have a problem with this? No. And it is because it has always been pretty well known to be like this. But we can at least be honest about it. LOL It does happen…. And often.

Noone was talking about script or what happens when one of the OPs is NOT in the room (but the name is), and may be doing other “real world” things. LOL The issue was about conscious decisions made by OPs while actually doing their duties….

(Note: And the issue about pay is getting quite old. Sorry. I think most members know all OPs and Moderators are not on payroll for AGD. We know these are volunteer positions…. And with that said, using “not being paid” as an excuse for anything is silly. You either want to do the job, or not. And if someone accepts the position, they need to do it right, pay or no pay. After all it was their decision to accept the position.)

08-18-2002, 06:32 PM
Remember, the mods are not gods sent down to manage our internet use (thats bill gates' job), they are just people (whatever they tell you). Just unfortunately they have been imbued with the magical ability to cease your virtual existance (ON THE INTER-NET CYBAR MACHINE!!!!111!!! =^-^= :P~~~). Remember: if you say anything that might accidentally insult the microbes currently mating on their friends, sisters, dogs eyelashes, they will take take huge offence and banish you from their VIRUTAL INTARWEB CYBAR REALM!

08-19-2002, 01:39 AM
OK the point was completely missed. I wanted to know where we report a problem on chat that is so offensive that that person should be allowed to return. If there isnt such a place could we create one?

08-19-2002, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by P8ntballerAK
ok guys this thread is not for your comments, its for ops, the staff of AO, and people who have information on the topic so stop spamming please. could an admin remove these previous posts.


You posted it on the public forums so we get to comment on it. If you didn't want us to comment on it you should have done this via PM with the mods.

I think that the Mod's actions in the chat room are completely justified. There are many people that act soley immature in there and get the boot for being just plain annoying, then they whine about it. I don't care if someone hasn't done anything against the rules.. if they are being annoying or pestering people they should be booted.

I have seen it too many times. i will use our friend Gotenks as an example (sorry got). He pesters the mods, gets Rob POed becasue he keeps making the same misktake over and over again... and gets banned. Then he comes and messages me complaining how the mods are unfair. And Goten is not the only person who has done this.

My conclusion is that you should act adult, act smart, and be sensible in the chat and none of hte mods will boot you. You may not be breaking any rules but sheer annoyance is a reason to get booted. Don't make hte mistake more than once either. If you say something o a mod that gets you booted, don't pursue on that topic. Here is a scenario (made up):

[Vegeta] Hey Rob! Your momma is so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck!
***RobAGD has kicked Vegeta (stop it)
*** Vegeta has entered chat
[Vegeta] What? Rob you don't llike me telling people your momma is fat?
***RobAGD sets mode +b Vegeta
***RobAGD has kicked Vegeta (learn your lesson)

See what happened there? Now htat was totally made up, but I have seen similar. I was booted for making a yo momma joke at Rob.. then I come back in and give suggestive dialouge related to what I was just kicked for, and therefore I get banned.

I have seen people do things like this and then WHINE that the mods aren't unfair.

The skit above involving Rob was an example. The above was purely fiction. Any incident in real life realated to the above in any way is purely a coincidence. The writer does not suggest that any of the above was or is based on fact.

08-19-2002, 01:00 PM
Thanks Vegeta... hit it on the head.

People get kicked/banned for general acts of annoyance/stupidity. Then they turn into professional victims and cry about how the mods single them out and excessively flogged them with a wet noodle. Basically... they're being a pain, we act on it, and they try to get 'even' when they were in the wrong to begin with. Tactics include: Claims of abuse of power, exaggerating actions of mods, missing big parts of the story, not mentioning what they did wrong, not being accountable for what they did.

OMG OMG OMG!!! The mods KICKED ME! MEEE!!! Can you believe it?! The 20 milliseconds that it took for me to come back is outrageous! I'm TEEELLLLLIINGGGG!! OOOH!!

Kicks = a little screen flicker that makes for an effective, harmless way of telling you that you're out of line.

Bans are the irc equivolent of time out. Normally we put you in the corner for about 5 minutes or so. We didn't rob you of your milk money, torch your house, put your pet goldfish in the deep fry...

Making a big deal over... <B>NOTHING!</B>

08-19-2002, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Thanks Vegeta... hit it on the head.

People get kicked/banned for general acts of annoyance/stupidity. Then they turn into professional victims and cry about how the mods single them out and excessively flogged them with a wet noodle. Basically... they're being a pain, we act on it, and they try to get 'even' when they were in the wrong to begin with. Tactics include: Claims of abuse of power, exaggerating actions of mods, missing big parts of the story, not mentioning what they did wrong, not being accountable for what they did.

OMG OMG OMG!!! The mods KICKED ME! MEEE!!! Can you believe it?! The 20 milliseconds that it took for me to come back is outrageous! I'm TEEELLLLLIINGGGG!! OOOH!!

Kicks = a little screen flicker that makes for an effective, harmless way of telling you that you're out of line.

Bans are the irc equivolent of time out. Normally we put you in the corner for about 5 minutes or so. We didn't rob you of your milk money, torch your house, put your pet goldfish in the deep fry...

Making a big deal over... <B>NOTHING!</B>

mmmm.....fried goldfish

08-19-2002, 02:17 PM

08-19-2002, 02:37 PM
Nevermind :)

08-19-2002, 05:06 PM
stop writing that the mods are good and such I think they are good too, I want to know wht to do when they miss something horrible.

so please stop comenting about how ops kick/ban because of different reasons. I don't care about that I want to know where to report people.

08-19-2002, 05:11 PM
Make a copy of the chat log and send it to any of the Moderators. If you don't know how to do this, read your Help Topics with mIRC. ;)

More the answer you were looking for? :)

08-19-2002, 05:43 PM
what's ASAPP?

and definatly if you've been here for a while you'll see that certain people get banned and some don't, and in general, just don't say anything stupid, it's a paintball forum anyway.
so just move on it's not a big deal

and "gosh darn it" is a really silly thing to say - that is just embarressing.
The mods do a very good job as it is. There are only a few and they do actually, when you look at it, make AO a clean and well organized forum.

08-19-2002, 08:06 PM
OK ASAPP= The Alaska State Association of Paintball Players

I am talking about the chat rooms not the forums, I know that the forums are very well takin care of because you can scroll through. The ops do awsome on the chatroom when they are around.

What i want to know is where or who to inform f someone does something when the chat ops are not around. Im not talking petty disputes or little name calling, I am talking bigtime you-should-be-banned harassment. thats what I want to know.

08-19-2002, 09:34 PM
What i want to know is where or who to inform f someone does something when the chat ops are not around. Im not talking petty disputes or little name calling, I am talking bigtime you-should-be-banned harassment. thats what I want to know.

That's when we have to rely on YOUR good moral sense. Tell whoever is breaking the rules just that. If he continues, ignore him completely. Get his IP (from when they Join), and report that via PM or Email to a mod.

08-19-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Army

That's when we have to rely on YOUR good moral sense. Tell whoever is breaking the rules just that. If he continues, ignore him completely. Get his IP (from when they Join), and report that via PM or Email to a mod.

with that said, close the thread. < rhymed

08-20-2002, 02:10 AM
Thank you Shartley, Army and Miscue.