View Full Version : AO Fields/Teams ?

08-17-2002, 10:20 PM
Up in the navbar thing(Forum, resources, etc.) the Fields/Teams thing has been "Coming soon" since before January.
My Search brought up people talking about it as far back as january wondering what it is but no recent threads for the last 4 months so i thought I'd ask.

What is it?
Is AGD Pride and AGD Lions the Teams part?
Will it ever be updated?
This and more on the next episode...(:confused:, i dunno)

(#700)(701 actually, guess you get 2 for threads)

10-01-2002, 10:33 PM

1 1/2 months later. Still nothing. Is there Pride/Lions info coming soon?

10-02-2002, 04:40 PM
i am wondering at this as well.....

03-22-2003, 05:30 PM
Yes, I brought this thread back again.

5 Months later from my last post about it and I'm still curious.

Well now I pretty much know what it will be, but when will it be finished(i have the idea its barely been started :eek:)

Not that it matters, and I'm sure everybody is getting sick of listening to me complain about it but o well.:)