View Full Version : ReTro Valve HELP!!

08-18-2002, 12:28 PM
I have a question about the RT... I have one on my minimag, and I had a ELCD frame on then gun. (When I got it) I sold the ELCD and got myself a benchmark... I love it cause I can fire much faster now. BUT I am not sure if my gun needs something or if it's normal.. I tend to "short stroke" the damned thing. Almost like a cocker, not giving it a full pull so the air doesn't hit, it leaks.... I've found the sweet spot on the trigger and it fires fast but I have to be careful cause when I attempt to fire like that, I short stroke it sometimes... is this common or is my gun messed up some how..? This is the first mag I've owned, and really don't know much about them at all.........

little help would be nice.

08-18-2002, 04:10 PM
Benchmark trigger frames are known to have tolerance problems. Check the trigger rod to see that there is 1/16" between it and the trigger while at rest with the gun gassed and ready.

08-18-2002, 06:31 PM
there is a slight bit of room, I don't have any way to see if it's 1/16" but it is a little bit. I know that.. so it would be very close.

Can you short stroke the gun, I mean, with the RT valve do I need to pull a full stroke before I let it go... ?

08-18-2002, 08:19 PM
yes you can still short stroke an rt...

myself i'm not a fan of the benchmark frames... i dont like the way the move the trigger rod... and they have an ungodly long pull on top of it... so that right there may be part of your promlem....

08-19-2002, 12:14 AM
Is it a stock on-off? I know some aftermarket frames come with on-offs, that are easy to shortstroke if you don't use teh frame.

08-19-2002, 12:15 AM
I mean the electro frames come with on-offs somtimes.

08-19-2002, 08:32 AM
Pyro, I don't think you can use the on/off from the ELCD eletro frame in a RT valve - only on the regular air valve.

Boomerfoxtrot, I agree with athomas and virus. Benchmark trigger frames are known to have tolerance problems and long trigger pulls. Just the way they are made.
Maybe you can sell it like you did with ELCD frame and invest in a DYE frame. Better yet, look into the AGD Intelliframe - cost alot but worth it.
And it will get rid of the long trigger pull hence help eliminate short stroking, in my opinion.
hope this helps you out..

08-19-2002, 10:08 AM
ok, I'm getting rid of the benchmark...... =] now.. what is speical about the ADG Intel frame? I've read alot about them, but nothing seems too speical.. and the dye frames... do they have a nice short trigger pull?

and with the on/off pin... I don't know what's in there... the gun tech said it was fine.. (not in need of replacing right now.. so it's in good shape)
is there a "best" on/off pin... ?

I'm willing to spend the $$$, but I want my gun to rock...

08-19-2002, 10:09 AM
almost forgot... I have a ADG Z-Grip, how good is the trigger pull on it?

08-19-2002, 10:29 AM
Between the AGD intelli and the DYe frame, they both have short trigger pull.
I beleive the intelli has a shorter trig pull and could connect your hopper hence the intelli part....
The dye comes as a skeleton frame meaning you have to buy the trigger and grips separately. The intelli is ready to install out of the box.
I suppose it still would cost less than the intelli with the separate parts but I think it looks better than the DYE frame, imo.
As far as the on/off pin??? not sure...
I was referrig to the whole on/off assembly which includes the pin.
Note that the on/off assembly are totally different for an RT and regular reg valve.
So if your RT is working as you say than its working...
Anyway, as there is no confusion, the RT pin has a fat end on one side which contributes to the reactive trigger effect and would not fit a regular AIR valve.

Z-Grip?? Never had the opportunity to handle one of these.

08-19-2002, 10:49 AM
thanks man,
I'm not new with paintball, I just haven't found a gun that I really like yet.. so I tried a mini mag with the RT valve. I like it so far, but I have yet to play with it. I think I might try the Dye Frame, but after I try the Z-grip. How fast does the RT shoot? like when I hit the sweet spot and it goes mad on me!-) how fast is it shooting? With the L-10 I won't chop either, so with warpfeed I should feed it right?

08-19-2002, 11:38 AM
The RT valve has the fastest recharge rate in the market.
Vitually eliminates dropoffs. Probably can shoot in the 16bps range easy.
Definately get a loader that keeps up with your ROF.
Try not to hit the "sweet" often though. Things could start wearing out fast...;) :p

08-19-2002, 11:53 AM
well with the ELCD frame on it, it ran on it for about 6 months, and the sheer needs to be replaced, and the spring, but that was it.. $30 for the pair...
is there something eles I need to look out for?

08-19-2002, 01:11 PM
Add on the bolt to that $30. New ones cost $25-$50.
But that should be it for wear-n-tear stuff...

08-19-2002, 02:01 PM
what about the new L-10? would I have to replace that too? cause that could get to be alot of $$$$-)

with the Z-Grip I have to take the gasthrough foregrip off! so I have no way of holding on the the gun... or is there something missing.... does anyone know the best set up with the Z-Grip?

08-19-2002, 02:20 PM
Level10 bolt??....Nah..I was referring to level7 bolts.

08-19-2002, 03:15 PM
Definately try the Z-grip. I've never had the chance to try one, but most say it is very crisp and short.

If not the Z-grip, go with the intelliframe even though it is a little more. The quality is a little better. Most that I know wish they had spent the extra on the Intelliframe over the Dye once they feel the difference.

You can put a rail extension on the gun that will allow you to put a forgrip out in front of the Z-grip frame.

A level 10 superbolt is definately a recommended upgrade. Mags are hard on paintballs, especially if you get fast on the trigger. The level 10 is a mechanical anti-chop device and it works well. I have never chopped a ball in over 10000 rounds with the level 10.

08-19-2002, 06:33 PM
man you shoot alot!!-) where can I find an extender for the forgrip?

08-19-2002, 06:40 PM
My bad, the rt cannot take the aftermarket on-off.

08-19-2002, 07:26 PM
thankx man, the on/off works in my gun, so I guess its right then..... :p

08-19-2002, 08:52 PM
Use a Kapp forgrip extender. You'll have to file a bit off where it touches the trigger guard.

08-19-2002, 09:18 PM
any idea where I can pick up a black one for cheep?

08-20-2002, 05:59 PM
Try ebay. There is usually a small company that sells Kapp products there quite inexpensive.