View Full Version : If your going to SHATNERBALL Read This>>>>

08-18-2002, 12:44 PM
Fellow Borg,

I just found out that people who rent a mask and marker for 30.00 will get a FREE JT Mask (dont know which one) AND at FREE JT Excellerator 3.1 marker. You get to take them home to keep for just the rental price.

I would sugest that you all sign up for rentals and sell them later to cover the trip cost.

Just keep'n my teamates informed,


08-18-2002, 12:53 PM
good idea tom, I think I may just do that. Do we just tell them we want it at the sign in? Or do we have to do something else?

08-18-2002, 01:05 PM
If someone will snatch one of these deals, Ill pay 50 shipped. My friend has a birthday in september and he has been wanting a gun for a while.. me and my other friend can split up the cost and get him this gun and mask.
Also tom do you know if it comes with a tank and hopper too? If not thats fine by me.
Email me at [email protected]
Or just PM me!

08-18-2002, 01:11 PM
What do we do if we already stated we're using our own equipment???

08-18-2002, 02:50 PM
It's gun only. I think you can email spplat.com and tell them you decided to rent.


08-18-2002, 04:15 PM
yes can someone rent me one too ive been looking for a gun to give my older brother ill pay 40 also

08-18-2002, 04:22 PM
wow, how can they do that... i mean thats insane. i wish i was going...it would be awsome if i lived in town, go in and rent each day...:D

08-18-2002, 04:51 PM
sadly I don't know if I'll be able to get there 'till sat, will they have enuff equipment for this?

08-18-2002, 04:51 PM
PS here (http://www.actionvillage.com/010-8506.html) is the 3.5 gun, what's teh 3.1? An older model or something? What's it look like?

So basically it's a spyder clone/

08-18-2002, 06:06 PM
It looks just like the 3.5 except no front grip.


08-18-2002, 06:16 PM
Hmm..interesting...I knew you got the keep the mask, but I didn't know you got to keep the gun...

08-18-2002, 06:34 PM
Sounds GREAT! But… I would not think that they would run this deal unless they expected those RENTING to actually USE the Markers and Masks.

It would seem odd that a load of folks “rent” but then play with other equipment. Heck if that was okay, why not rent 5 or 6 sets!

I am not going, but it would be nice to know (for those that are) if you are required to USE the equipment you rent. If so, it may sound like a great deal, but you would be playing the biggest scenario game with less than ideal markers compared to what you already OWN.

08-18-2002, 06:42 PM
Sam, Have you ever been to a big game? How would they know if you rented and are not using the guns? There are 3000+ people, they are not going to look at each person and say, hey, your rented but are not using the gear.

08-18-2002, 06:45 PM
Just a question.... do as you want. I like to follow rules as often as possible (not saying I do all the time, but I try) it says a lot about a person's character. :rolleyes:

08-18-2002, 06:46 PM
anyone with paypal wanna rent me a gun while your there and ill hook you up with 40 right now pm me

08-18-2002, 07:34 PM
I think's it's nice that Tom gave out this information but my own opinion is it's kind of sleazy to rent a newbie's gun for the sole purpose of selling it. I don't think that's what JJ and the promoter's had in mind when they came up with this deal. With 3000 people attending this event I'm sure there are lots of people who have never played before and don't own equipment. To me it looks like the idea behind the giveaway is to keep them interested in the game after they've played this event.

Do what you will but I don't plan on taking advantage of this. I' rather see someone who doesn't own a gun already, get one and keep active in the game. The $100 bucks or so I might make selling it I can earn other less devious ways.

08-18-2002, 07:38 PM
Bravo.. well said.

08-18-2002, 08:00 PM
good job on that:D

08-18-2002, 08:17 PM
well me being poor enough as it is and my brother going to college a nice gun would be a good going away present as opposed to a talon and mask. i mean i wanted to goto the event but we cant exactly afford to go all the way to illinois and then play for 2 days. o well :o

08-18-2002, 11:02 PM
As it turns out they have a huge stock of these old style guns and they want to get rid of them without discounting them into the market. Therefore they don't care if you use them or not. They are probably hoping for some residual exposure in the filming.


08-19-2002, 06:47 AM
well I need a new mask as my old one has some stress cracks along the edge (that and it's rather beat up after like 5 years)...so If I rent the mask I get the gun too? Either way I think it'd make a great gun. Looks like a spyder clone, and I had an old SE so this'll be a good backup.

08-19-2002, 07:51 AM
Oh my god, get off the high horses guys! No one carries these guns anymore - JT is trying to get rid of them!

I'm not arguing with your morality, but in this case I don't think anyone is being taking advantage of. JT is getting rid of old stock it wouldn't be able to move otherwise and a lot of people who are paying through the nose for this game are getting a cheap paintball gun. Where is the harm???


08-19-2002, 08:04 AM
I wanted to find and post a picture of the 3.1 and didn't find much... but I did find this....

This was off of Wal*Mart’s site. Anyone else find this funny? ;)
Designed by the JT team for the beginner and tournament player, this semi-automatic marker gives you the tools you need and the quality you want, all at a Wal-Mart value!

08-19-2002, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by MagDog68
Oh my god, get off the high horses guys! No one carries these guns anymore - JT is trying to get rid of them!

I'm not arguing with your morality, but in this case I don't think anyone is being taking advantage of. JT is getting rid of old stock it wouldn't be able to move otherwise and a lot of people who are paying through the nose for this game are getting a cheap paintball gun. Where is the harm???

I understand your point.. but I was just asking for conformation.. Tom provided that. Read time and dates of posts, and in the order they were written.. time passes and verified information changes, and positions also change to reflect that. End of story.

I will however say that whenever you say things like (and you have a habit of doing so) “Get off the high horses guys!”, it is very insulting. It in fact puts you yourself on that high horse you tell others to climb off of. ;) How is the ride?

08-19-2002, 09:00 AM
I am not going to start another epic "Shartley Battle" ;) - but honestly my reply was more directed towards the use of the words "devious" and "sleazy" in 2000Sabre's post. I am considering renting the equipment, but I don't intend to sell it. I'll probably give it to my next door neighbor's 12 year old sone who loves to play, but doesnt have a gun.

I just felt that some people were passing judgement on the players who were going to rent the equipment with no real intnetion of using it.


PS Shartley, now I know why you like the ride up here so much :)

08-19-2002, 09:19 AM
does somebody want to rent me some equipment then and ill give them 45 and they can use the change to donate to the ahead with horses charity(im not sure thats the right name but i think it is)

08-19-2002, 10:19 AM
If JT want's to get rid of the markers & masks... I'd be more than willing to help out.

08-19-2002, 10:43 AM

I wasn't passing judgement on anyone. In my opinion the way this post was orginiated it had the tone of being very underhanded. Tom's "I would sugest that you all sign up for rentals and sell them later to cover the trip cost." certainly doesn't sound very honest in my opinion.

Granted JT is looking to get rid of equipment and at the same time get some exposure and a nice charitable write off. However, I still don't think renting just to turn around and sell is the right thing to do. I applaude what you plan on doing and I support that. What I don't like is other people asking someone to rent some equipment for me and I'll pay you for it so I can re-sell it. To me that's just dishonest. That's my opinion. People can do what they think is right for them and in the end you only have to be happy with yourself.

See you at Shatnerball.

08-19-2002, 10:54 AM
ya if you want some one to rent equipment so you can buy it cheap and give it to some one thats cool but not if you are gunna sell it.

08-19-2002, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by 2000Sabre
What I don't like is other people asking someone to rent some equipment for me and I'll pay you for it so I can re-sell it.

I agree with you in regaurds to the people looking for proxy's to buy them equipment. That is a little silly.


08-19-2002, 01:36 PM
I myself will probably use my personal marker to play, but I am also renting the equipment. I know I could use a new mask as mine is starting to fall apart..LOL! As for the marker, I'm going to keep it just in case I play with someone new who needs a marker to play with. Besides, you can never have too many right? :D

08-19-2002, 01:55 PM
I figure the JT would make a good backup if nothing else... for $30 I'll give it to my daughter. She's starting to show an interest in playing...

Also, if it's marker only, how are they handling the logistics of collecting up the tanks and hoppers? Seems like giving the sets away (or permanent renting) takes a whole lot of headaches away if you're dealing with 3000 people.


08-19-2002, 02:17 PM
So far, there are Very Few people renting gear, so it shouldn't be bad at all...

08-19-2002, 02:23 PM
I was right!
In the chatroom with Sam and some other dudes yesterday I said "Well, what if JT doesnt make the gun anymore, and wants to get rid of their stock?" :) I remember it..
yay that makes me specail..

08-19-2002, 04:49 PM
well someone wanna rent it for me so i can give it to my brother as a going to college present? maybe even tom?:)

08-19-2002, 06:47 PM
If i was going i would definetly take advantage of this kind of deal. If JT wants to get rid of old stock more power to them. Theres gotta be atleast person out there that will benifit from the gun for it being their first. I say go for it.

08-19-2002, 08:13 PM

Know why they're giving it away?

1) Saves a huge depreciation writeoff.
2) Saves paying people to make sure they all get collected.
3) Saves paying people to clean the stuff when you're done.
4) Saves having 2,000 sets of used rental equipment after the event to get rid of.
5) Saves the costs of keeping all the guns as inventory.
6) All those folks who have never played before will leave the field with (hopefully) a good experience *AND* some entry level paintball equipment - so they'll be more likely to come back and play paintball again. Hopefully at challenge park, considering that's the only field most of those people will know anything about.

And some other reasons I'm sure. Regardless, in the end, they have these guns, and it just makes more sense to give as many of them away as possible, and it makes more sense to give them away without making rules because trying to enforce the rules would be to much effort.

Consider it JT subsidizing your entry fee.

As for tanks and hoppers, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave away regular VLs, and for tanks, they're obviously making people use disposable 12 grams.

Just kidding about the 12 grams.

- Chris

08-19-2002, 08:22 PM
lol 12 grams. i wouldnt need hoppers and tanks because ill just give my brother one of my nitro tanks(god who needs 2 47/3000 tanks:o) anyway anyone want to pick me up a mask and gun please?

08-19-2002, 08:39 PM
Hi to all
The Borg tank is looking for Some rockets. They are called the nerf howlers.The are small footballs with a tail fin on them. Some come with whistles in the too. When they fly through the air the make a whistle sound just like an artillery shell falling. They fit just inside a 2 inch barrel. I converted all my armore division to shoot these. I have some but the more the better. Consider it a donation to the tank. Who ever brings one can climb inside and take a shot with it to see what it is like. Look in Rummage sales and farm and fleet stores kmarts what ever. I will be very gratefull to get a couple more. They are out of production but some stores till have them on the shelves. Thank you
jim B
Borg Tanker
and cannon cocker
Ps . I am still looking for a crew of 3 to run the cannon for 2 hours and then the next crew can use it. This way the same person is not on it all day. Email me If you would like to do this. You will be scoring on any tank that comes to our base. Or you might go out on a mission and use it against another base. If I park my tank a while I will be running it. Its fun.

08-20-2002, 05:31 PM
I'll Let JJ talk with tom on any offical anouncements but I thought i'd warn you all.

It is possible that they won't be giving away the rentals after all. Don't get your hopes up.

I talked with JJ about this today and it is offically still undecided one way or the other.

*that is all*

08-20-2002, 07:17 PM
well if they do it please get one for me