View Full Version : I'm turning 16 and buying a car? anysuggestions

08-18-2002, 09:01 PM
yup i'm turning 16 and i'm in the market for a car 8k is my limit, and i really have no idea what to look at ..... any suggestions?

08-18-2002, 09:05 PM
5.9 Liter Grand Cherokee... 4WD and LOTS of power for all the off-roading fun a boy could ever have!

08-18-2002, 09:28 PM
yea....nice jeep cherokee...like a '92
and with the extra money, put on a lift and big tires and run stuff over :D

08-18-2002, 09:34 PM
you have an 8K limit? HOLY COW! Loan me some cash and I'll hook you up with some cheap orchids

08-18-2002, 09:35 PM
you can get an integra

like a gs-r around 1994-1996 for around that price, thats what I would go for

08-18-2002, 10:01 PM
old BMW....:D

08-18-2002, 10:30 PM
Ford Taurus, Whoooo!!

08-18-2002, 10:36 PM
Honda CRX-1000
new rims and performance parts(of ur choice)-7000

and..vuala...fast,light,good looking car..

im getting a red CRX..w00t

08-18-2002, 10:38 PM
many xtreme emags....

oh wait, a car :D

08-18-2002, 11:09 PM
Suggestions? Drive the speed limits, never drive when too tired/depressed/on ANY medication that won't let you mow the lawn.

You are NOT Michael Andretti, John Force, Kyle Petty, or Sammy Swindell. You don't know how fast you can drive a car.... and shouldn't.

Your friends are not your best judgement, they will tell you to go fast; go there; go that way; do this; or even try convincing you that having one beer is OK.

Keep this in mind: Everyone else on the road is trying to crash into you...don't let them.

The easiest thing to break in a car....is your neck. Don't leave your legacy reading: "He was sooo stupid for doing that."

08-18-2002, 11:49 PM
buy something that will have little problems with. buy something that parts are cheap and easy to find. Dont go wasting money into your fist car. Low miles and have a service person check it over befor you buy it. Don't buy any car that has even 1 preformance part on it. People who buy that stuff and put it on cheap passenger cars generaly beat the living heck outa the car then sell it.

08-19-2002, 10:15 AM
Used VW!!!! :) Like a 93-95 Jetta III :) You can get them for around $5-6000 and they will run forever.

08-19-2002, 10:33 AM
my friend got an old Bimmer for 6,000 - so nice! 535i...runs great and is very reliable.

08-19-2002, 10:35 AM
get like a 91 5 litre GT Mustang. VERY fast :) i've driven a few at work and wow!! plus it would only cost you about 5 grand (maybe less) so you'd have plenty left for insurance and gas for the year!! i've had my mustang for awhile and it's given me no problems. i suppose with that kind of cash you'll have to decide what kind of person you are, domestic or import. i'm domestic all the way :cool: :D ;)

08-19-2002, 10:48 AM
get an F-150!

you can get the straight six that'll give you better gas mileage than the other v8s, and more low end power to boot.

and that engine will go to 300k miles if you treat it right. i'm not saying the steel on the truck will last that long, but the engine will keep chuggin!

don't buy into the chevy nonsense, they don't really run.

08-19-2002, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Jonno06
Honda CRX-1000
new rims and performance parts(of ur choice)-7000

and..vuala...fast,light,good looking car..

im getting a red CRX..w00t

YEAH! i'm getting a black 90'/91' crx... :)
or i can buy my dad bimemer for 1.5k haha... 90' 525i...

you can get one for like 3.5k throw on some rims and a exhaust on that bimmer

08-19-2002, 11:43 AM
Unless you only drive 5 minutes to work stay away from SUVs and trucks. If you are paying for your own gas running around town really starts to take a toll on your wallet.

If its your money go with a honda. Last forever, good gas milage. If your parents are paying for the car, insuarance, and gas, then do whatever you want.

08-19-2002, 12:42 PM
dont get an import... imports are kinda lame. some are nice, but all that i think are nice are out of your price range by a few G's. i am getting a nice old restoration car. you should do the same, get a nice old car and fix it up... its domestic, theyre cool, they've got power, and while your fixing it you will be learning how to fix cars... a VERY valuable lesson in life, just incase something ever goes wrong you might be able to fix it yourself. why get screwed by jiffy-lube or some other half-wit mechanix place when you can buy a part, fix it yourself, and not wonder if you have been ripped off. you can listen to all these other people, but im being truthful about this because i have worked on my brothers chevelle with him many a times in the summer... and i know alot more than most people do about cars. no matter what car you buy, there will be SOME type of a problem at a time... knowing how to handle it can make a difference between calling the tow truck and a mechanics place or buying a part and fixing it yourself.

your choice, but im 16 and im in the same boat, but im lookin at a car for $450 which i can turn into a pimpin ride that will eat alot of cars up. i would take a muscle car any day over an import...unless either is free.

08-19-2002, 02:12 PM
thanks for all the replies right now i'm kinda leaning towards an acura integra, or some type of honda

although what i would really like to do restore some type of older car but i don't know how reliable those would be, or what kinda gas milage they would get

but then theres always a truck so i don't know!

08-19-2002, 02:20 PM
uh oh, we're losing him to the dark side (imports)!!!! lol :p i just don't like hondas and stuff, seeing as how everyone and their mom owns a civic. be original, go get a sick muscle car, rev that baby up in the parking lot at school and drown out all those whirring civics! camaro, mustang, corvette, those are sick cars you could get for your money!

ps- did not mean to insult import lovers, i'm just joking aorund:D

pps- trucks are sweet too, my buddy has a new extended cab mazda we took off road awhile ago and that thing tears it up!!

ppps- make sure you get a 5 speed (manual transmission) they are way more fun to drive then automatics! unless you drive alot in stop and go traffic, in that situation working the clutch every 2 seconds can be annoying!

08-19-2002, 02:37 PM
i told you if you want in import go with a older BMW...:D

08-19-2002, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Greg98
uh oh, we're losing him to the dark side (imports)!!!! lol :p i just don't like hondas and stuff, seeing as how everyone and their mom owns a civic. be original, go get a sick muscle car, rev that baby up in the parking lot at school and drown out all those whirring civics! camaro, mustang, corvette, those are sick cars you could get for your money!

ps- did not mean to insult import lovers, i'm just joking aorund:D

pps- trucks are sweet too, my buddy has a new extended cab mazda we took off road awhile ago and that thing tears it up!!

ppps- make sure you get a 5 speed (manual transmission) they are way more fun to drive then automatics! unless you drive alot in stop and go traffic, in that situation working the clutch every 2 seconds can be annoying!

yeah i like the mustangs and camaros (specially the older ones) but it seems the inusrance company doesn't :mad: my dad said he would rather me got a honda or something thats reliable and gets good gas millage... so i don't know! i'm trying to convince my dad to let me restore an older car

08-19-2002, 05:19 PM
Reliability and good fuel economy. I'd have to lean toward an import myself. It seems to me that quality control on japanese cars excedes that of domestic. But on the other hand you could get a mid to late 80's camaro.:D

08-19-2002, 07:46 PM
for a first car... imports are what you want, good gas mileage, cheap, usually 4 cyl so you know its going to be cheap insurence, VERY easy to get parts and upgrade if you feel like, i got an import and i love it

08-19-2002, 07:54 PM
I'm turning 17 and buying a car, that I have to pay for the whole thing+insurance myself :( $2000 car for me :)
Why does insurance have to run 2800+ :(

08-19-2002, 08:09 PM
Some of us who said "honda" didn't mean "ghetto-rigged racer-wanna-be". You can in fact buy a honda simply because it is reliable and cheap. If you do however want to spend some cash and speed it up a little, you'll have a lot of options (although many other cars offer those sam upgrade options, so dont base your decision on that, unless you simply like the import-racer look, which some of us do, and no I havent seen the Fast and the Furious).

My bet, seeing that you are 15 with $8000, is that it isnt your money. So buy whatever looks nice and you parents will get it fixed for you if it breaks. If thats not the case get a reliable car. Dont buy anything that anyone else has worked on, dont buy an old muscle car (it will have been beat to hell), dont buy a mustang (same story). If its your money, and you are in school, you have a job, you dont want to be dropping hundreds of dollars to replace crap because the previous 100 owners were crappy mechanics (and 99% of garage mechanics are).

You'll notice those people saying "hey man buy a _____" and fix it up, either haven't actually experienced the frustration of spending $2000 in repairs just to have your car break down a month later when your only source of income is a part-time after-school job, or never had to pay for any of it themselves. My bet is some of them have never even driven a car, let alone been solely responsible for it's upkeep.

I know I sound like an old man, but any reasonable person who worked their way through highschool, bought their car, kept it full of gas, and paid for it when it broke will tell you that you want reliable, not cool. So make sure you examine these previous posters before taking their advice too seriously.

08-19-2002, 08:19 PM
Just like army said man, keep it off the streets.

If you are interested in racing, and want to participate in it, go to a track.

Someone I know lost an arm in a street racing crash.

Street racing is no good, your going to get yourself hurt, and get innocent people hurt and/or killed.

You may think your that good of a driver, and that your invincible, but never think that way, thats what gets you messed up, just like my buddy.

Another friend wasn't racing, but driving fast on a rainy day, it could of been death, but luckily the car hit the telephone pole on the other side of the car, or he would of been gone. Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way.

I hope you drive safely.

08-19-2002, 08:45 PM
IF Youre looking into jeeps...hold out for the 2003 wrangler Rubicon. Comes standard 6 cylinder, 31" tires, auto tranny, AIR lockers...standard everything you normally put on a jeep as aftermarket. no price yet...was told may be like $25 Gs...which isnt that bad when you figure how much you can spend on a jeep (like me).
Ah, nevermind. I didnt read your whole post on the money thing. Ah well, its a jeep thing and you wouldnt understand anyway....:rolleyes:

08-19-2002, 10:23 PM
I would recommend spending alot less on your first car. You can get a 150,000 mile BMW, Merc, Volvo for under $2000 and it will still have more life left in it than a new Honda or Chevy. (I have a BMW 320 with 300k and a Volvo 245DL with 400k miles on it) Go for something thats really cool for you second car once you know what you want. Muscle cars are cool. Rice rockets are cool. German GTs are cool. Get what you want. If you don't know what you want yet get some simple, reliable tranportation and get some experience.

That Volvo was my first car and if I drove my Porsche or my bike the way I drove for my first year or so I'd probably be dead.

For $8000 you can get just about anything if you know where to look.

08-19-2002, 10:56 PM
Heck, you know... I have a grudge against hondas but I'd still say get a honda for a first car. They last, they don't hog gas, and they won't make you look THAT bad... But now that I've said that... nevermind

08-19-2002, 11:07 PM
Foo are you even old enough to drive?

08-19-2002, 11:11 PM
learner's permit. lol... I'm just a car freak.

08-20-2002, 12:35 AM
i personally dont beleive any beginer driver should have a extremely fast car, i just crashed my car and it was because it had alittle to much power to be hitting a corner going 60. it god damn hurt when i hit. everytime i try and play paintball now and my knees swell to the size of my thighs. i learned the hard way about driving to fast, new drivers should learn from other poeples mistakes not their own

08-20-2002, 09:41 AM
amen to that. my mustang is only a 4 cylinder, i wanted the v8 but my parents wouldn't sign the insurance papers if i tried (even tho it was my money). but in hte end a 4cyl was a good choice. it gets great mileage, it's reliable, and it's still fast enough to have a little fun once in awhile :) o yeah, and if you go for a v8 or osmething high powered as your first car, the insurance company won't be cutting you any slack, a first time driver in a 250 horsepower cars is a liability in their eyes, and they'll cahrge you for it. so all i can recommend is to go out and drive any and every car you are interested in, get a feel for them and decide whats best for you. the previous comments about starting with a less powerful car is really good advice, i know it's tempting to spend all that money on a high powered car (hell i suggested some myself) but in the end it could end up being a big mistake! well, here's a picture of my baby: 1989 Hatchback 4cylinder Mustang, cost me next to nothing to buy, hardly anything to insure, and very little on gas! good luck in the search!

08-20-2002, 10:06 AM
I know people worship imports for being very reliable cars and everything. But in my opinion as long as ya change the oil and do general matinance on a car it will last forever. My parents have a 92 tarus wagon that has 130k miles and its still goin strong. I'd say if ya know a little about cars and would like to know more then get an old muscle car and slowley rebuild it. They can be just as reliable as imports as long as the frame and engine are in good condition. If there good then ya can slowley fix it up, like a paint job, interior work, things like that. But if ya dont want to do any of that stuff then just get any newer car that you think looks cool. But rember to keep up on general matinance and that baby will last you forever. If ya wanna race it go to a drag strip or get into autocross. Good luck

08-20-2002, 10:35 AM
i personally dont beleive any beginer driver should have a extremely fast car, i just crashed my car and it was because it had alittle to much power to be hitting a corner going 60.
The fact that you crashed your car was YOUR fault. Take some responsibility.

Cars dont kill people, drivers kill people.

08-20-2002, 11:42 AM
Nissan Altima! Say a 97 with about 65 - 75K should come in around that price you want to spend. Full power everything in these. AND AIR BAGS are good! SE model if you can find one or a nice GLE. Four doors but doesn't look it. Very sporty. And that is a key thing on Insurance is that four doors. Great gas milage but not a dog. Others put little 1.8L engines in there smaller cars, This one is a 2.4L. Solid engines go easy 200K. Not your bottom line model and loaded these Altima's are. Thats what I bought my Kid. And don't regret it.

08-20-2002, 12:46 PM
I like the maxima better than the altima... maybe it's because we have a maxima...

08-20-2002, 01:08 PM
I dont know much about cars but I do know my dad has a '95 Subaru Impreza that has 150k miles on it and it still works. We have only had one problem with it and it had someothing to do with its starting on a hill but a cheap $10 part fixed. The guy that told us how to fix it had the same car with 350k miles on it. :eek: All we have done is changed the oil in it andfilter etc.