View Full Version : got my crownpoint barrel yesterday.

08-20-2002, 08:38 AM
Whoo Hooo. :)

Anyway these things look solid. Atleast I know if it doesnt work, I could use it as a beater stick.

Anyone have any experience with these things?

08-20-2002, 08:58 AM
I have one and it isnt the best. makes a phat sound when you shoot it. Honestly I would rather use it over my Custom Products Barrel. I just think the Custom Products Barrel sucks! btw im looking for a stock minimag barrel!!

08-20-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by OpHavoc
I have one and it isnt the best. makes a phat sound when you shoot it. Honestly I would rather use it over my Custom Products Barrel. I just think the Custom Products Barrel sucks! btw im looking for a stock minimag barrel!!

Well Im not expecting it to be the best. It only cost me 30 bucks with 2day delivery. So I didnt spend an arm and a leg on it. I just figured It was a solid concept. Still I doubt it will prove better than my j&j.

I have a friend with a stock minimag barrel. Im not shure if he is willing to part with it though. How much are you willing to pay for it? It does show some wear. and dings near the crown.

08-20-2002, 10:14 AM
ermm looking to buy for 20 shipped? ... and when u mean dings... like on the inside at all or just outside... and the crownpoint aint bad ... but 30 bucks! BAH!!! you got ripped!

08-20-2002, 10:23 AM
The dings are all external. I dont think the crown is damaged. As far as I know it shots fine. Like I say though Im not shure if he will part with it. Ill get back to you on it.

and I paid and extra 10 bucks for delivery on the crownpoint. I got it new from the agd store.