View Full Version : Tippmann World Challenge

08-20-2002, 08:57 AM
Is anyone planning on attending the Tippmann World Challenge this year? There has been nothing said about it so far so I was wondering. I know my dad and I will be there. The one small detail that you will probably want to shoot me for though....we're playing for the tippmann team...Anyway, just wanted to get a feel for who will be there or if you have been before, what it was like.

08-20-2002, 09:07 AM
If I go it will probably be for sunday. I've got a trip to the ren fest scheduled for that saturday, but if it falls through I'll be there sat.

08-20-2002, 12:35 PM
just paid for my tippman so I have a rec gun to bring :-) i may have to play half the day on team tippmann, and half on the other with my mag :-)

08-20-2002, 01:22 PM
Rumor has it on the Tippmann sit ethat they are going to try and control the side changing. Its been a problem in the past. So pick a side.

Psycho Chicken
08-23-2002, 10:24 PM
Yeah my brother and me are going. Both of us will be on the world team. We should set up a time and place to meet. We'll be up there on saturday.

08-23-2002, 11:01 PM
Tippmann world challenge (http://www.tippmann.com/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=4&TopicID=9258&PagePosition=1)

08-24-2002, 02:26 AM
well I will show up if I dont head off to vacation before then. My big problem with that game is there is no reason to be on the tippmann team. so the world team gets stacked so bad. because only tippmanns can play for the tippmann team. so if you have 5 people and one shoots a mag well then all of you will go to the world team. so last year there were probably as many tippmanns on the world team as the tippmann team plus all the other guns. the first year it was free entry fee if you played for tippmann and shot a tippmann of course. that year the tippmann team outnumbered the world team. either way ill show if im around, I just hate to run around with 100 guys lighting up 3 guys with tippmanns