View Full Version : magic box for automag?

08-20-2002, 09:36 PM
hey all .. what is the magic box for the automag... or black box.. what everyo uwant to call it.. well can anyone find a pic or like a link so i know what it is .. this would really really help me.. thnx :)

08-20-2002, 09:37 PM
it's an evil evil thing.

08-20-2002, 09:39 PM
it is not a myth nor a legend, just stay away cuz it is a waste of $$. beware....

08-20-2002, 09:41 PM
So evil I've got one on my minimag (got the mag from my cousin who played a lot way back in the day) =P

Pic 1 (http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~litton/images/paintball/minivalve1.jpg)

Pic 2 (http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~litton/images/paintball/minivalve2.jpg)

Pic 3 (http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~litton/images/paintball/minivalve3.jpg)

Pic 4 (http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~litton/images/paintball/minivalve4.jpg)

From what I understand it doesn't do much anymore, helps w/ the CO2 as an extra expensive mini expansion chamber for me.

08-20-2002, 09:50 PM
ok.. thnx for all that.. but now.. is it easy to take off or what not.. i mean can i just unscrew it or somethng?

08-20-2002, 09:55 PM
I have yet to figure out how to take it off... when you get the magic box put on they also mill a portion of the body off so they can thrown the 2nd inlet into the valve(look at pic 3). If anyone knows if it's worth it to take it off and how please let me know.

08-20-2002, 10:01 PM
that sux real bad.. because i just got an automag.. from someone and i didn't know what the black box was.. but i got it anyways.... so does anyone else have a valve for sale?... well either way.. hey lil mag.. does it do anything to performance.. like for the worse?.. like work find with nitro?

Doc Nickel
08-20-2002, 10:57 PM
Okay, what the "Box" does is it makes the chamber behind the bolt a little larger. I think by about a whole cubic centimeter or so.

What this does is provides a slightly higher volume of gas which is "dumped" when fired, which in turn means you can reduce the operating pressure a tad.

The typicial (well, pre LX) 'Mag ran at roughly 400 psi, largely depending on paint, barrel, barrel length, propellant and so on. The "Smart Mag" or "Black Box" mod supposedly dropped that to around 350 psi, which really only did three things:

A) It reduced the trigger pull weight, since there was slightly less pressure pushing on the bolt.

B) It allowed the CO2 tank to chill a little lower before it got down to the marker's op pressure level.

And C), it reduced the gun's gas efficiency by at least 10%.

If you take the aluminum "box" off, you'll see it's nothing more than a short section of hollow pipe screwed into the side of the valve body. If you want to play around with it, there's lots you can do:
Pop it off and screw a gauge in it's place, see what OP pressure you're running. Fab up a bigger bit of pipe and see if you can tell the difference in "range" and "accuracy" that so-called "low pressure" is supposed to provide. :D

Go the other way- make a plug that fits inside and actually reduces the inner volume, see what happens. (For one thing, it makes the gun a little more efficienct, like the old "Hypermag" by Fox River Games.)

There's no secret to it.


08-20-2002, 11:58 PM
thnx for all that doc.. now i feel good about it :).. but either way i would like to stay in contact with you because i might need soem help doing that ****.. thnx :).. aim name is crzmx msn is [email protected] adn eamil me at [email protected] . thnx