View Full Version : AGD Pride T-Shirt by Ronn Stern

08-21-2002, 11:29 AM
We found out about this at the IAO.

When we were at the Ultimate Madness II tounrny in West Virgina, Ronn Stern did a drawing of Timmy, Allen, and me.

Here's a pic of the drawing. Left to right: me, Timmy, Allen
<img src="http://www.ronnstern.com/UM-AGDguys.jpg">

It turn's out that Ronn Stern turned that drawing into a T-shirt and sold over 150 of 'em at the IAO! :eek: :D We're famous! Hahahahaha :p

Anyways, click on the link below if you would like to check 'em out or maybe buy one (they'll be "Available Soon").

Here is a close up of the shirts

Thought I'd share the news that we're spreading the AGD word. ;)

08-21-2002, 11:40 AM
i was just at his web site and it seems he puts alot of mags in his paintings when its not of a spacific person/thing...

08-21-2002, 05:07 PM
Lets just say that the 45k flatline didn't start showing up in his work until one showed up on his emag ;)

Ronn's a great guy, and super fun to play with. He can really shout field possitions.