View Full Version : Home Annodizing? Easy?

08-21-2002, 07:59 PM
Anyone that has done a home anno job, please post here. I was thinking that in the very near future, I was gonna tke a grinder and dremel to my Micromag and really cut the fat off.

I would need to re-anno it and the prices online look insanely high. Almost the price of another gun!

I have done searches here and online about home annodizing. The task looks a workable, but I wanted to know how the anno really comes out. Is it nice? uniform? pourous?

Is the job fast and easy? Or something that isnt recommended with a weekend as a time window.

Will the oxidation affect tolerances significantly?

LMK All.


08-21-2002, 08:19 PM
i think magman007 did a home anno job on his e-mag and it weaking something and messed it good. Just something to think about.

08-21-2002, 08:28 PM
magman damaged his trigger magnet mount or sumthing but i donno if it was from the anno

08-21-2002, 08:39 PM
AYE NO ES BUENO!!!! E-mag down
OK NOT GOOD!!!! As some of you kno i home annodized my e-mag. Also as alot of you kno i am currently in chile for a year and i have many oppertunities to play down here, i have even been offered a spot on a team. Well, my e-mag is down, and i cant use manual mode because of the earlier tl 63 triggers have a problem with the magnet placement. Well here it goes

Ok, all of you e-mag users out there know that the return magnets are sepperated from the trigger by a thin piece of aluminum. well, i guess while annodizing my triggerframe i managed to weeken that piece of aluminum. because, today the piece got punched out. completely. cant replace it. And it isnt underwarrenty cuz i was stupid and said, hey lets annodize! well i was stupid and now im paying for it. i doubt i can buy a new e-mag trigger frame for the money on my credit card. GOD dangit! im now e-magless in chile.

this is what happened to magman007. my browser is messed up and it doesnt show the adress so i couldnt send u a link o well.

08-21-2002, 08:54 PM
hey man, go to a bigger metal working shop.. and be like do u anno? there prob gunna say no But they will tell u where to go.. thats when im doing when my gun is done (have just a lil more to add:) )

08-21-2002, 09:00 PM
OK, here we go. First off, it takes a good weekend to set it up correctly, get it done right and stuff like that. Also, i do not think it was the annoing, it was either the dranoing, or the hydrocloric acid that did it. What are you annoing exactally? also, get the dye to yuor set standards, and let the ñpiece soak for as long as you can. there fore it soake to ite full tolerance, and then all the peices come out lookin the same. Also, after you mix your acid bath, refrigirator it overnight, a cold solution conducts better