View Full Version : listen to what this kid wrote

08-22-2002, 11:19 AM
ok i went to paintball.com and saw this post under emag

Aaron "speedballmaster", submitted 07/26/2002 - i totaly destroyed my best freaind with a tippman 98 custom and he had this which couldnt get through the grass it chopped up all 2000 of his diablo midnight paintballs i had let him use my case of zap paintballs this marker is not good and it looks wierd the whole gun is just a bunch of badness

i dont think that would ever happen

he also wrote this

Aaron "speedballmaster", submitted 07/26/2002 - this gun is crap i eat little kids who buy theese for breakfeast dont buy it it is crap it is a load


08-22-2002, 11:29 AM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! thats great i find newbs so funny... :D

08-22-2002, 01:51 PM
everyone point and laugh at the dumb n00b!!!!!!!

*points and laughs at 'speedballmaster'*

08-22-2002, 03:31 PM
/me points and laughs at jonneh

08-22-2002, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
/me points and laughs at jonneh
me too..but /me points my all my toes and fingers at him and laugh

08-22-2002, 04:36 PM
/me sits back and wonders what the hell just happened in this thread

08-22-2002, 04:37 PM
Thats just funny.

08-22-2002, 04:42 PM
Yea, I'm pretty confused too. Was the kid puttin down an E-Mag? If so he should be shot. If he was talking about the 98 Custom, he should be praised.

08-22-2002, 04:49 PM
hey don't go bashin the m98

hold me back Steve, hold me back!!!

i'ma bash your face in!!!


j/k. but i like the m98. the trigger is awesome. put a m98 trigger on a stock mag.... ooooh now we're talkin

08-22-2002, 05:31 PM

Gitaroo Man
08-22-2002, 05:35 PM

08-22-2002, 05:36 PM
No I agree, the 98's stock trigger is absolutely amazing. i just don't like the design compared to a mag (or anything else for that matter).

08-22-2002, 07:48 PM
How did this thread go from a stupid newbs dissen the E-mag, to why tippman 98 are good guns?
me confused!:confused:

08-22-2002, 08:21 PM
Cause of jonneh

08-22-2002, 08:31 PM
Jonneh confused me. BURN HIM!

08-22-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
/me sits back and wonders what the hell just happened in this thread

i already asked that question.

08-22-2002, 08:56 PM
yes you did... anyone else lost here

08-22-2002, 08:57 PM
he was aparently saing how he was owning his friend with an emag but he sounds like a tool

08-22-2002, 09:29 PM
Where exactly do I fit into all this?

08-22-2002, 09:57 PM
Thats what PyRo told me!

Artic Flame
08-25-2002, 01:35 PM
Hmmm i read this thread about 50 times and i am still lost

08-25-2002, 10:48 PM
butterflies are cool...just thought i'd add to the confusion a little bit

08-26-2002, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh
Where exactly do I fit into all this?

we need SOMEONE to blame...

I don't like butterflies... they're too fluttery... I like cars

Artic Flame
08-26-2002, 03:11 PM
yeah i agree

08-26-2002, 05:26 PM
trucks suck...

08-26-2002, 10:09 PM
what about a car that looks like a butterfly?

08-27-2002, 11:40 AM
what the hell?

08-27-2002, 02:08 PM
im sorry but im gunna have to put this

08-27-2002, 04:34 PM
whatabout the butterfly car?????

08-27-2002, 06:17 PM
what about the moth car? i herd it is faster, and can fly more accurately, and it has a closed bolt engine....

08-27-2002, 06:21 PM

08-27-2002, 06:53 PM
closed bolt engine? would like the piston be a bolt? and the..... ahhh you lost me or..............ahhhhhhhhh!!

08-27-2002, 09:56 PM
forget about moth cars and butterfly cars, lets just go for the good old batmobile....
speaking of which i want to share my thery on it.
---ok superman had supergirl...
--=spyderman had that red headed girl, and later in the series spyder girl came about...
and the list goes on, but my point is that, batman had a little 10 year old boy in tights, and an 80 year old man....
its a bad influence on kids, i tell ya... hey later tryid to cover it up with the invention of batgirl, but the damage had been done.... its ludacrisy i tell ya...

now what were you guys saying about this tread being off track,..... oh... i guess i didnt help any.....oh well, but am i right on the batman thing?

08-27-2002, 09:57 PM
we should just stick t he butterfly car

08-27-2002, 10:15 PM
yea he's right the batman thing....

08-27-2002, 10:16 PM
I hereby hijack this thread, and terraform it into:
Mine is WEETOS (http://www.weetabix.co.uk/brands/weetos/default.asp)

your turn

08-27-2002, 10:23 PM
dude.. anti.. why does everyone quote your ****.. remember when we tryied those boxers on at that outlet store.. and when i wanted to play with the ties and you said it didn't look right.. damn dude.. i get no recignition

08-27-2002, 10:24 PM
uhhhhh....i dont usually eat breakfast because i'm dead in the morning and cant move...but mine would probably be like corn pops

08-27-2002, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by venturesomerite
forget about moth cars and butterfly cars, lets just go for the good old batmobile....
speaking of which i want to share my thery on it.
---ok superman had supergirl...
--=spyderman had that red headed girl, and later in the series spyder girl came about...
and the list goes on, but my point is that, batman had a little 10 year old boy in tights, and an 80 year old man....
its a bad influence on kids, i tell ya... hey later tryid to cover it up with the invention of batgirl, but the damage had been done.... its ludacrisy i tell ya...

now what were you guys saying about this tread being off track,..... oh... i guess i didnt help any.....oh well, but am i right on the batman thing?
Ummmmm CatWoman:rolleyes:

08-27-2002, 10:30 PM
batman??? this question has been brough up by venturesomrite..i to have wonder if Batman is gay or is he a perv???he does have a ten year old boy running aroud in tights???and i wonder if he ever tried any thing funny when robin was changing??and why does batman always where the same thing...he wares the same thing day in and day out...or does he have like 100 bat suits??? and why do all super heros always where tights??? why dont the where a pare of cut off jeans and a white t-shirt and a shi mask and a red or black cape to show that they are a superhero. and why dont you ever she batman hitting on a hot chick?? you know why cause he doesn't need a women he has robin!!!that poor little child... what about the bat cave?? does he do strange things to robin in the bat cave when the buttler is not around. and why doesn't batman have a french maid instead of a buttler??? if you can answer that ill give you a cookie

08-27-2002, 10:33 PM
the butterfly car would be a turd on four wheels,and same with the moth car. and this doen't help eather with the thread being off track.. what a wast of space..o well who cares. i dont do you. and your right about batman being a perv.. who knows what batman does to robin in the bat cave.

08-27-2002, 11:02 PM
its ok jeff....the boxers just didnt look right on your head....they were meant for me...and i always said we should play wearing ties...

08-28-2002, 04:49 PM
i like honey nut chex, but like anti, im not exactly a moring person.

08-28-2002, 05:26 PM
ceral??? whats that word...o yeah know i know...i don't eat ceral i go to of the vending machines at school and eat chee-tos for brekfast. now thats a good brekfast.

08-28-2002, 09:04 PM
about what the stoopid kid is trying to say, he sounds like a wasted 2 year old!!!!

08-29-2002, 12:39 AM
Batman is a flaming homosexual!!!! He's always hitting on Robin, and the old man too! Also the cave is a symbol of his raging homosexuality.... LOL, what a *****! always prancing around in tights!!! And also, he drives that wierd probe shaped car... wonder what he does with that thing!

Wait, I just figured something out... when he drives the batmobile (probe) into the bat cave (...)

YUP, he's battin for the other team... an odd duck!

08-29-2002, 03:25 PM
and whats up with that anatomically correct suit...its disturbing...he;s trying to teach little kids naughty things

08-29-2002, 04:44 PM
awww batman is a evil!!!! EVIL!!!!!EVIL!!!!! i tell you....i think there shold be a thread or a website to tell other about who gay ***man is opps i mean batman

08-30-2002, 11:22 AM
the punisher is a hero and wears regular close and a t shirt with the skull on it. the punisher is the best :)

08-31-2002, 11:12 PM
Air Gun Designs EMag

I'd first like to get into a little background information on Air Gun Designs, the product manufacture of the EMag. Air Gun Designs first hit the market with there invention of the Automag/Mini Mag which was well known for it's reliability, light weight and it's fast recharging valve. The Automag sold for approximately $400 MSRP and the Mini Mag for about $450 MSRP. A little later on down the road they decided to improve the Automag/Mini Mag marker and came out with the Automag "RT" Reactive Trigger. In the year 2000 Air Gun Designs decided to hop on the boat and make an electronic marker there selves, they called it the EMag and was released at the ZAP International Amateur Open event.

My first impression of the EMag was "Wow!", a very pretty looking paintball marker and very well designed. The EMag was a power feed hopper left black teflon bodied with a warp feed connected. I hooked up a 68/3000 Apocalypse to the EMag and ran the pressure from the tank to the gun at about 800PSI, same input pressure as the RT required. I had my trigger set real short, comparable to an Angel trigger. The EMag's trigger system is well known because of two magnets that are implemented to the trigger pull. The first magnet is located right above the front of your trigger and the second is located inside the back of the trigger itself. I had the warp tube running from the warp feed at a 90 degree angle under the trigger guard and then up to the bottom of the feed tube. This caused an enormous problem as the paintballs couldn't make there way up to the breech of the gun because of the angle they were having to go through. That caused me to have to switch from running a warp feed to running nothing but a revolution to the power feed of the gun.

One I did get paint to the breech of the EMag it basically shot identical to any other automag that Air Gun Designs has manufactured. I encountered several balls breaks in the breech of the marker along with a horrible shoot down. To say the least, I was very disappointed in the way this marker operated. The LCD on the EMag needs much improvement in my humble opinion as well, the only option that can possibly be useful in my opinion would be the game timer which they royally jimmied up. The only time you'll see the game timer is when your pushing the button on the back end of the frame toggling through the menu. That means that when your in a game and you need to figure out what the time looks like you'll need to fiddle with pushing the button on the back of the markers frame and toggling to the game timer display.

The battery doesn't feel nearly as uncomfortable as it's been made out to be, I personally enjoyed the feel of the battery on the front of the marker. It served as an excellent fore grip. The way the battery to the EMag is turned on and off is by a little yellow key the size of 1/4 of a tooth pick. The way this key disengages/engages the electrical current to the EMag is by simply blocking the current from the battery to the EMag. I highly suggest getting a key ring, attaching the yellow key to the key ring and then put the key ring onto your power feed plug. This way when your playing you'll have your power feed plug in the breach of the gun and when your not playing or finished playing for the day you can simply pull your power feed plug out of the feed tube of the marker and insert the yellow key in to the battery to stop electrical current, turning your marker off.

All in all I was very disappointed in the performance of the Air Gun Designs EMag and I feel that it could best be described as an electric RT. The only advantage your getting with the EMag is your having a computer chip open the valve and pushing the bolt all the way forward for you making a "short stroke" of the trigger impossible. If you can pull an RT trigger 10 times a sec. without short stroking you might as well stick to it as your already doing exactly what the EMag's computer chip was made to do.

The only way that I'd suggest looking into an EMag would be to get a warp body with warp feed. This way you won't need to worry about possible snags in your warp tube causing strain on paintballs making there way to the breech of your EMag. Keep in mind you also must like how automags shoot because that's basically what an EMag is, an Electronic Mag, hence the name "EMag". For aditional information please proceed to www.automags.org or www.airgun.com.

I pitty people who say lies about airgun designs i happen tot think they make th ebest guns i will always stick with airgun designs

09-01-2002, 07:48 AM
AGD has great guns. i have a RT pro and i love it. first i had to learn how to shoot with the RT trigger and then after a few games.. i figured out how to not, "short stroke" it. so now i'm getting a intelliframe and it should perform to its up most abilitys. e mags look nice, i've never shot one or an angel but i still would chose e mag over angel just so i can stay in the AGD family. and all mags do shoot kind of the same.. they mostly just depend on the barrel, but they all shoot smoother then any low grade gun out there.

09-01-2002, 10:52 AM
yeah I loved that album

09-01-2002, 02:08 PM
couldnt help you there, im a cocker fan myself. but i know between an angel and a mag id get the mag.

09-02-2002, 10:39 AM
good answer.................lol

09-02-2002, 11:24 AM
i thought so... angels may fire fast, but from my personal experience the accuracy sucks, thats why i like cockers, their accurate.

09-02-2002, 02:34 PM
i was talking bout the mag...........................lol

09-02-2002, 03:53 PM
oh.... sad face.....:(

09-03-2002, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by venturesomerite
i thought so... angels may fire fast, but from my personal experience the accuracy sucks, thats why i like cockers, their accurate.

so are mags.. maybe better

09-03-2002, 02:24 PM
i beg to differ... id say mags arent as accurate cockers. but im not going to fight with yo on it. i have my opinion and so do you, i just think that cockers are more accurate.

09-03-2002, 02:26 PM
you may beg.. i beg to itch.,. my nose.. but cockers with a stock barrel aren't that excellent.. my RT with stock barrel is fine.

09-03-2002, 03:59 PM
i'm not sure which is better but someone with a cocker or a cocker fan would say a cocker and a mag fan would say a mag...its all preference and skill of the player....a brass eagle raptor might be more accurate in one ste of hands then a cocker in another...but i have heard that stock cocker barrels suck...but i love my mag...so its all everyones opinion...

09-03-2002, 04:26 PM
ok... say whatever you want to. for all it matters you can think a stingray is the best. its all just personal opinion. i was simple expressing mine.
as for anti's opinion, he is right, its the gun as well as the players skills, one play may be better off with one kind of gun while another maybe better off with another, one may be equaly well with either, and may have a biast opinion about it. it doesnt matter, just shoot what you feel is right for you, but dont shut out others opinions. as for the stock autococker barrel, i could tell you, ive never used the stock, well, i did once, but the gun had the velocity set to 150 (beats me why) so it wasnt a fair trial. but all i know is that i could keep up with the automags, and cockers, bushmasters and all, at the warehouse when i had the stock shutter with the p/b drop.
but thats just me. well iver said all i thik i need to. in recap, just dont be unreasonable about judgement,(not saying anyone was) just trying to avoid it because its unfair, and i know that.