View Full Version : Might be the end of my PB days

08-22-2002, 09:23 PM
Well, I might soon see the end of my paintball days:( A few days ago when I found out I would have to buy my own vehicle, I had to make a few decisions about what had to go. I looked at my bank statements and calculated what I spend on paintball, fishing, driving, food, etc. and then I divided it into neccesities(food, driving, clothes) and extras(paintball,fishing,Music, etc). Top of the extras list? Paintball ofcoarse. So I talked it through with my dad and he said I could not afford to buy a car or truck on my current budget. After some math work, we figured I could afford a truck(with some money help from mom and dad:)) I worked it out and I found if I sold my paintball stuff, I could afford it:( Well, I slept on it a few nights, and I asked my friends what they thought. I asked some guys at the field. I got mixed remarks, but overwelmingly it was "It's your money". I finally decided that it would be in my best interest to get out of paintball for a while. I must say, this was one of the most heart breaking decisions I've had to make. I mean for three years I've been obsessed with paintball. I practically lived for it for a while. But times change and I must change with them. For the moment, I'm going to inventory my equipment and post a list in the Paintball forsale forum. What wish to do is auction it all off in a sticky thread(Mods? Can I?). I will be willing to piece out, but buyers will hafta pay shipping. I hope this can become high-profile so A. I can get the maximum income, but also so you all can prove just how tight the AGD supporter family is. I will still visit here regularly just because this is a great place, but I won't be toting a mag anymore. But don't worry, I will plaster my bumper with AGD stickers and will still wear my AGD shirts around. And ofcoarse, I will come back o post pictures of my Auto, whatever it may be.

But I couldn't leave this great sport without thanking everyone....I want to thank Team Aftershock for making me want to play harder.I want to thank Team Avalanche for giving me an enemy:D I want to thank PSI for making a great magazine. I want to thank MajorDamage for renewing the idea that we christians can still be cool. And I want to thank you all for selflessly helping me before with my mindess paintball queries. I want to thank AGD for making it so hard to even consider selling my mag. I want to thank Tom for making Level 10 so my gun will hopefully sell high. And finally, I want to thank the fine people who run these forums for making such a great place to converse about my favorite things. Thank you all so much. I will miss paintball more than anything without a heartbeat. I will return though, so never fear:) :D

08-22-2002, 09:31 PM
We will all be here when you get back Brotha...may fair winds and calm seas be with ya...:D :cool:

08-22-2002, 10:54 PM
get an autotrade and find the cheapest trcuk you can find. (olds trucks are better cause they dont have high insurance) and where do you live cause i am selling a 77 chevy stepside for 1000 obo.

08-23-2002, 03:12 AM
You really didn't think this out at all.

1. Get good
2. Win Tournies
3. Wear jerseys and slide pants for clothes
4. Auction unused prizes on ebay
5. Play with free paint
6. Get field to sponsor you.

It all works and in no particular order! With this system you can get any car you want.


08-23-2002, 06:28 AM
just goto the next kingman open and win first place and get free cars or motor cycles or whatever they are

08-23-2002, 06:34 AM
Old trucks don't have high insurance. Ny friend is paying $3500/yr for is 86 chevy.

08-23-2002, 06:35 AM
Which he got for $600. You can pick up an old truck, in decent shape for $1000 or less. Just work 5 jobs for a while :)

Artic Flame
08-24-2002, 12:26 AM
my father bought a 1975 ford i belive off of this man for $100 it was a great deal haha

08-24-2002, 10:07 PM
Okay, my forsale thread is up and going. I need bids asap. If you are looking for backup equipment, check it out because I've got what you probably need.

Also, if you wanna know, I'm getting a '81 F-250 V8 351 Automatic with king cab and full bed. Oddly, it has CD and a decent sound system on board, which is odd for a farm truck. I'll have it paid for by the beginning of December and it will be mine, all mine. I'll post picks when I get it.

08-25-2002, 09:02 AM

ide sell my bed before i sold my paintball gun..then again,im 16,and i dont have my learners permit,so I am going to be a senior by the time i can drive...

im still buying a CRX when i get like 600bux

you can always save ur milk money:p

08-25-2002, 03:34 PM
haha, I know, I know. But when you finally get your licenese, you'll understand completely.