View Full Version : Spilling Paint

08-23-2002, 09:32 AM
OK. It took me awhile to get used to my attack pack. At first when I would grab a pod I would accidentally open it as well and paint would spill all over the ground, making me look like a moron.

Well, I never used to wear gloves before and now I do. This is happening again! Does anyone have any tips for how to remove the pods without letting them open? I love the pack more than any that I've ever tried before, just need to get this down.

08-23-2002, 10:09 AM
it's not the pod opening when your trying to get the pod out, many pods open when you slide and if your pack is too low to your bottom it ends up opening. Many times the straps would unstick and loose a pod of paint without even knowing. What i do is wear my pack up higher like at liver-stomach level. Sure you look like an donkey but its better than loosing a pod which can come in handy off the break on your first slide. You could also dive instead of sliding but if you play rec its not worth it. You could also tape the lids slightly but that gets annoying.

08-23-2002, 10:11 AM
I dont know what an attack pack is, but I have dont that once or twice with my indian springs x-gear pack (although I never dropped more than a ball or two)

Basicly just make sure the pod lids are in there in a way that they aren't going to snag on anything (which would likely cause you to pull harder and possibly pop the top off), and make sure you aren't grabbing too close to the lid.

Load SM5
08-23-2002, 12:42 PM
Get some Fat Boy pods. They have a recessed lip that never catches, and the lid also fits a little tighter than other pods I've tried. I've thrown them with paint in them and they bounced without spilling.

08-23-2002, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Get some Fat Boy pods. They have a recessed lip that never catches, and the lid also fits a little tighter than other pods I've tried. I've thrown them with paint in them and they bounced without spilling.

Thanks load, I'll check em out.

08-24-2002, 02:09 PM
the lips on the pod lids. Turn those in towards your back and when you open it and drag your hand down wholla no lip to catch your hand on.

08-24-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Get some Fat Boy pods. They have a recessed lip that never catches, and the lid also fits a little tighter than other pods I've tried. I've thrown them with paint in them and they bounced without spilling.

Agreed, they are the BEST pods available. I've not spilled a pod since I got them quite a few months ago.


08-24-2002, 08:30 PM
I have never spilled a pod, and I don’t use anything special.

What I DO hate though is taking a pod out, being careful but quick, and when I pour it into my hopper I spill some balls. THAT just gets to me….. GRRRRRRR LOL

(I never lose many balls, only a couple…. And not every time. It just irks me. ;))

08-24-2002, 08:35 PM
yes, fat boy pods are the bomb, And there cheep too! like really cheep! i think there like the olny pod not as cheep as a brass eagle. don gives em away with the system packs, or he used to.

What really irks me is if i think my hopper lid is tight but it isnt, is rests closed, but then i go to my 2ndary posistion, and woosh out comes al the paint. i kno thats really newbieish, but hey, too bad for me

08-24-2002, 08:35 PM
I usually play hopperball because
1. I try not to shoot too much, Im on a budget
2. I dont like carrying the pods around
3. I usually never use em anyway ;)

But I have a fat boy pod and boy, it works WAY to well. To the point where the lid is hard to get off. But oh well, I bet I could play football with one and have it still be closed.

08-24-2002, 10:45 PM
I hate spilling pods, because thats like $10 gone right there...

08-24-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by personman
I usually play hopperball because
1. I try not to shoot too much, Im on a budget
2. I dont like carrying the pods around
3. I usually never use em anyway ;)

But I have a fat boy pod and boy, it works WAY to well. To the point where the lid is hard to get off. But oh well, I bet I could play football with one and have it still be closed.

Funny you mention that. Sometimes when I play back I have the front man or mid man play with no pack, and have to toss pods to him. It's funny to see a person snap shooting then all the sudden see a pod go spiraling to the 50. Hah.