View Full Version : If i can nominate one great paintball invention this year

08-23-2002, 04:26 PM
it would be this i just got mine yesterday and it is great very simple to use too


08-23-2002, 04:59 PM
That is really interesting. I wonder how many balls they chopped developing the *slide* so that it did not chop them when closing it. ;)

Pretty good invention, and saves those spilled balls when loading. I would not mind taking one of these for evaluation purposes…..

08-23-2002, 05:03 PM
Hey thats the guy thats in KY i know him(not really but i wish i did)

08-23-2002, 05:06 PM
They had thos at the IAO. It's a cool idea, but the thing is so large I don't know what nut would actually bother taking it to the field. Now, there was a company selling pod filling bags, they where selling for $20-$25 a piece and they worked pretty well...and since it was nylon bag you could just roll it up and throw it in a gear bag. If I am not mistaken I think I saw Cledford walking around the IAO with one of them there rockets.

08-23-2002, 05:35 PM
i saw a 7th grader make one of those for their science fair project once:rolleyes:

Sorry, but i have never found it even remotely difficult to fill my pods quickly without spilling any.

08-23-2002, 05:36 PM
Yes, it is rather large. It would be best for a 10 Man or similar situations where you want to fill a large groups’ pods and quickly (reminds me of the Indy Gas cans). For an individual, any pour spout will work. I think there has been a thread about those here on AO as well.

I would still love giving it a test drive here at my place. It looks like it may come in handy for our new field. The word is already getting out to my Son’s friends. LOL

08-23-2002, 05:37 PM
Cheap alternative:

Buy a large plastic funnel, cut the bottom to fit pods or hoppers, pour paintballs from bags into funnel.

08-23-2002, 05:38 PM
its a Funnel people its just a funnel....:rolleyes:

08-23-2002, 05:55 PM
it's a $60 funnel...

08-23-2002, 06:05 PM
45 and the slide is slanted up or down depending on how you look to push paint out of the way it works great and its good for whatever size team you have like my team will have 30 plus tubes, thats alot of time saved(5man) and for those that call it a funnel bah, i like it oh and jt can you come fill my teams pods please we need a good guppie b....;)

08-23-2002, 06:05 PM
http://www.warpig.com/paintball/tournament/iao/2002/techgallery/MVC-705S.jpg not only was this only 25bucks(as stated) and could take little space when your not using it(as stated) but it could also hold a full case, the rocket held 1500 rounds. If you wanted to, I don't think it would be too hard to just leave your pack and take this sucker on the field.(I wouldnt but I bet it could be done)

08-23-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
If you wanted to, I don't think it would be too hard to just leave your pack and take this sucker on the field.(I wouldnt but I bet it could be done)

Lets do some calculations:

(9 pods * 150) + 250 + 1500 = 3100 paintballs.
Hummm interesting, very interesting...

After all that's only 5bps, during 10 minutes :)


08-23-2002, 06:33 PM
but how would you use that wouldnt you spill paint all over?

08-23-2002, 07:06 PM
it has a nice string lock that works great. a strap for your back too.

08-23-2002, 07:08 PM
Yunno whats funny? We've had one of these at our rec field for like 5 years, it's a bleach bottle with the bottom cut-off.. nailed to a tree through the handle.. you just hold your pod and dump the bag.once full.. put your finger (yes one) under the spout.. put the next pod under it..and remove your finger. voila!

08-23-2002, 07:21 PM
haha, do i need to do a pod filling demonstration for all those who have difficulty doing it without a funnel? If i had a digital video camera i would go for it

but i can see how this would be VERY practical when you have to fill a large numbers of pods

and dansim, i might hafta take you up on that deal :D :rolleyes: :p

08-23-2002, 07:38 PM
hey your not to far from the cape we could pay you in hamburgers!

Jack & Coke
08-23-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by dansim
...If i can nominate one great paintball invention this year...


Interesting choice...

For me, I would nominate this:


:D http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

08-23-2002, 09:10 PM
hamburgers?! hmmmmm... maybe for cheeseburgers. otherwise i only take visa and mastercard (cash will work too) :D ;)

08-23-2002, 10:33 PM
My dad got the pod filler bag for free and it worked great. Well worth the money spent:) Only spilled 2 balls all day at the IAO and that was when we were learning to use it. It is also fast.

08-24-2002, 02:08 AM
LOL i think that funnel is goofy.
When I first clicked on this thread I thought for sure it was gonna be lvl 10. because that invention of 2002 is a real winner.
I compared that funel to the bag and the bag's options far outweighed the funnel. The bag, you can close up and keep seperate from everything
and if you are careful, you can pack all your paint left over from the day in there and then put that bag in a controlled temperature. Also, if I only want to fill 1 pod at a time or top off my hopper, I don't have to whip out the funnel. + now I have another place to carry p-ball goodies. The best thing I like about the whole idea is now I wont ever contaminate my paint as it goes into my pods. Ususally, I use my grubby hands or end up dripping sweat on the balls as I load them. No more. Only paint to save now.

08-24-2002, 04:52 AM
but cant the bag get wet and honestly how many teams do you know cominig of the field with only one pod to fill?
and as for invention of the year so far id have to say
halo b
Danco Marker stand!!!!!(j/k)

08-24-2002, 08:56 AM
I coulda built ya one for 38 bucks less, of course it wouldn't have been as pretty, or even worked for that matter. Ah well your purchases don't really surprise me that much anymore (I still remember the Joker and Micrococker incedents) I guess it's good entertainment.

08-24-2002, 12:39 PM
Lol thats cheap the only place that has it in nc I used to live 5 min fom now I moved and live 2 hours from it cheap.....

08-24-2002, 01:01 PM
To me, it seems impractical and silly.