View Full Version : i had soo much fun

08-23-2002, 06:19 PM
im not tourney players like all you guys:( so i just go to my local feild and all i and my freinds did was screw around the whole time like we would do stunts like you would see in action movies. like for one of them i ran upto a defence but i just kept on running and jumped off it and did some stupid one handed shooting action and another one. i jumped outfrom behind of the side of a bunker and landed on my shoulder and slid while firing and i acualy hit the guy too!:p then me and my freind go in two bunkers that were near each other and be both jumped out of the side just like before but we jumped towards each other and landed on our side and slid into eachothers bunks all while firing. it was soo much fun. :)

08-23-2002, 06:28 PM
sounds like fun... me and this other kid did that type of stuff in a 1 on 1 game for fun ( im not a tourney baller ether)

08-23-2002, 06:44 PM
hahaha that does sound fun i also thought of gettin to sidearms wiht the holsters the shoulder ones and pull them both out at the same time and jumb backwards while shooting people *like in the matrix haha*

08-23-2002, 06:51 PM

08-23-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
im not tourney players like all you guys:(
Well, not all folks on AO are tourney players. ;) I for one am NOT. :D

I am glad you had such a great time, that is what Paintball is all about. It does not matter what form of game you play, as long as you are playing and having a good time. :D

08-23-2002, 09:10 PM
well you'de think people would would be buying emags and decked out rt's would be in a tourny......oh well.

08-23-2002, 09:14 PM
Nah... some of us just like nice things. :)

08-23-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Nah... some of us just like nice things. :)
<HR><HR><HR><HR><HR align="left" width="150" size="10" noshade><HR align="right" width="200" size="20"><HR><body><font size="+1" font color="blue"> dont you just love html? oh yeah back to topic....lol<HR><Div ALIGN="center"><B>Is this post dumb?</B></Div>

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sorry you have to have a msn account for the Submit button to work!(i think.. :rolleyes: )

08-23-2002, 09:24 PM
Jus foolin around sometimes can be alot of fun. Gotta bring out the talons when you do that though!:D

I couldnt afford to not play in the tournaments. Rec ball was jus getting so expensive.

With a sponsor here and there to cover your entrance fee, all you hafta do is buy paint. (you usually get all day air at most tournaments):cool:

08-23-2002, 09:31 PM
never been to one. all i got is a tippmann:( I KNOW I SUCK!:mad:

oh yeah i would have some cooler htlm crap but i seemed to misplace my advanced refrence book:confused: ......

08-23-2002, 10:38 PM
any one else screw around onm feilds?

08-23-2002, 11:34 PM
I had a "action movie experiance" once. It was a 4 on 4 or 5 on 5, not to sure. Anyway, its mostly just my friends and a couple of others guys that were at the feild that day we were playing in the village. Here is the set up, the village is pretty much a large speed ball field made of wooden bunkers with little trench's on both sides that are placed near the center of the ville. One man is in a bunker way in the back.. no threat to me, One man in the center bunker and the rest are to the right. I am behind a tree 10 feet back from the trenches (I've been playing very well all day, and figure what the hell..) I call back to my team mate who is in the bunker to my right tell him to give me some cover fire... I'm headed for the trench! I do a couple pop shots.. and run full speed for the trench (If I get there I would have an easy shot on the guy in the middle bunker and this would alow my team to move up and flank the rest of their team) The other team starts shoting at me.. paint balls flying by on all sides.. I leap in the air about to land in the safty of the trenches, I'm in mid air.. WACK! About an inch above my temple I'm pegged (yes I did hear ringing.. it didn't stop for a while).

Back at base camp when the game was over I'm talking to my friend who was the one who gave me the cover fire, he said it was something out of the movies, as when the paintball hit, it splattered and paint flew everywhere!

Man I love paintball.


08-24-2002, 10:18 AM
lol did the guy giving you cover shoot you?

08-24-2002, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by confedman75

<HR><HR><HR><HR><HR align="left" width="150" size="10" noshade><HR align="right" width="200" size="20"><HR><body><font size="+1" font color="blue"> dont you just love html? oh yeah back to topic....lol<HR><Div ALIGN="center"><B>Is this post dumb?</B></Div>

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opinion" VALUE="yes" CHECKED>yes!
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opinion" VALUE="maybe">maybe!
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opinion" VALUE="no">no!
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="opinion" VALUE="all your base are belong to us">all your base are belong to us
<Div ALIGN="center"><H3>Thanks for your info!</H3>
<FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="http://www.msnusers.com/Painteaters/Documents/html%2Ehtml?">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">
sorry you have to have a msn account for the Submit button to work!(i think.. :rolleyes: )
I don't get it? Flame attempt? You lost me. :rolleyes:

08-24-2002, 11:58 AM

i do that,im a tourny player,but rec ball is for having fun..

one time in airball,it was me vs two n00bs,and i was at center laydown beercan,and one was back left,and the other was in front of me at thier 45...so i run right to the cone laydown thing and jump over it like a dive,it was hilarious...

(i won hat game obviously:p)

08-24-2002, 01:31 PM
lol... sounds like funn.... and it wasnt a flame attaempt i was just screwing around with html!:p