View Full Version : Shatner Pump Tournament Prizes Gotta See this

08-23-2002, 07:30 PM
Check out this! The winner of the pump tournament will get 5 of these custom made 24k gold plated $2000+ pump markers! Each has Shatner's signature lazer engraved and comes with a certificate signed by Shatner and will be presented by Shatner at the closing ceremony on Saturday. There is still room for more teams! Visit www.ActionMarkers.com or call 866-478-2255 for details.

08-23-2002, 07:43 PM
wow.. but 2000???

08-23-2002, 07:58 PM
its a glorified sniper.... a gold plated glorified sniper... can i pay extra for them NOT to have shatner sign it... i think that brings down its vaule! nice gun... except the feed, stock feed is rock and cock not aim up and cock.... trust me its easyer to pump aiming at the ground and have a ball feed than aiming up and haveing a ball feed, more convienent too.... In my opinion

08-23-2002, 07:59 PM

Ghetto Fabricatulous..

08-23-2002, 08:11 PM
If I recall correctly, the feed port can be rotated to the rear and can be removed to use a vertical adapter for standard hopper action.

08-23-2002, 08:12 PM
ok cool.... mabey i will look into one ( non 24k gold plated :D )

Gitaroo Man
08-23-2002, 08:18 PM

08-23-2002, 08:33 PM
VERY cool JJ!:D

08-23-2002, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
nice gun... except the feed, stock feed is rock and cock not aim up and cock.... trust me its easyer to pump aiming at the ground and have a ball feed than aiming up and haveing a ball feed, more convienent too.... In my opinion

Uhhhmmmm it's a little something called stock class.. Ya know, old school

I don't really like it either, milling is just chinsy looking an seems like they could do more for 2k. Take a look at the trigger, just a stock gold plated trigger...


Oh ya as far as being a glorified sniper, I haven't felt a sniper pump stroke that smooth, trigger needs work though. Also, to avoid lawsuits they claim its based around a spyder body phhhh

08-23-2002, 08:48 PM
Okay to set the record a little straighter... :)

Just because a marker has a moving Back-Block does not make it a Sniper ripoff. The internals are actually much closer to a sterling.

Secondly yes the feed tube can be turned. Either rock forward aka nelson style or rock back sheridan style. You can also replace the feed tube with a vert. adapter. (It uses an angel thread for the feed, and cocker barrells)

Finally there are several other sites that have had a tremendous amount of discussion already, including;



http://airsoldier.com/%7Ephog/ (The phantom owners group)


08-23-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob

Uhhhmmmm it's a little something called stock class.. Ya know, old school

I don't really like it either, milling is just chinsy looking an seems like they could do more for 2k. Take a look at the trigger, just a stock gold plated trigger...


Oh ya as far as being a glorified sniper, I haven't felt a sniper pump stroke that smooth, trigger needs work though. Also, to avoid lawsuits they claim its based around a spyder body phhhh

Uhhhmmmm it's a little something called reading before you talk.. Ya know, old school.... go back and read my post

i know what stock class is... i played it for a while and still have most of the stuff

08-24-2002, 01:01 PM
guys, it hink it looks pretty cool. and is any one planning on actually using it if they win? i wouldnt
i would shelf it, put it in a trophy case, its a trophy isnt it? and if i wnated to, iw ould sell it, it is worth alot, as it is one of 5 made, and its gold plated. you could get something nice form a stock enthusiast for it.

08-24-2002, 01:44 PM

sorry about that, combination of me being tired and being used to people who don't know what stock class is

I apologize.

edit: just to clarify at the time i thought you were saying it should be DF

08-24-2002, 04:05 PM
no problem and sorry if i was rude... i was having a bad day... and i can see how you could of thought what you thought... i said stock as in 10 rounds and pumps and you thought stock as in the basic pakage:D

08-24-2002, 08:24 PM
Ok the question is what can I get Tom to give me for it if the AO Assimilators win??

08-24-2002, 09:22 PM
Looks pretty... but I'd probably sell it, and pay for my summer studying abroad next year in Italy with the money...

I don't like the exposed internals... bolt is one thing, but Hammer??? that would just get dirty (No, I don't expect anyone would actually use it on the field...)

It's still a SWEET prize though!


08-24-2002, 10:59 PM
ACTION MARKER PUMPS RULE! i know they are a new company, but i know they own

08-25-2002, 03:01 PM
I want one!
I would probably never use it, but that's a piece of collection.
