View Full Version : Problems in Classifieds Forums

08-23-2002, 10:13 PM
I think that we need to have a discussion about how the Classifieds forums are run. Currently one major problem is that people are browsing through and critiquing peoples posts / markers / asking prices and such. In my opinion this is completely wrong. Do you go into WalMart and stand next to a certain pair of clothes that you think is ugly and tell every person that comes near it that you think it's ugly? I really believe that doing things like this is completely disrespectful to the sellers and buyers as well.

08-23-2002, 10:16 PM
your pissed at me huh...

08-23-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
your pissed at me huh...

LOL wut? No I'm not directing it at anyone in particular. I'm just saying this happens in nearly EVERY thread now, and it never used to.

Seize the day

Dead poets society was a great movie. Not sure if that's where you got the quote, but they use carpe diem in there and it's a great movie and I'm trying to sound like a scholar. Is it working?

08-23-2002, 10:24 PM
well alot of people are sumtimes asking too much $$$ or have flat out and out lied... and where telling some one that thats too much money might seem like being rude its kinda telling them what to change if they want to sell it... but i wont stand by when some one out and out lies, i find those kind of people really tick me off cause the fact that they use deception and trickery to sell objects... some times its just some ones ego that makes them say things that arnt true (IE "this is the most tricked out spyder its the best marker ever... its better than any angel, mag, cocker....ect) i try to go easy on them but still its like a pet peeve... il try to stop though...

Edit: no i havent seen the movie but you kinda sounded like a scholar:D i heard it a while ago and was reminded of it on a quote page...

08-23-2002, 10:28 PM
Well this is exactly why I said discussion.

I personally think things like that should be saved for PMs.

08-23-2002, 10:34 PM
ya i guesse the price thing could be but if they are flat out and out lieing its unlikley that they care what you have to say so you need to warn the interested buyers

08-23-2002, 10:44 PM
does this apply?


08-23-2002, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by wimag
does this apply?


At the time I was trading away my RT. I was seeing if he wanted to add lots of cash, though I see how it could be misunderstood.

08-23-2002, 11:01 PM
i agree, im as close to a noobie as u can get:( but i can say synce ive been browsing then till now ive seen alot of bs, and its all with younger kids or people that dont have any respect. And for all the older people that have been here a wile are prob sick of it. I shouldnt really have a say but i think it would be nice just haven our ownthing, but it wouldnt be fair to everyone. Ah guess im rambling now :rolleyes:

Only time i ask a Dumb question is when i really need help or im going out tomaro and buying it

08-23-2002, 11:13 PM
I have always thought (albeit not stated this publicly) that the classified forums need special moderator attention.

The way I see it is that the classifieds are a common gateway between us and the general paintball community.

Currently there are plenty of non mag owners that browse the classifieds as it is a place for the buying and selling of all paintball equipment.

It would be a shame to have them turn away because "Those mag guys are going to complain about my price and try to lowball me down."

Also, the Classifieds deal with something a lot of people hold very near and dear: Their money. Anecdotally, I know of people that choose not to buy used from forums because of some of the complications, and I don't think that ones that can easily be solved through moderation (excessive bickering, flaming over price, possibly even poaching) should contribute to this.

Some other sites have very clearly defined rules for their classifieds forums. (i.e, the amount of "ups" per day, clear minimum asking price, etc.) I'm not saying that these things have to be enforced with Gestapo-esque firmness, but I *do* believe that the rules governing the classifieds are a bit too lax.

Please bear in mind also that this in no way shape or form is meant as derogatory towards any of the moderators as they are doing an excellent job on the rest of the board, I just feel that the classifieds by their intrinsic nature deserve special attention.

08-23-2002, 11:55 PM
I totally agree with tato for once. It's true that the classifieds needs to be monitored more than the other forums. I mean, people don't want to be cheated and people want to make some money. Sometimes things get bad when it comes to money so those comments and people doing bad deals will get people upset really easily. Maybe we should get a special classifieds mod?

08-24-2002, 12:47 AM
if you put something on a public forum, its open to all. Now i'm not talking about "hey over here you can buy mine for $50 less" as that shouldn't be allowed.

But if your openly trying to rip people off, on what seems like a bad deal, i'll post a reply saying so.

08-24-2002, 02:06 AM
mabey a moderator should just create a classic thread stating rules and such. Also there should be a warning system which once you get 3 warnings or something you get a temp ban. Pbnation does stuff like that

08-24-2002, 02:10 AM
well it really comes down to how people thought they were wronged. I am a person that feels I dont care what you do. I dont care if you lowball me, or knock my claims I am ready to back them up. and the right buyer will come along so I dont care at all what people try to pull. some times people try to tell me something I have is not worth the asking price big deal i either lower my price or leave it the same depending on what I personally want to sell it for.

I do disagree with this

if you put something on a public forum, its open to all. Now i'm not talking about "hey over here you can buy mine for $50 less" as that shouldn't be allowed.

this is trading and part of the market is what people are willing to sell for. If someone is willing to sell for less I dont see how thats any different then putting an add in the paper to beat a competitor. you will either have to lower your price or wait for the next buyer.

Even when soemone makes a false claim like I can get that cheaper new I just say well then please share the place and price and a phone number so all the interested people can buy it. If they come up short then they look bad. if they are right I realize I was probably ripped off in the original purchase

08-24-2002, 07:12 AM
I agree there has been too much of this breaking the rules lately in classifieds. However it comes in spells. I have spent far too many hours in there lately. But the fact is the rules ARE classic posted and people the classifieds are a bit more work now that there are four of them. But if people would just follow the rules...

Want more Moderation? Report the post! We don't mind. We love it as a matter of fact. How many times have I thanked a reporter for reproting one? Every day!! You are all our eyes and ears. In that way you are all moderators. We may miss or be on something else at that point in time... so help out. It's your responsibility as a memeber to help keep the place clean. See something wrong? Give us a heads up! DO something about it!!!! REPORT IT! :)

And thank in advance for wanting to help out.

08-24-2002, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
I agree there has been too much of this breaking the rules lately in classifieds. However it comes in spells.
This has actually spilled over into the regular forums as well. There has been another flux of new people and the distinction between AO and other Paintball Forums has not sunk in for some of them.

The language seems to be the biggest thing now (aside from our occasional “problem child”). I see the *cuss filter* working overtime lately. ;)

08-24-2002, 07:35 AM
well you know what I think it is... I think that some people hype their sell too much. Like saying "my spyder with boo-yaah is like an angel, shoots like one, and is good as one" .... are the ones who know better just going to sit there and let some newbie looking to get his first "real" gun get suckered into that?

I think it is good when others step in and give their thoughts... be like me trying to see my minimag RT (when I had the ELCD frame on it) for $800 claiming is was as good an EMAG, or, just as good as one... there is a point where it gets out of hand, but for the most part it saves someone ... from gettn' cheated.

08-24-2002, 08:28 AM
THE MAIN reason I came over here is the high level of BS control.
You can't overlook the higher level of intelligence and really smart helpful folks who hang around here, either!

If you have something for sale and you get no hits, you have a choice of: UP the add, lower price, or take the add down.
If you have something for sale, POST IT, just not in someone elses add as a reply.
The "HEY, LOOK HERE" mentality works at the midway of a carnival as they are all working together for the same thing. In a private add, it's not nice.

Thanks for reading.

08-24-2002, 04:00 PM
i havent had that problem when i tried to sell my tippmann here(of course noone posted anything at all :() but i posted in a couple places. i got an email from some guy trying to tell me how much i payed for it and how im trying to rip people off and how i should only sell it for $75! he made up prices on all the products and said things like "uh i dont know what this thing is but its only worth $5 used" and trying to make me look bad(ive been having enough problems selling it i dont need jerks calling me a rip off) o and my tippmann is as accuarate as my cocker so i didnt lie when i said that :)
my tippmann is still for sale pm me with questions and offers :) :D