View Full Version : What do you use to get a good sight picture?

08-24-2002, 12:59 AM
What do you use to get a good sight picture? I just moved to a Classic mag from a Pro/Carb I Like the pistol feel of the mag however; I am not fond of sighting down the barrel. With the standard sights on my pro/carb I could quickly get a sight picture with out tonal vision. What do you do?

08-24-2002, 02:00 AM
I point my mag in the direction of someone on the other side and watch where the balls hit I adjust from there.

08-24-2002, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl
I point my mag in the direction of someone on the other side and watch where the balls hit I adjust from there.


ditto for me!

08-24-2002, 09:25 AM
Gotta go with the Armson Red Dot Sights, they work great and dont restrict your vision to much since you sight with two eyes, plus it dosn't need any batterys to replace since it works of natural light.

I'd say its better to have a sight when you need to take that first shot perfectly or else you wont get the opportunity again.Using a sight you can suprizes the other guy with one well placed shot rather than laying down a wall of paint.

The only disadvantage to having a sight is the extra weight and a slightly larger gun profile.

I always use my sight.

08-24-2002, 09:30 AM
i aimt done the powerfeed tube. w/ my new cocker im gonna have to say idk yet. brand new used one(no the kid well hes getting outta balling tank revy barrel drop 350$)

08-24-2002, 10:27 AM
after you play enough with your setup, you just kinda know where you're shooting...

08-24-2002, 11:07 AM
i agree, i agree

08-24-2002, 11:20 AM
I try not to aim.

When you practice snapshooting enough, you sorta learn where you need to point your marker, depending on how far away they are. Eventually it just becomes instictive to aim right. Whenever im out long enough to aim, i usually have a whole lotta paint flying at my head...

Thats one thing i dont like about sights, they dont adjust by themselves for distance. I just dont think Paintball Markers are accurate enough to use sights.

Just practice snapshooting, eventually you will get a good feel for your mag.

08-24-2002, 12:43 PM
i don't get the whole sight thing. Paintballs arn't that accurate anyway. Just adjust where you see the balls going. Just shoot people. Just let you eyes follow the balls and your hands will adjust automatically to aim closely. It's really pretty simple.

08-24-2002, 01:20 PM
Polishpickles451 -"i don't get the whole sight thing. Paintballs arn't that accurate anyway."
I was just talking about a dot sight, no magnification if thats what you mean.

I guess its just me but I like to know exactly where my paints going to fly. And most of the time its right on the money. It comes in handy when your in close bunker combat, especially when your pinned down.

I line up my sight where hes going to be before I come out. When I come out at a diffrent angle in the bunker already lined up on him, it makes it that much easier for that 1 shot = 1 splat on the goggles kill. :D

08-24-2002, 01:30 PM
When you play for a year(or less) you learn exactly where you wanna paint. Just play alot you don't need a sight, you will depend on it to much."Use the force Luke"


08-24-2002, 01:35 PM
DaFlip - "When you play for a year(or less) you learn exactly where you wanna paint."
I've had the same set up for 3 years now.

lol, dont get me wrong...im just saying their fun to play with. I'd say I only use it 60% of the time im playing...

08-24-2002, 01:56 PM
More opinions please!!!! Keep'em coming!!!!!!

08-24-2002, 05:34 PM
3 words:
Spray and Pray :p

08-25-2002, 12:19 AM
My paint rope.

08-25-2002, 03:12 AM
I choose to pray THEN spray...Because the balls have probably already hit something by the time you say "I know I haven't been the best christian..."

08-25-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Deftonius
I choose to pray THEN spray...Because the balls have probably already hit something by the time you say "I know I haven't been the best christian..."

Good point!!!!

I think it partially depends on what you play most. I'm planning on getting the Dye Izon but I know it will be virtually useless in speedball. In woodsball it might help a little more when you actually have a chance to aim. Really I just want to fiddle with it....:D

08-25-2002, 10:04 AM
I dont aim. Aiming is for stupid people. Who aims anyway?

08-25-2002, 12:54 PM
About the Armson... make sure you try it out before you buy! I've used my friend's, and with my glasses and left eye dominance, I cannot get any sort of decent picture with it. Works fine for him, however.


08-25-2002, 02:08 PM
Only time i would use a sight is if i had a pump and an armson pro-dot. When your playing stock you just cant walk the paintballs onto target like you can with a semi.

I know a guy who has a phantom with one on it and he is AMAZING with it. (once eliminated 9 players in a speedaball game with a little over 10 balls :eek: )

08-25-2002, 02:24 PM
hmmm, i usually use my paint rope, as i took the sight rail off of my e-mag. Also, the armson sights are nice, but smaller, sleeker, and more expensive are the dye izon sights, there pretty spiffy. i just think they look nicer than the armsons.

08-26-2002, 10:54 AM
Izon more expensive? My local store sells them for the same price....

08-26-2002, 11:08 AM
How I aim depends on the situation. When on the run, I either keep my marker shouldered and shoot down the side of the barrel… or… I hold it with one hand at about chest or slightly below and point it in the direction I want to shoot and watch where the balls go and adjust. Like I said, it depends on the situation. (and I have seen pictures of me shooting on the run in other ways as well… LOL)

Same with when I am stationary. How my body is positioned also determines how I will aim. Shouldered looking down the barrel… slightly lower than shoulder and adjust watching the balls…. or holding the marker in some *odd* position and angle and watching where the balls go.

And when I am simply target shooting, I always shoulder the marker and sight down the left side of the barrel just below the feed and elbow. Of course this is only to give me a rough idea where I will be shooting….. like others have said, when you know your marker, it is almost instinctual. You know where your balls are going to be placed.

08-26-2002, 11:29 AM
I guess it depends on the situation. I'm a mid-back player, but I like to know where my balls are going, even the first one. One the run and sweet-spotting at the break, I sight down the barrel and follow the paint.

If I'm in position and throwing suppression fire, I don't even bother aiming, as the point is to keep heads down and allow your front guys to get where they are going.

However, if I'm going for the elimination on a guy behind a bunker, I take shots sparingly. Spraying the bunker will keep the opponent's head down and you want him to come up, so I use 2-3 shot bursts to dare him to stick his head out. Then when he does, I whack him with a goggle shot. This is when sights are important. You want that 1st shot on the money.

As for what sight, I can't comment on the the Armsons or Izons as I am blind in my right eye. I prefer the Square Shooter from ADCO. It's a good sight with a large reticle, which reduces tunnel-vision when I you use it.

If you are not using the Armson/IZON you need to get a red dot with no magnification (as it is unneccasary and magnified sights require you to line up the shot, which takes too long in a game like paintball) and as large a reticle as you can afford. At least 30mm, maybe even as high as 45mm.

Evil Bob
08-26-2002, 03:45 PM
I use a 42mm red dot sight as seen on the EMag here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11992) . Its made by BSA (cheap chinese product), you can get them at Cabela's web site, they're water and shock resistant. I've worn the blueing off of it playing paintball. Its been hit, dropped, cleaned, and generally abused countless times on the front lens and still functions flawlessly.

Like the square shooter, it's a fast sight to pick up visually and is set for 30 yards, anything beyond that and it's indirect artillery.
For snap shooting, it's dead on since the sight pictures is very large and the dot is highly visible, no need to take time to line it up, just raise and shoot. That was my one complaint of using the Armson OEG, the sight picture is too small and takes too much time to pick up the dot, plus you can't see through the OEG at all, moving to a larger sight cured this problem. Distance is also hard to gage with just one eye, using view through optics gives you full depth perception. I shoulder my emag and the sight is so large I can't miss the dot.

Those who are anti sights have usually never used one correctly or have used magnified hunting scopes which are completely useless in paintball. Dot sights are normally zero magnification, so you can use both eyes, no need to squint or close one eye to focus on the target, keep both eyes open and put the little red dot on the target.

I have people come up to me all the time and ask me about the dot sight, I let them try it out and shoot with it, others laugh and point ignorantly, those I just smile. I know exactly where my first rounds are going, I don't have to walk paint on target, nor do I have to guess, just put the dot on the spot I want to hit and send `em walking. I later hear comments like "that guy is shooting darts", "he never misses", or "ah man, how come you're on the other team??"

-Evil Bob

08-26-2002, 04:20 PM
I play mostly rec (including speedball) so I don't want to use the "paint rope" method for two reasons. The first is, of course, cost. Those paint ropes are pretty expensive. The second is that alot of people leave a little showing when they are behind a bunker. After the first miss, however, they realize they are exposed and tighten up. If I could just get them on the first shot I'd get them before they could shoot back and save paint!

Hopefully the Dye Izon will work for me the way the square shooter works for Evil Bob....:) Did that armson help at all Bob? For those of us with vertical feeds/powerfeeds the square shooter won't work for us that well.

08-26-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag
For those of us with vertical feeds/powerfeeds the square shooter won't work for us that well. [/B]

Standard red dots will not work with vert feeds, but they will work with power feeds. You need to maked sure that if you purchase a sight with a mounting mechanism already attached that the sight is somewhat raised so that you can see over your power-feed. If you have to buy sight rings then make sure that they are raised enough so that they clear the power-feed.


Evil Bob
08-26-2002, 04:41 PM
OEG's (ocluded eye gunsights) work well for vertical feeds. I use the same 42mm dot sight on my eclipse cocker with veritcal feed, I just put the dust cover over the lens to black it out and keep both eyes open.

As you can see in my emag picts, I use a warp on a power feed body, the emag sight rail positions the sight up high enough that the PF doen't get in the way at all, the sight picture is so awesome with the warp, zero tunnel vision.

-Evil Bob

08-26-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
OEG's (ocluded eye gunsights) work well for vertical feeds. I use the same 42mm dot sight on my eclipse cocker with veritcal feed, I just put the dust cover over the lens to black it out and keep both eyes open.

-Evil Bob

How do you do that and does it work if you are blind in on eye, like me.


08-26-2002, 09:15 PM
aiming is great, if no one has a bead on you. Otherwise you will have to learn to snap shoot. 2-3 shots and get behind your bunker.