View Full Version : stock 2k2 operating pressure?

Rancid Milk
08-24-2002, 04:22 PM
Hey, I got a new 2k2 cocker a little while back and I was wondering, what is the stock operating pressure for these? I don't know if it says in the manual, I lost it :(. if there is a thread already about this then just post a link please, but I couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance,

08-24-2002, 04:32 PM
i also want to know because i am thinking about getting a new project gun because my mag is almost customed out

Lone Gunman
08-24-2002, 05:32 PM
Taken from Ravi's Paintball Place (http://www.paintballravi.com/index.html)

The first, biggest problem is deciding what pressure to run into the gun. The problem comes in that different people run different weight mainsprings, so the valve is open for diffent periods of time, so a different pressure has to be run into each gun. The basic way to do this is to set the velocity adjusting nut (that adjusts mainspring tension) to about the middle of it's possible travel then set the velocity with your regulator to a level in the general ballpark of where you want to be shooting, then fine tune the velocity with the nut. One thing to keep in mind is that you want to be feeding your gun a pressure below tank pressure or the regulator won't be doing anything useful (it'll be just allowing tank pressure straight through to the gun with no regulation). These days, stock Autocockers run at about 400 psi. Autocockers with aftermarket valves and springing can run as low as 180 psi. With 'guns that run at extremely low pressures like this, you often have to use your regulator to adjust velocity. This is particularly true if you have the Tornado valve installed in your 'gun.

Hope this helps you guys.

Rancid Milk
08-24-2002, 05:35 PM
thanks alot man, that answered it all.