View Full Version : Filling my own co2 tanks?

08-24-2002, 06:46 PM
im interested in filling my own tanks because countless times i have had my game ruined by running out of air ( we play in the woods near my house) and we play usually when the sporting goods store in our are is closed. so if you have any information on a website where i can get a tank and a fill station and what i need to get started post back.


08-24-2002, 07:05 PM
Not sure about CO2, but Scuba works well for HPA tanks. Have you considered going into a SCUBA tank and fill station (less than $200) with your friends and picking up a used 47 or 68 tank for cheap?

08-24-2002, 07:07 PM
well tanks you can rent from a location ( welding shops and other places) and a good fill station is this... its 32degrees but it does the job... its the one we use at my field ( i do most if not all of the co2 filling) and out of the many fill stations we have used i like this one the best... http://www.888paintball.com/product_card.asp?ItemNo=+38%2D1%2DAFM+FLL+ST+DXL i think it comes with a muffler and a nosle too:D i dont recomend the micro/mini fill stations cause you gotta turn the tank itself on and off for each fill and chill.... you will also need a digital scale ( fish scales work good) heres an example http://www.888paintball.com/product_card.asp?ItemNo=+++++38%2D1%2DDGTL+SCALE hope i helped... i can probibly teach you how to fill if you dont know how....

08-24-2002, 07:46 PM
These might help with Co2 and HPA filling questions:



08-25-2002, 01:55 AM
Take a look in the phone book for welding supply, oxygen supply, and fire extinguisher service locations. I've had good luck with the fire extinguisher guys. Get the fill station from one of the place listed above, and have the fire extinguisher folks put a different valve on an old tank. It doesn't have to be a CO2 tank, it can even be an old fire extinguisher tank. I've got a tank that used to be a Nitrous Oxide tank (think quarter mile racecars), had them put a new valve in it and wala, CO2 fill station. Since I use HPA now though, I'll sell it to you... : )

08-25-2002, 02:15 AM
Or you can just go to a welding supply place a rent a "Siphoned" Co2 bulk tank (You need siphoned to fill with as opposed to anti siphon to shoot with) The tank costs me $3.00 a month and $15.00 to re-fill and when it comes time to re-fill the bulk tank I just go and trade it in on a filled tank. No waiting for re-fills. The Nitrous bottle idea is a great idea. And just one reason is for its potability if you dont like waiting in line to get your tanks filled at the park or to do in the field for rec games..

08-25-2002, 09:50 AM
my friends dad got a bulk co2 tank and a fill station about 2 weeks ago. find somehwere where you can rent the siphoned co2 tank and buy a fill station from a site or a local store liek the other guys said. also get a good digital scale. we used this shipping scal and it works great, you set the tank on it and then hit the button and it zeros out the weight of the tank and hose. you have to put about 2-3 ounces in the tank then bleed it off to chill it so it will take the full amount the tank holds. its really easy to do and nice to have. i think he ended up spending about 80 on a fill station and about 20 for filling the tank.