View Full Version : Air Leak in RT

08-24-2002, 08:10 PM
Hey guys, I have this serious leak out of the front of my barrel. I did a search and found the most popular fix was to replace the o-rings in the power tube tip. I did this, but it still has the leak going. I have an old school RT fitted with the Hyperframe and I run a preset pressure 3000psi 47 ci tank. When I gas it up, that's when the leak starts. I've tried holding the trigger down when I gas it, and it's been cleaned thouroghly. I also have inspected all the o-rings and they appear to be fine. Can you guys think of any other thing that might be the problem here? I sent out some PM's to a couple people, but I gotta get on this kind of quick so I started this thread. Any help is greatly appreciated.

08-24-2002, 08:13 PM

08-24-2002, 08:14 PM
saer not engaging properly? that would be my guess. since some of the hyperframes caused premature sear wear, other than that all i can say is try oiling it

08-24-2002, 08:19 PM
Maybe try to change the spacer to the next shorter size?

08-24-2002, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by shartley


(Are you meaning I should check the Tech Forum? If so, thanks for the tip. If you mean this should have been posted there, thanks for the chastisement. Just needed a quick answer, didn't mean to offend. Not sure if I'm taking you wrong.)

Everyone else:

Thanks for the advice. I don't know...I've never had a problem with it doing that before and there doesn't seem to be any sear wear. I wouldn't think I would need a different size spacer if it's worked to this point.

08-24-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by dre1919


(Are you meaning I should check the Tech Forum? If so, thanks for the tip. If you mean this should have been posted there, thanks for the chastisement. Just needed a quick answer, didn't mean to offend. Not sure if I'm taking you wrong.)

LOL Yes, the Tech Forum would be a good place to look, AND it would be the correct place for this post.... BUT... I didn't chastise you. :D And I am not offended. :D

If I was really upset, I would have posted quite a bit more... I think you know that. :)

But in all seriousness, can you imagine what would happen if everyone just started posting things in any forum? ;)

08-24-2002, 08:56 PM
I know, and I appreciate what your trying to do. But, please understand that sometimes when I've been reading a thread and somebody pops in with a quick reply that sounds like "look here instead of wasting our time" or "this need to go somewhere else" it just comes off a bit wrong. I get this impression from time to time with some of your posts, and I try to remember that you are just trying to keep things orderly and a great deal of the time you are either right with what you are saying or provide really good information. For that I thank you. It's just now and then you tend to rub people the wrong way. We all do. Lol. ;) Anyway, no offense meant, hopefully you see where I'm coming from on that.

Anyway, back on topic. I did do a search through the main forum and the tech forum. I posted this up on the main board because I really wanted to get this fixed quick and I thought more people would see it there. Sorry about that. Both areas basically yielded the same result which was "power tube spacer" or "power tube o-ring" replacement was the best fix. The o-ring appears to be just fine, and I wouldn't think I would need to change out the spacer since it's worked just fine for quite a while with the one it has in it. Am I wrong here? I tried the trick with a straight shot squeegee trying to push it back in place and set it and it wasn't having any of that either. I'm kinda stumped and would like to avoid having to take it to the proshop tommorow. (Got team practice).

08-25-2002, 03:48 AM
This is a tough one because I know you are trying to be very nice. I was also trying to be very nice, but so many times I get the same type of feedback…. And it always sounds like this to me:

“You know, you do a lot of good here on AO, but please point out when others are breaking the rules and leave me alone. I know you point people in the right directions, and even provide the needed information, but unless you do so while letting me do anything I want, you will upset me and rub folks the wrong way. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, because we really appreciate you doing what you do, just don’t do it to me.”

I find this an odd paradox indeed.

I know, and I appreciate what your trying to do. But, please understand that sometimes when I've been reading a thread and somebody pops in with a quick reply that sounds like "look here instead of wasting our time" or "this need to go somewhere else" it just comes off a bit wrong. I get this impression from time to time with some of your posts, and I try to remember that you are just trying to keep things orderly and a great deal of the time you are either right with what you are saying or provide really good information. For that I thank you. It's just now and then you tend to rub people the wrong way. We all do. Lol. ;) Anyway, no offense meant, hopefully you see where I'm coming from on that.
Sound familiar? ;)

Now, please understand how it appears to *me*. And this does not apply only to you, but seems to also be a recurring statement and attitude.

“I know the rules. I know how I should go about getting information. I know what forum I should be putting my post in. BUT, you don’t understand. I just want to get results faster and do it my way. I know the rules are there, but they really don’t apply to me.”

This too is an odd paradox.

Anyway, back on topic. I did do a search through the main forum and the tech forum. I posted this up on the main board because I really wanted to get this fixed quick and I thought more people would see it there. Sorry about that. Both areas basically yielded the same result…
Again, sound familiar?

“I know the speed limit says 30MPH, but I really needed to get someplace fast.”
“I know I am suppose to always wear my goggles on the field, but I really needed to scratch my nose.”

But I fully understand… *I* am the one that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. ;) No, I am not offended by your comment, I understand it quite well. :)

08-25-2002, 08:37 AM
Pull out your sear and bolt and inspect them for wear. If the strait shot cannot push the bolt back onto the sear, then I would suggest checking it for wear. Especially with a hyperframe.

08-25-2002, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by shartley
This is a tough one because I know you are trying to be very nice. I was also trying to be very nice, but so many times I get the same type of feedback…. And it always sounds like this to me:

“You know, you do a lot of good here on AO, but please point out when others are breaking the rules and leave me alone. I know you point people in the right directions, and even provide the needed information, but unless you do so while letting me do anything I want, you will upset me and rub folks the wrong way. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, because we really appreciate you doing what you do, just don’t do it to me.”

I find this an odd paradox indeed.

Hmmm...no, I wasn't really suggesting I wanted you to "please point out when others are breaking the rules and leave me alone." Actually, this couldn't be further from the truth. If that's what my post sounded like, then it was misinterpreted. I really don't think it's your responsibility to point this out to people. While you are probably the member with the most longevity here, and a great deal of knowledge...you are not a moderator. If they have a problem with something, they'll bring it to our attention. You are correct sir, I was trying to be nice as I still am. I respect you, but a great amount of the time I find myself repeating the old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" when it comes to some things here.

Sound familiar? ;)

Now, please understand how it appears to *me*. And this does not apply only to you, but seems to also be a recurring statement and attitude.

“I know the rules. I know how I should go about getting information. I know what forum I should be putting my post in. BUT, you don’t understand. I just want to get results faster and do it my way. I know the rules are there, but they really don’t apply to me.”

This too is an odd paradox.

I am trying to understand how it appears to you. Now, as I said before, see it from someone you just told that too's view. Do you really think they are going to sit back and say, "Oh, gosh you're right! Thanks shartley! Why am I a stupid kid?" Ehh, I doubt it. Basically, I'm just saying that since it isn't your job to point these things out to people it really makes you sound like you're getting on to them when you really should let a moderator do it. I'm not mad at you man, I'm just saying I've been here for almost three months now and this is the opinion I've built about you. I really don't experience that same thing with any other online member.

Again, sound familiar?

“I know the speed limit says 30MPH, but I really needed to get someplace fast.”
“I know I am suppose to always wear my goggles on the field, but I really needed to scratch my nose.”

But I fully understand… *I* am the one that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. ;) No, I am not offended by your comment, I understand it quite well. :)

Hmmm...that's probably why I put in there "We all do" in reference to rubbing people the wrong way. Because we all do. Look, right now I'm rubbing you the wrong way. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you probably don't like me much and that's alright. It's unfortunate, but alright. I just feel a lot of the time you come down on people when you really shouldn't. You aren't a moderator, although with your knowledge and post count (ie: time here) you probably should be. And you know, if they made you one I would have no problem with that. But until that day, when you roll into some thread and start spouting paragraphs of text on how somebody did something seriously wrong and this and that it tends to offend people. In this case, instead of sparking this longwinded debate, you simply could have posted what you knew about my problem or not posted at all. If the mods wanted it moved, they would have moved it. If they wanted to yell at me for posting it here since I was in a hurry, they would have. I'm quite sure no one's going to back me up on this one, since most people don't really enjoy raising your ire here. That's alright. I really didn't want to get into a debate about this with you in the first place man.

I'm sorry my placing this thread on the main board was such an offense, so believe me next time I'll post it in the Tech area and not make the same mistake twice. Thank you for the lesson learned. However, I still haven't managed to fix the air leak problem, which was what I was hoping to do instead of having to hit the proshop. Oh well, no biggie I guess. Too bad this thread morphed into a "dre vs. shartley" arguing thread. I'll be awaiting your retort as I'm sure you no doubt will have one. I am content to simply drop it, as I made my point. No hard feelings. Have a nice day.

08-25-2002, 11:40 AM
I am gonna go with Magman on his reply. sounds like your sear is wearing down. Hyperframes have a tendency to do that. Check your bolt as well make sure it has a good edge. If you have a spare bolt try it out and see if that helps out. The spacer should not be the culprit seeing how it has been in a while. You are slowly eliminating causes and narrowing it down. Good luck.

! now that i reread it, check the bolt!!

08-25-2002, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by wimag
I am gonna go with Magman on his reply. sounds like your sear is wearing down. Hyperframes have a tendency to do that. Check your bolt as well make sure it has a good edge. If you have a spare bolt try it out and see if that helps out. The spacer should not be the culprit seeing how it has been in a while. You are slowly eliminating causes and narrowing it down. Good luck.

! now that i reread it, check the bolt!!

Thanks for the advice bro. Yeah man, I checked the sear and the bolt, they both are in great shape. I've kinda been keeping an eye on this matter anyway since I heard before that Hyper's were hard on them. But, no, there isn't any wear. It's wierd because the o-rings are all in good shape too. I thought the spacer wouldn't be the culprit just because I figured if it was going to have a problem it would have had one before now. I'm probably just going to take it up to the proshop here in town today and see what's going on with it. We have some AirGun Designs certified techs there.

Thanks to all that geve input and helped!!

08-25-2002, 12:48 PM
LOL I don’t know what to say.. it seems that you are indeed the one who keeps saying what you did was *such an offense*, and not me nor anyone else. I made a small comment, you responded, I replied, and now it seems that you feel I am *upset* at you. LOL Far from it…. ;)

No, I am not a Moderator. If I was, this whole conversation, as well as many of the other things you bring up, would NEVER happen. And why? Because when I was a Moderator (Temp Help :D), I simply moved the posts to the appropriate forums and never even commented about it. I also fixed people’s code when pictures were not working, as well as all the other standard things that go with the Moderator Position.

Should I be a Moderator? That can be debated rather successfully either way. As with most of the current Moderators. ;) Would I accept a permanent position as a Moderator if asked? No. And why? Because it would prevent me from saying some of the things I now say… not because they are against the rules, but because the position would not allow me to say them ;) … This goes for normal posts as well as ones sticking up for the general membership if I feel the Mods have done something that stepped across the line. I am sure you can see how this would be a problem. ;)

And those who have been here for an extended period of time know that often times what you think you are reading is not how I intended it, or in fact can often times be just to start further conversation. Keep in mind that there is often more going on behind the scene than what it may *look* like. ;)

So, does that mean that me not being a Moderator should prevent me from making the types of posts that some think should only be made by Moderators? Not at all. Self moderation, and that done by other members not being Moderators are also a key element to AO. It allows the Moderators to let some things slide, and can help reduce their workload. It has been stated time and again that much of the Mods work would be reduced if we the membership *assisted*, and for the most part we all do. Just some of us more than others. ;)

I hope this better explains a bit more. And it was all started because I made a little comment, “TECH FORUM? ;)”… LOL

Again, I am not upset… but actually probably could be. Bah… LOL Life is too short… PLAY HARD! :D

08-25-2002, 01:24 PM

Oh..sorry, better for me to make a new post than add to my last one. I got a chuckle out of this…

In this case, instead of sparking this longwinded debate, you simply could have posted what you knew about my problem or not posted at all. If the mods wanted it moved, they would have moved it. If they wanted to yell at me for posting it here since I was in a hurry, they would have. I'm quite sure no one's going to back me up on this one, since most people don't really enjoy raising your ire here. That's alright. I really didn't want to get into a debate about this with you in the first place man.
And then I went back and actually read the whole thread… WORD FOR WORD, POST FOR POST. You know what? It was not me who broke into any long winded debate without prompting. In fact, I made two very small posts with little content, and then you let loose… not me. ;) From there on out, it was pretty even. But definitely not me who started any sort of *debate*. LOL

This time I think the one who overreacted was most definitely not myself. And most of the arguments used in this discussion could very well be turned around at yourself in this very thread. Again, my original post was two words and a wink. I would hardly say that was worth your critique of my participation on AO…. But I could be wrong.

Oh, and again.. I am STILL not upset. :)

08-25-2002, 09:34 PM
Whatever man. It isn't even worth getting upset about or arguing about anymore. You brought up your points, so did I. Who's right here? ...Who cares. As I try to do in most things, and may not always succeed, I will be a gentleman in this and say please pardon me. I will in turn pardon you. We can live and let live, smile and say "It's all good." We are both very opinionated people and obviously strong willed in our responses. (i.e: we don't take anything lying down) ;) Sometimes that just gets a bit carried away. Anyway, lets just play paintball and have a good time. Cool?


08-26-2002, 11:17 AM
LOL Yes, I am cool.... and paintball is cool. In fact in none of my posts was I upset (and continually stated such) and laughted thoughout them. :D
