View Full Version : The Emag guy mag'less????

08-25-2002, 12:06 AM
:mad: Tommorow im playing but I DONT HAVE A FILL STATION grr... so instead of not playing im playing but I dont play wihtout my mag. So im not renting guess what.. im the flag runner. This is actually a great idea because i will be able to move better and run faster. But ill get bunkered a lot

anyways wish me luck AO tommorow im comming home 100 welts richer! :D

08-25-2002, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by TheEmagGuy
:mad: Tommorow im playing but I DONT HAVE A FILL STATION grr... so instead of not playing im playing but I dont play wihtout my mag. So im not renting guess what.. im the flag runner. This is actually a great idea because i will be able to move better and run faster. But ill get bunkered a lot

anyways wish me luck AO tommorow im comming home 100 welts richer! :D
I first thought you were playing a private field since you mentioned not having a fill station... Then I thought you were at a *business field* since you mentioned rentals....

Ummmmm Good luck, in any case. ;):D I would never go into a game without any marker, even a slow one. But that is just me. I can see playing part of a game without a working marker if it broke during play... but to walk into the game weaponless..... hmmmmmmm Yup, I suspect you will get hit a lot once everyone knows. ;) Have fun. :D

08-25-2002, 09:31 AM
yea,what kind of field are u playing at?!?!?!?

why cant u use ur mag?!?!

08-25-2002, 12:45 PM
Think of it this way: You can make some killer dead-man walks!

08-25-2002, 09:17 PM
Well today was great, I had no marker BUT I still kicked some butt! :D

Since I play front I was able to run faster without a marker. I got 5 flag hangs and I made 7 people surrender in 1 game by using a stick to make them surrender!! hahaha it was a good day.

I couldnt use E-mag because I didnt have any HPA :mad:

O well it will be in use on teusday, maybe ill get some photos of me using it for ya guys. Today was pretty cool though also a guy from the Canadian Army came and was telling me stuff about afganistan. Like about us getting the farthest recorded sniper kill! :p

Also a girl came out!! man she was a great player.

Anyways hopefully i can get some pics teusday.