View Full Version : Finally see the value in L10

08-25-2002, 10:36 AM
Don't get me wrong, I think the L10 bolt is huge for AGD and all the folks with chopping problems, but I never chopped with my E-Mag and warp.

I played this weekend w/ my PF Left body and revy instead of using my warp (I looking for ways to lighten my marker). It fired perfectly with a couple of exceptions where I would have chopped if not for the L10. One one occasion, the L10 saved me from a sticky mess when the PF plug got moved out of place and caused mis-fires.

I bought the upgrade on a whim (primarily b/c I was afraid that my Superbolt would break and I'd be boltless) and I'm very glad I did!

08-25-2002, 03:07 PM
I bought it just for peace of mind as much as anything - hearing the 'pssst' once in a while is a nice thing, and while it may not happen all that often, it's always comforting when it does :)

08-25-2002, 03:53 PM
I considering one more and more now. I didn't realize my batteries in my rev were almost dead and it was acting up and i started to chop yesterday during a game. The crappy thing was that during that game the bolt got jammed so i couldn't fire anything and ended up getting lit up. Definately putting on my things to buy list.

Mav D MagMan
08-26-2002, 12:03 PM
I didn't hear the psst at all during 1600 rounds yesterday, however when I handed it to the ref at the chrono station biggest psst ever, that would be the true value, you may not chop with your mag, but others will!


08-26-2002, 12:48 PM
yes, very true! Now I feel (relatively) safe handing my mag to others ;)

08-26-2002, 12:48 PM
I agree. I just put Level 10 into my current marker which will soon be my back-up (once I get my Extreme). I really never had any chopping problem, but it occurred to me that most of the time, it's not me who ends up using the back-up marker, it's someone else who typically is not a mag user to begin with. If nothing else, Level 10 stops you from having to clean up some else's mess...

Evil Bob
08-26-2002, 04:25 PM
Anyone having second thoughts about buying Lvl 10.... just do it!

It is so beyond being "worth it", I consider it a mandatory upgrade.

PGI equates it to being up there with sliced bread, and its not hype, it really works.

-Evil Bob