View Full Version : After Action report

08-26-2002, 08:45 AM
Well, Sunday was the first time since April 2001 that I've been able to play. I was all fired up to test my Minimag, Micromag, Autococker, and Rainmaker. To tell the honest truth, I was most worried about the Autococker and the Rainmaker.

Anyway, we (my roommate cam along) arrive at the field, set up our stuff, get the paperwork done up, and proceed to chrony (to avoid making huge corrections later). Well, problem number 1 arose when I fired 1 shot over the chrony with my Minimag, and it proceeded to start spewing air like crazy. Well, since I forgot the velocity adjuster tool for my Autococker (the type that you don't have to remove the cocking rod for), I grabbed the Rainmaker. Problem number 2 arose when my roommate went to chrony with the Boo Yaah equipped Micromag. It decided it was going to fire when IT wanted to. Well, the guy at the chrony said my roommate was leaning on the macroline, thus starving it. My roommate decided to avoid the situation by firing left handed.

The first game was my roommate and I against 3 kids (one of which had a Vision Impulse). My roommate got off 1 shot before the Micromag completely refused to work. I got off about 30 shots before my glasses fogged up so badly that I couldn't see.

I spent the next 1 1/2 hours trying to get the 'Mags to work, at which point I decided my roommate and I should alternate playing with the Rainmaker and his mask.

I must say this, that my Rainmaker NEVER gave us a problem. The only time it misfired was when I was at the target range, and had swtiched to F/A or burst (I just HAD to try them out :-) ). It appears that the Rainmaker can out-shoot the Revy with X-Board.

Despite all the problems that we had, we had fun. There are some things I made a note about for next time.

Bring teflon tape (that's why my roommate had to use my markers. He forgot to teflon tape his fittings on his Spyder and Stingray)

Bring lots of LP hose and top hats (someone at the field had constant problems with the lp hose on his cocker blowing off the fittings. Lucky for him, I happened to have enough)

Buy a scuba tank and fill station (just because the field sells air all day for $5, doesn't mean they have air all day)

Dump the Scott Extreme Stalker for a JT (the Scott caused my glasses to fog very badly, whereas the JT didn't)

A few questions I had were:

1: If all I did at the field to the Micromag was change the battery from a dead rechageable to an alkaline, what could've caused it to act up and not fire (the solenoid still clicked, but nothing happened)?

2: What could cause my Minimag to not reset the trigger and leak out of the on/off?

3: Has anyone used the on/off that comes with the Boo Yaah in a normal frame? (it seemed to give some level of reactiveness)

08-26-2002, 08:56 AM
Was it leaking out of the on/off or out of the barrel? If it was leaking down the barrel, try shooting it until it does it again. Then take a strait shot squeegee or a dowel and carefuly put it down the barrel and try to push back the bolt until the sear engages. If this works, it sounds like you need to invest in a power tube spacer kit.

08-26-2002, 09:20 AM
Rainmakers are under-rated :)

08-26-2002, 09:22 AM
It was the on/off. The sear wasn't being angaged, and if I pulled the trigger again, it MIGHT reset. But I got a lot of multiple feeds, and a lot of weak shots because of it.

08-26-2002, 10:14 AM
Sounds like "gun oil! gun oil!" to me.