View Full Version : Tippmann M98 RT + Halo B = 18 bps fun...

Jack & Coke
08-26-2002, 02:47 PM
This thing is a lot of fun!

I emptied my halo b shooting multiple bursts and full-auto (1/2 hopper) using the RT sweet spot (controlled pulls, not "run-away" like toothpick/sear mods)... wohooo.. NO CHOPS!

7-10 shot/half-second bursts while snap shooting vs. kiddies with $1500 Angels is just mean... :D

Not bad for a $200 marker.;)

Jack & Coke
08-26-2002, 02:48 PM
My M98C RT...

Jack & Coke
08-26-2002, 02:52 PM

...and BTW, for those who were interested regarding my Crossfire Tank.

The gage on my ASA read 700 output (strange?) and when fired in full-auto, flickered (is that a word?) between 700 and 600 psi rapidly (bur), but had NO DROP OFF.:)

08-26-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
7-10 shot/half-second bursts while snap shooting vs. kiddies with $1500 Angels is just mean... :D

What is the world coming to?:D

Not bad for a $200 marker.;)

No, not bad at all. Can you post a soundclip?

08-26-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
The gage on my ASA read 700 output (strange?) and when fired in full-auto, flickered (is that a word?) between 700 and 600 psi rapidly (bur), but had NO DROP OFF.:)

If that's on the ASA and not the tank it sounds reasonable, as the pressure in the line will drop briefly before the tank can recharge it... does it not do this normally?

Jack & Coke
08-26-2002, 03:11 PM

Here's a nice 3-4 second clip.

08-26-2002, 05:17 PM
how do you find the sweetspot on a m98? BTW, my friend has one but he's never founnd the sweetspot, and doesn't try because its a blender withour a halo.

08-26-2002, 05:46 PM
guy over on pbnation had his capable of 24 :D

but still that's sweet

Jack & Coke
08-26-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by fearc7
how do you find the sweetspot on a m98? BTW, my friend has one but he's never founnd the sweetspot...

There is an adjustment knob on the rightside of the gun. It controls the amount of air used to power the trigger return piston.

All you do is open it up a little (counter-clockwise) and it let's more air in. This increases to resetting force of the piston.

If the trigger pull is 5 lb. and the return force is 5 lbs., there not really a sweet spot. However, if you turn the screw out, the return force will be greater and you will easily hit the "sweet-spot"

...and doesn't try because its a blender without a halo...

That's why the halo is so great!;)

08-26-2002, 07:23 PM
i played with a dude with an rt trigger on a model 98c and he was ripping like crazy on that thing!!

08-26-2002, 07:57 PM
LOL, I also remember playing against an RT Tippy. Wasn't expecting much (didn't know it had the RT upgrade), then he sprayed with that thing like no ones business. I must say, that is impressive for the gun's price range.

09-01-2002, 11:33 AM
thats the nicest tippmann. thats for that sound clip that was nice.

09-01-2002, 06:20 PM
... kinda loud.

but hey.. for a Tippman.... very nice..

Jack & Coke
09-01-2002, 07:59 PM
Today, I actually had to turn down the reactiveness of my Tippy RT because a few guys with Angels and Cockers where complaining to the refs that I was out-shooting them and that my "full-auto" (8-10 shot snap shooting bursts) was an unfair advantage...:rolleyes:

After getting shot later in a different game, I stood on the sidelines and watched as the same Angel and Cocker guys lit up a bunch of kids with spyders and tippy rentals with easily +10 to 12 bps... I didn't hear them compaining to the refs then....

After playing the morning session with my Tippy RT (I even slapped on my Flatline for extra fun! Wohoo! curve balls are fun!), I switched back to my GZ for the afternoon. I must say, my GZ + Halo was running very very very sweet!

With my GZ, I had better consistancy, ball location, and strings.

However, with my Tippy RT, I had more fun scaring the bejezus out of 5 guys trying to sneak up the tape in Urban Chaos... I snapped out to the side, RT blazing (sweet spotting full-auto action) and hit all of them with a nice 5-7 second non-stop stream of paint. Kinda like watering the lawn. Man, balls where scattering all over the place (I broke a ball just prior so my barrel was coated in paint - yes even with the Halo B, my Tippy RT chopped 3 times all day).

I was cracking up as they scurried around like mice ducking for cover. It must have been the noise that scared them - my gun is LOUD! RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT... Muhahaha!:D

After the game, a few of them where tripping out at the firing range as I showed them what a cheap rental grade gun can do. None of them had ever fired a Tippy RT. Now they have.;)

One guy even thought I was nutz. He asked me why I put a $150 hopper on a rental gun.

09-01-2002, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Today, I actually had to turn down the reactiveness of my Tippy RT because a few guys with Angels and Cockers where complaining to the refs that I was out-shooting them and that my "full-auto" (8-10 shot snap shooting bursts) was an unfair advantage...:rolleyes: </b> Common case of "daddy buying his son a $1200 gun"

(I broke a ball just prior so my barrel was coated in paint - yes even with the Halo B, my Tippy RT chopped 3 times all day)

Thank GOD for LEVEL 10!

09-01-2002, 09:59 PM
the real question is.. would you shoot this over a timmy?

09-01-2002, 10:03 PM
i hate when i go play and people act different when they have angels and really high end guns. good luck with the tippmann.

Jack & Coke
09-02-2002, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Espomag454
the real question is.. would you shoot this over a timmy?

No. Until I pick up a C&C XMAG, my GZ will be my bread and butter!

To me, my GZ and my Tippy RT are different "fun to shoot" guns.

I think of my GZ as a Ferrari. -High performance.

I think of my Tippy RT as a Hummer. - Crazy experience.

"Different" kinda of fun.

But that's just me... :p

09-02-2002, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by
This thing is a lot of fun!

I emptied my halo b shooting multiple bursts and full-auto (1/2 hopper) using the RT sweet spot (controlled pulls, not "run-away" like toothpick/sear mods)... wohooo.. NO CHOPS!

7-10 shot/half-second bursts while snap shooting vs. kiddies with $1500 Angels is just mean...

Not bad for a $200 marker .

Umm gj and all. But wtf is the friggin $1500 Angels kiddies remark have to do with anything. How about GZ Timmys? what about the kiddies that shoot gz timmys, what about the kiddys that shoot mags, what about the kiddys that shoot cockers, spyders, the list goes on. Wtf kind of remark was that? Cause kids who have money to spend or even there parents are willing to buy them a good gun in which they willingly take up the offer? Whats so bad about that, i myself am no kiddy and get nothing handed to me anymore that im now 18. But let me say something to you if your parents said oh sure "Billy" do you want this Adrenalin Angel LCD i went to the local proshop and it was one of the most expensive guns they had there, do you want it? (assuming the parent thinks expensive is better usually correct in paintball and in most day to day merchandise) Im for sure you would gladly be like oh hell yeah ill take that. I seen some newbs out there that are pains in the asses and i know where your coming from but not every single newb or better yet kiddy (10 - 14) is not rich nor sucky. You should of said newb instead of kiddy, cause i know alot of young guns out there that work there butt off to play this sport. And they do have expensive equipment as well as me and you do? Maybe we should just not get expensive equipment as well hrrm :rolleyes:. On my team the youngest player is 15 and hes the best front man ever, hes small, quick, and he can whip any young gun out there that i know. He works , and he has 3 guns, all different setups. And he plays paintball everyweeked? Does that make him a kiddy with a FF Cocker, IR3, and a Blackmagic?

Just something you should think about and on top of that i bet your between the 13-16 year old range judging on how you displayed your writing.

Dont take this as a flame take this as something to ponder about. Also another thing to ponder is its 4 o'clock i just came back from a club, and cool stuff happend :D ;). (ehem cough)

Jack & Coke
09-27-2002, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
...Just something you should think about and on top of that i bet your between the 13-16 year old range judging on how you displayed your writing...

Damn dude, you're correct!

I'm a 6' 2", 225 pound, 14 year old who drinks Jack & Coke's with my sugar frosted flakes.


09-27-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*

Umm gj and all. But wtf is the friggin $1500 Angels kiddies remark have to do with anything. How about GZ Timmys? what about the kiddies that shoot gz timmys, what about the kiddys that shoot mags, what about the kiddys that shoot cockers, spyders, the list goes on. Wtf kind of remark was that? Cause kids who have money to spend or even there parents are willing to buy them a good gun in which they willingly take up the offer? Whats so bad about that, i myself am no kiddy and get nothing handed to me anymore that im now 18. But let me say something to you if your parents said oh sure "Billy" do you want this Adrenalin Angel LCD i went to the local proshop and it was one of the most expensive guns they had there, do you want it? (assuming the parent thinks expensive is better usually correct in paintball and in most day to day merchandise) Im for sure you would gladly be like oh hell yeah ill take that. I seen some newbs out there that are pains in the asses and i know where your coming from but not every single newb or better yet kiddy (10 - 14) is not rich nor sucky. You should of said newb instead of kiddy, cause i know alot of young guns out there that work there butt off to play this sport. And they do have expensive equipment as well as me and you do? Maybe we should just not get expensive equipment as well hrrm :rolleyes:. On my team the youngest player is 15 and hes the best front man ever, hes small, quick, and he can whip any young gun out there that i know. He works , and he has 3 guns, all different setups. And he plays paintball everyweeked? Does that make him a kiddy with a FF Cocker, IR3, and a Blackmagic?

Just something you should think about and on top of that i bet your between the 13-16 year old range judging on how you displayed your writing.

Dont take this as a flame take this as something to ponder about. Also another thing to ponder is its 4 o'clock i just came back from a club, and cool stuff happend :D ;). (ehem cough)

Arkfear, i woulda guessed you were about 11 with your annoying name, arguing with the mods, and constant empty posts. Jesus, just let people be.

Jack and Coke made a valid point. If he has a 18bps shooting 200 dollar tippy and he gets a guy with a cocker, no biggie, jack had the all powerful gun advantage. When a kid has a 1300 dollar gun and thinks he's all that and a bag of po-ta-to chips, its all the more satisying to eliminate, especially when your gun costs less than his volumizers and cosmetic upgrades.

09-27-2002, 04:12 PM
Sounds like fun. I've never got to try a RT though, as the field I play at doesn't allow 'em. Hopefully my retro will be as much fun once I get it :)

09-27-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke
Today, I actually had to turn down the reactiveness of my Tippy RT because...where complaining to the refs that I was out-shooting them and that my "full-auto"...I snapped out to the side, RT blazing (sweet spotting full-auto action)...

That is full-auto. And I am of the opinion that full-auto should NOT be allowed. If the field you were playing at does not allow full-auto you were breaking the rules. :(

That said, pretty impressive for a $200 marker. ;)

Jack & Coke
09-27-2002, 05:22 PM
Here's something to think about...

Why is Full-Auto not allowed at most fields?

Is it an issue of "safety" for fields and their insurance?

Uncontrolled over-shooting... right?

Excessive welts right?

What's the difference between the following:

1. I use my tourney legal GZ Timmy and walk my fingers on the hair-sensative electronic trigger at 12-18 bps - Hitting my target say... 3 times.

2. I use my tourney illegal M98RT and sweetspot it at 12-18 bps - Hitting my target say... 3 times.

What's the difference??? :confused:
The dude still got hit 3 times!

Now if it is an issue of "skill" (walking or twitching fingers on an electro trigger vs. RT sweetspoting), then why would the field and it's insurance be so concerned?

Again... the question is, Why is Full-Auto illegal? IMHO, there's little difference between me walking my fingers on an electro at 12-18 bps and me sweetspotting my RT at 12-18 bps. I'm STILL dishing is out at 12-18 bps... and my target is STILL seeing paint fly at him at 12-18 bps.:p

09-27-2002, 06:56 PM
like you said Jack, I think it's the skill factor... I'd like to think that if I spend some time really working on my trigger finger to get that 12+bps that there isn't a team of 12 year olds on the other side who can just pull and hold their trigger when walking forward off the break and achieve the same thing as my practiced move... it's like

*beware, bad analogy*

what if the other teams, when yours trains all the time, got robotic legs that run just as fast as yours when you run 30 miles a week?

I know that's a bad analogy, but it's just to show where i'm coming from.

EDIT: I didn't completely read your last post. The safety concern, I think, is that it's far easier for a less experienced player to hold down their trigger accidentally/without meaning to and put 15 paintballs on a person than it is to continually twitch your finger 15 times a second while you watch paint splatter all over your opponent.

09-27-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke
Here's something to think about...

Why is Full-Auto not allowed at most fields?

Is it an issue of "safety" for fields and their insurance?

What's the difference between the following:

1. I use my tourney legal GZ Timmy and walk my fingers on the hair-sensative electronic trigger at 12-18 bps - Hitting my target say... 3 times.

2. I use my tourney illegal M98RT and sweetspot it at 12-18 bps - Hitting my target say... 3 times.

Fist of all, I doubt you can sustain 18 bps on the GZ for even a second. NO ONE has in any of the shooting contests held yet. Regardless, you're not going to be able to do it while bunkering someone, where you could "sweet spot". The other difference is that full-auto is not allowed (regardless of the difference) and the type of "sweetspoting" you are referring to is full-auto. It's still breaking the rules.

Jack & Coke
09-27-2002, 07:24 PM
When a back player rips on the trigger (electro) as fast as he can (~12-18 bps) off the break, he's got a ton of paint flying through the air toward the opposition. It's no different (safety wise) than if he was on full-auto (rt assisted) at the same rate of 12-18 bps.

Of course people will interpret this as inequitable ragarding the issue of "skill". But I ask again, what does "skill" have to do the argument of, "Insurance won't cover the field if it's FULL-AUTO..."

I hear people say "Insurance won't allow FULL-AUTO..." all the time. I interpret this as a safety issue and not a skill issue.

If indeed it is a safety issue for the insurance people, then I argue that today's super electros (i.e. 12-20 bps guns like Emag, Timmy, Matrix, Angel, etc.) are just as prone to over-shooting as going FULL-AUTO whether it's electronically controlled full-auto or mechanically assisted full-auto like the RT.

The line between today's high end super fast electros shooting in legal "semi-only" mode and the illegal "full-auto" mode is very blurred.

09-28-2002, 12:15 PM
thats not the point really. If you use your GZ to rip out 12-18 BPS its because you have LEARNED the trigger, and you know when to stop after you've hit the opponent 3 times. Just like when you use your M98+RT to shoot 12-18 BPS and only hit the opponent 3 times. Its because you as a player have the EXPERIANCE to know when to stop. Lets face it, it's easier to shoot 12-18 BPS on m-98 RT, than it is on a GZ, simply because the trigger is assited. I think the reason why they wont let RT's be used is because its so EASY to shoot fast, and if you don't know what your doing, and your a trigger happy newbie, than someone is gonna be limping off the field with 18 welts. In the right hands a m98 RT is just as safe as another gun, but hand that m98 to some newb and its dangerous because they wont know when to stop. I've seen many a "daddy gun" owners with angels that can't hit a lowly 8 BPS, and me with my STOCK mag frame can hit 8-9.

09-29-2002, 12:41 PM

09-29-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke
When a back player rips on the trigger (electro) as fast as he can (~12-18 bps) off the break, he's got a ton of paint flying through the air toward the opposition... It's no different (safety wise)

Fist off, it's ~10-12, not ~12-18 bps. Secondly, with semi-auto you're not going to bunker someone at 10-12 bps. Third, again with semi-auto there isn't any possibility of "panicking" and holding the trigger and blasting someone at close range with 40+ paintballs.

Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke
The line between today's high end super fast electros shooting in legal "semi-only" mode and the illegal "full-auto" mode is very blurred.

Yes, it has become blurred. But the line is still there. ;)

Jack & Coke
10-31-2002, 01:55 AM
Now with 12v warp...

Thanks to spazzed (smoke warp) and Havoc_Online (12v mod help).

With the warp, this gun is very well balanced and very comfortable!

Jack & Coke
10-31-2002, 01:57 AM
Pictured are the stock barrel (polished bore with mother's) and X-revy. However, I do have a M98 Freak back and a Halo B. I was just too lazy to set it up...

10-31-2002, 08:55 AM
Now THAT is an impressive tippy! :D Nice job.

Jack & Coke
10-31-2002, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Now THAT is an impressive tippy! :D Nice job.

Thank you!:)

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:43 AM
My latest project...

While waiting forever to Modifiedpaintball.com to deliver the Lapco Direct Feed I ordered a couple of months ago, I decided to "experiment" with my M98.

With my new warp (thanks spazzed!) setup, I wanted to run the feeding hose as directly as possible into the feeding port of the M98.

In order to do this went to the local hardware store and purchased a copper elbow (3/4").

Next, I used my Dremel to cut the elbow down a little so it would sit closer to the gun.

Now the next trick is how do I make the elbow stick to the frame? I thought back a little and remember going to the LA County Fair and purchasing some very increadible glue. It's called cyanoacrylate adhesive (CA), and it's the main ingredient in Krazy Glue, Super Glue, etc. It cures extremely fast and is extremely strong! In any case, the guy giving the demo did some really amazing stuff. I remember this demo where he drilled a hole (1/4") into a pipe. Next he put tape on the inside to make a backing. Then he filled the hole with baking soda. After that, he poured in a few drops of this glue and wow! It was as hard and as strong as a rock!

Well, I used this baking soda + cyanoacrylate glue mixture to create a "weld" to bond the copper elbow to the frame. Yes, it IS strong.

I know it's ugly, but after a little sanding and buffing, I'll shoot it with some nice paint and it will look fine.

Here are the pics...

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:43 AM
The "super" glue...

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:44 AM

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:49 AM

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:54 AM

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:56 AM

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:57 AM

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 01:58 AM

11-07-2002, 01:58 AM
Hey, Awesome work for some glue. How well does it feed? do the balls get stuck in the curve or anything? Btw where in Cali is Redando Beach?

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 02:10 AM
Redondo Beach is in the southbay of Los Angeles. Right next to Hermosa Beach and Manhatten Beach.

The glue is strong. I can hold the gun up by just grabbing the elbow. The bend is very smooth and the balls feed very fast and nicely!

Now it's a matter of grinding down the rough parts and sanding and buffing and painting... to make it look ok. Can you say Dremel time? :)

Here's some general information about the glue...



"...MXBON 105 is suitable for the bonding of Metal & Plastic. MXBON 105 has fast setting, high flow and good penetration abilities..."


11-07-2002, 02:27 AM
You're lucky your a lefty ;) It'd be tough to mount a warp so uniquely if you were a righty :)

Looks great dude, i bet you get some funny looks with that beast.

Jack & Coke
11-07-2002, 02:33 AM
"righty" warp would look like this (with special modifications of course)...



11-07-2002, 02:59 AM
How the hell'd he do that?

11-07-2002, 08:34 AM
Me and my friends took a Black Dragun sniper off the store shelf to play around with it for a minute, and we put that sucker in fully auto 20bps and put my brand new halo on it. I was expecting chop chop chop but to my surprise, we lit that tree up gooood :D It was good fun!

11-07-2002, 08:37 AM
just looked at the pics, nice tippy!