View Full Version : Non retro valve going reactive and z-grip queston

08-26-2002, 05:17 PM
I was playing up at EMR this weekend. I usually end up playing w/ the longest spring in my mag(for level 10) but ended up w/ the cut one w/ my velocity at about 270.
On the field when i would be ripping on the trigger it seemed that after the first few shots the trigger would lighten up, and in a way, bounce and i would throw tons of paint. I really can't understand it because i don't have a retro valve. I'm sure not complaining, because well, i thknk it's awesome. If anybody knows why it's doing this i'd like to know,

Also, i saw twop or three other people w/ z-grips thier and i was wondering does anybody know why i seem to be the only one w/ a black trigger??? everybody else's are silver. It's not a problem just kinda wierd:D

08-26-2002, 06:29 PM
have u modified the on off pin?

08-27-2002, 06:12 PM
Nope, it's the same one i've been using and i haven't touched that or the sear.