View Full Version : Flatline issues

08-28-2002, 10:16 AM
Hey guys, friend of mine just got a 91ci 4500 flatline, finds that the out put starts around 600 and after a few shots goes up to 1000 and then sometimes settles around 800

any ideas?

theres been a few fills (prob 5 or 6) through this already, thought the reg would have been broken in by now

08-28-2002, 01:58 PM
Sounds to me like an on/off o-ring issue if the system settles down after a few shots and maintains constant output.

If it was a reg. seat issue, the system would creep and the pressure would increase gradually until it was fired.

If after a few shots it maintains the same output, I wouldn't worry about it, but if it bothers you, send it in to AGD.