View Full Version : Playing style.....can the warp help it?

08-28-2002, 10:29 AM
When I play I get shot in only three places:
1. goggles
2. hand/wrist
3. hopper/gun

The gun shots dont come to often except I have to include them anyway cause it has happened. However, I get shot in the hopper, wrist, and goggles a lot. Those are the only places I get shot in. Now, I dont know if I am doing something wrong for this to happen...if I am someone let me know.
But anyway, I play front and I am always snap shooting and squeezing behind bunkers. I was wondering if that Warp could take one of the places I get shot away. That could approx lower my own emliminations by 1/3. However, the question came to mind that....if I take the hopper off, the ball will just travel through where it used to be and hit me in the goggles.

Can anyone clear up what the warp can do for me? Or if its necessary?


BTW, i am shooting a minimag with lv10, RT, intelli, and a nitro system if it matters.

08-28-2002, 10:32 AM
I think it will help, as with a warp you can tilt your gun and fire from other bunker locations that are hard to do with a regular hopper. You probably need to learn to move faster, and not come out of the same place in a bunker so often too though.

Warp will help but it's not going to make you a better player :)

08-28-2002, 10:51 AM
Well, it sounds like you are playing tight. Those are really the only places you should get hit if you aren't being sloppy (or getting bunkered :D ).

The Warp takes you hopper off the top of your gun so the only time it will get hit is if the shot would have hit your gun or body anyway. I know it reduced the amount of time I am hit.

Just think of it this way... How often is your target the other player's hopper? Just think of how much harder it would be to elliminate the other team if you could never see their hoppers.

Evil Bob
08-28-2002, 12:44 PM
You're only getting shot in the areas that you expose to the bad guys, which is your marker, your hands, and your head.

What a warp will do is lower your exposed area by 6". Do yourself a huge favor and look here (http://www.airgun.com/Europe/EMAGeurope.shtml) . Look at the pictures near the bottom of the guys behind the bunkers with and without the warp. Notice how much smaller the exposed target area is with the warp? If you're exposing less, the bad guy has a smaller target to shoot at, you're going to get hit less frequently. 6" makes a huge difference.

-Evil Bob

08-28-2002, 12:53 PM
Yes I understand that you wont get hooper shots (which happen all too frequently), but heres the question:
When I'm shooting, most of the time my face is close to my gun or behind it. If the hopper is not there, then instead of getting a hopper hit, Ill probly get a goggle hit right? I would take a hopper hit over a google shot any day. I hate when paint gets in/on my goggles.
So in other words...does not having a hopper just increase your chance of getting shot, just in a differnt place (face)?
If not then Id be interested to know how some of you front players are positioned when shooting while playing tight behind a bunker. Cause to me, it seems like I would just get hit in the face instead of the hopper. Maybe you have to change your position or what?

08-28-2002, 12:57 PM
Bob: not to be offensive but I think the guy without the Warp Feed is purposly holding the hopper way up high to make the Warp Feed look good. Honestly, who holds their marker that up high? the barrel is ususally below eye-nose level so the hopper barely goes past the head.

08-28-2002, 12:58 PM
I know the feeling!!! You will have a few more goggle hits than you have now, but not as many hopper/goggle hits you're getting!!! Remember, right now the hopper sticks out further than your head, so overall, you'll have considerably less hits!!! Hope this helps!!!

Evil Bob
08-28-2002, 01:12 PM

Look at the link again, notice how much farther out the hopper sticks beyond the guys head when he's behind the bunker... balls that will hit on the hopper shell will miss his head. That's the whole point of relocating it.

-Evil Bob

Evil Bob
08-28-2002, 01:24 PM

Look again at the bottom center pict, he's sighting down the barrel which is on the bunker. He's got his elbows tucked and his shoulder lowered. He's not doing anything out of the ordinary. If he were to put the marker/barrel lower, he'd be exposing more of his head as a target, as it is he's only showing enough of his head to see what he's shooting at.

-Evil Bob

08-28-2002, 01:25 PM
Yes you are right. Shots that would normally hit the hopper would go right over your head (in some/most cases). And I like the idea of not having to switch hands when switching sides of the bunker.
But then again the warp is a big chunk of change. How confident could I feel about getting a used one of these boards? I mean, a gun is one thing (i got my mag here), but I wouldnt know the first thing about fixing a warp if I got a bad one. Or is there a really good deal on warps at some online stores that any of you kind people know of?

Ahh...one big and most important detail that I forgot about warp info.....How is it with snap shooting? Heavy is not a problem with me. I dont care about weight. HOWEVER, the weight has to be balanced. If it isnt balanced or easy to hold on a flat plane without too much consious effort then it wouldnt be worth the money.
It looks awesome for snap shooting cause you can get great angles without exposing much.....but it also has to have that other end of the spectrum which is balance.

Evil Bob
08-28-2002, 01:34 PM
The balance is perfect, the warp sits very close to the grip frame and does not make the marker front heavy. This can be tweaked even more depending upon how you mount the warp. I have another thread here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11992) that shows what has been done with my setup to bring the warp in really tight to the body of the marker without having to drill or cut holes in my loader. This setup allows me to tuck my elbow in and get really tight behind a bunker.

-Evil Bob

08-28-2002, 04:47 PM
If you are holding your gun right the "balence" shouldn't be a problem.

08-28-2002, 05:06 PM
Since we're on the topic of Warps I have a question myself: How tight can you get with a Warp? I mean there's a huge bulge on the left side (Warp and hopper), so if you wanted to get real tight and down low how to you position your marker (pics to show this are appreciated)?

08-28-2002, 07:15 PM
Remington, as far as tight goes(sorry no pics) it's actually rally easy to stay tight. It's especially great in snakes(if u wanted to shoot over the top because u basically just tip the gun on it's side and have to expose half of your goggles. There great for windows too, all u do is post up in the bottom corner and all u have exposed is barrel and a little goggle.

As far as playing the low part of a bunker I just tip the gun slightly(not quite on it's side)and it really doesn't expose much.

And glenn0586, i found my warp at www.modifiedpaintball.com for 115.00 in smoke.

08-28-2002, 07:37 PM
I played with a warp for a little while and I liked it... when I was playing back. Personally, it made it a little more awkward to hold the gun when I was trying to make front bunkers and since I play a lot of mid to front, I decided it wasn't for me. Almost everyone I've talked to with a warp swears by it and if it fit me comfortably, then I would probably swear by it. Personally, my opinion is that as a front guy, you may want to go with vertical feed on your mag. That way you can tilt the gun a little back into your bunkers.

Either way, you will want to play with one and see how it feels for you. Paintball, as we all know, is a game where you must personalize everything you own. See how YOU like it. :)


08-28-2002, 09:26 PM
I have a hopper left body and am a right handed shooter but I do shoot left handed out of the left sides of bunkers. If anyone does this with a warp can you let me know how balanced it is. It would seem a bit unbalanced but seeing that i haven't seen a warp in person here in washington it's hard to tell.

08-28-2002, 10:06 PM
Personally, when I'm holding my mag, I have the at eye-level, so any shot that would have landed on my hopper would fly over my head.

Try adjusting the position of how you hold your gun, and it should remove all goggle shots that are a result of your hopper not being there.

i DID find out that I had to try out several differant drop-forward setups tho. Holding the gun eye-level with the valve does put your face right next to the hopper, and with my previous drop forward, my face was hitting the hopper.

As far as balance goes, I don't think that It's been affected by my warp feed at all. I LOVE being able to pop out the left side of a bunker by tilting my gun over, and not having to worry about mis-feeds.

The warp feed has got to be the second best buy I've made for my mag. EVer.

...first being lvl 10, that is ;)

08-28-2002, 10:11 PM
Where do you play at joey? I live in Renton just south of shoreline and play at splatt-attack but looking for some different fields.

08-29-2002, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by Remington
Since we're on the topic of Warps I have a question myself: How tight can you get with a Warp? I mean there's a huge bulge on the left side (Warp and hopper), so if you wanted to get real tight and down low how to you position your marker (pics to show this are appreciated)?

How tight? Thight enough to stay alive for a good 5 minutes behind a cone in the corner, with one player in the snake, and the other one on the opposite tape ... at 80° of me.
And they weren't newbies, it was at Toulouse during a 7vs7.

If you handle correcly your marker, your mask is still behind it, even with a warp.
If you're getting goggled I suggest you improve your snapshooting, because you're showing too much of your body.
