View Full Version : gratitude points to: TOM KAYE

08-28-2002, 07:43 PM
allen a.k.a. "tek"
"tourney" player,team:mission impossible.
been with them since about 1998.have seen the face of paintball change dramatically.a "cocker" lover i never thought i'de be shootong an electronic marker.due soley to the popularity of my team captain for his big mouth he got us sponsorship through TOM KAY. a man i've never met but,love him as much as i love money. we were given "warp-feeds". being a hardcore sceptic i was forced to try it.and i love it. at first i thought" if one can't shoot fast enough what's the use". now having opened my eyes to the big picture i've realized it has atributes that far exceed the avarage motorized hopper.key to this device is that with propper technique you are practically unseen untill it's too late. also cuts down your advasaries set-up time when you "snapp-out" over the top of your bunker. think about it, when you expose yourself to take that shot the first object(flagg)seen is your hopper.standing easilly 5 or so inches above all else.relocate it and your gone,out of site. since it's use i'm livn' longer. if you wan't to see what it's really like to get down with a "warp" check us out at "apocolypse's" next 5-man tourney in wisconsin,the sunday after this coming. and if you can't ask someone how we did.

TOM KAY.........are you my father?????

08-29-2002, 12:23 AM
Cool! Glad you like the Warp. You easily discovered it's advantages right away.

Here's luck to you in future tourneys:D

08-29-2002, 02:56 AM
Ahhh and another comes to the light........:)


08-29-2002, 07:10 AM
Hip-mo-tized by the spinning wheels he was! :D

08-29-2002, 02:39 PM
hey my grandparents live in lake geneva, maybe i can come see your sweet setup when i visit them:D

tom kaye is spelled with an "e";)

08-29-2002, 06:11 PM
Want to have some fun.... Buy an Emag!

Ha ha, glad you like it man.

08-29-2002, 06:51 PM
oh come one who deleted my post now! :)

Yes glad you like it... Have fun!

08-29-2002, 09:31 PM
My mother lives in lake geneva over near walmart and sentry. She works at grand gemeva. Small world isn't it.

08-30-2002, 10:20 AM
hehe they deleted my first post :p

But I'll say it again, please use complete sentences. That paragraph was so hard to read.

And welcome to ao