View Full Version : Intellifeeding a Dye 2X Frame.

08-29-2002, 12:36 AM
I swear I'm NEVER EVER going to do that again!! Biggest farkin' paint in the butt I've had to deal w/ in al ong time... I even stabbed myself in the thumb w/ a razor-blade.

On second thought, if I get persuaded (i.e. $$$$) I just might do it again!

08-29-2002, 05:12 AM
A razor blade is NOT one of the tools needed to Intellifeed a Dye frame.:D

08-29-2002, 10:11 AM
Hehe :D Had to carve out the inside of my stickie's to get the wire through w/out moving the roller switch.... Slipped, stab, ouch. :mad:

Tuna, I'm interested in how you did yours, care to share?

08-29-2002, 03:34 PM
What I did is I fabricated a small bracket out of aluminum coil stock to hold the switch. I removed some frame material below the switch to allow some more room to work with. I mounted the bracket with Epoxy...drilled some holes for the switch, drilled a hole straight down through the frame for the wire, and wala! Hope this helps
:D This was the prototype... http://server3003.freeyellow.com/tunaman2/dyeintelliframe.JPG

08-30-2002, 08:46 PM
I did mine Thursday night before I left for here (Shatnerball), so, didn't have time to do it your way... To simplify things, I used a box-cutter, hot-glue & small pieces of hose. :-D