View Full Version : Lvl10 Bolt Resetting HELP

08-29-2002, 06:43 AM

Not really a cry for help, but something to get attention. My Lvl 10 works just as its suppose to. Almost 4 cases paint with only one break (almost not considered a break, paint spray came out my barrel, but there was no trace of paint in the barrel or breech...*interesting*)

Anyway, I digress. The problem Im encountering is that when I pull the trigger while my finger is in the breech, the bolt will stop, have a looooooooooooooong hiss now then only reset partially. By partially, I mean it will go back but about 1/16-1/8" still protrudes into the breech blocking paint from dropping in. I have to pull the trigger one more time to reset it back fully.

At first I thought it was completely intermittent, but found out it was only when the trigger was pulled quickly. In mechanical mode pulling the trigger a steady 5-6 bps all the way back would allow the trigger to reset fully. But when pulled quickly, pulsing would cause the bolt to stick forward and protrude. Another trigger pull would then complete the bolt reset.

I never had this problem before and was wondering what was causing it. I changed out my medium spring and put the longest one in hoping the extra backward spring tension would force the bolt all the way back. Didnt work. I know in the Official Lvl10 Problem Thread, AGD said it was normal to have to pull the trigger once again to fully reset the bolt. But I didnt have to do it before, whether ripping the bolt on my finger fast in E-mode, the trigger would always stop and reset fully without a second pull.

Only thing I can think of would be the extra operating pressure, its putting more downward force on the on/off. This force pivots causing more upward force on the sear increasing tension/friction between the sear and bolt. Holding the trigger down seems to give enough sear down time for the bolt to reset without contact with the sear. Using the e-mode or just pulsing the trigger may not give enough down time allowing the 2 to meet.

Whether I hit the nail right on the head, or am way off in left field on grasping the problem. I need answers.

LMK All.


08-29-2002, 07:32 AM
try dropping in another shim(how many do you have in there? The shims are what bleed the pressure, also make sure the shims you do have in there are not bent)

*edit* :p

08-29-2002, 07:35 AM
Actually, that sounds like it might be a shim issue...

The shim will control the air venting. If you vent the air a bit *earlier* in the bolt stroke the pressure holding the bolt forward a touch may be vented, letting the spring fully reset the bolt.

Added: Curse you Havoc_Online!

08-29-2002, 08:45 AM
Im slightly ahead of you guys. But its something else.

Like 5 mins after I posted this thread, I thought maybe the carrier is too small and wasnt allowing the tube to fully seat (with the valve out of the gun, I pull the bolt out, when I put it back in, it only goes in as far as the tip of the tube tip reaching the carrier oring, then slightly more force must be applied to fully push it in). So I changed my carrier size "1" to a larger size "1.5". There were leaks so I put the original back in.

I thought about adding more shims. I had 2 currently in, then added one more to a total of 3 shims, leaks.

Still hunting right now for the prob, I can still play fine on the field, but would like to get things back to how they were before.

My current setup (ran perfectly for about 4 cases):

Micro E-Mag
1.0 Carrier
2 Shims
Longest Spring

now when pinching something (finger ball etc), doesnt reset fully, instead protrudes bolt tip 1/16-1/8" in the breech until the trigger is pulled again.
When pinching, rather than a quick hiss then reset, there is a long gush of air escaping (about 1-2 seconds as opposed to my usual .5 second puffs).



08-29-2002, 10:18 AM
Do you have the black quad o-ring in the on/off?