View Full Version : RPS Evil Paint and Level 10?

08-30-2002, 12:37 AM
I wanted to know if anyone had had a chance to shoot the new RPS Evil paint in a mag with Level 10...I've been thinking about picking up a 500rd bag of the stuff to shoot through my eMag w/LX...

08-30-2002, 02:42 AM
I'm waiting for the test results...LMK how they are :p ;) :D

08-30-2002, 01:27 PM
I have shot Evil and rps no name brand and had no problems. Although this paint was extremely fresh, (less than 10 days old) it shot with no chops. Couldn't do a bounce test as we were rec balling and no concrete around :(

08-30-2002, 01:37 PM
Evil is the best paint i have ever shot... Its like perfectly round and all the balls are really consistent in size, i shot it through my mag with level ten and i cant even describe the accuaracy! (not a single chop either)

the cool thing about evil paint is that it contais iodine, so if you try to wipe it the hit just gets bigger

Tom Sparkman
08-30-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by agdemagman69
the cool thing about evil paint is that it contais iodine, so if you try to wipe it the hit just gets bigger

I've heard people say that before - got proof?

RPS doens't mention iodine (from their website):

"What is inside a paintball?

Food dyes (pigments), the same as those in orange soda, candies, ice cream, bubblegum, mints, etc., and polyethylene glycol (not to be confused with antifreeze). The liquid fill in a paintball is non-toxic and non-caustic, water-soluble and made of biodegradable or naturally-occurring ingredients. When a paintball hits a target, the thin gelatin skin splits open as it is designed to do, and the liquid inside makes a "paint" mark on the target."

Somehow, iodine (a halogen) doesn't fit the non-toxic, non-caustic part.

From webelements.com:

"Elemental iodine, I2, is toxic, and its vapour irritates the eyes and lungs. The maximum allowable concentration in air when working with iodine is just 1 mg m-3. All iodides are toxic if taken in excess."


08-30-2002, 01:57 PM
huh, i'm confused now too..... but i was playing with afterhock two weeks ago, and they said it has iodine in it (they make the paint) and my jersey still has stains on it

08-30-2002, 03:29 PM
When is this "no wipe" paint going to draw the line? That's great that you can't wipe the stuff, but what about once you get off the field to clean it off? The further they take this stuff, the harder it's going to be to clean the stuff off for the next game and the more false calls made on hits from previous games there's going to be. I don't mind thick fill paint, but I think there's got to be a limit on staining paint and stuff that is nearly impossible to clean off without having to wash the jersey.

08-30-2002, 03:31 PM
Iodine and evil I have a whole case of orange evil paint first of all evil appears to be just what they decided to turn flash paintballs into. second I think people are confusing the old evil paint with the new. the old evil paint was all star that was yellow and it was said to have iodine in it. It stained it was bright it was thin and got into everythign yet at the same time was very opaque and just plain evil paint. but then fields started to ban it cause it was ruining peoples nice new clothes so it faded away and the green all star moved in. To the best of my knowledge new evil paint does seem to have a more round shell but my personal paint is not perfectly round or even close. It also should give you no problem with lvl 10. My evil bounce test was this. number = which drop it broke on.
1 being the first as opposed to some peoples 0
12,9,2,2,1,11,4,17,5,1 average is 6.4 bounce paint. now I also hace a case of hell fire which I shot through lvl 10 with no bolt breaks and only 1 barrel break cut by the freak insert. hellfire bounce test is 2,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,1 average is 1.4 bounce paint. That being said in my paint data evil wont be any problem at all to shoot. Of course so far I only have 1 test case sample for each. As far as consistency evil ranged (last bore it easily blows through but does not fall through) from .684 to .691 where hellfire was ranged from .687 to .691 all of which were .689,or .687 except 1 at .689

btw I dont think iodine will just make a hit get bigger if you try to wipe it.

08-30-2002, 03:35 PM
i love how finally someone made some tourney level paint and actually called it "evil"..I've been hearing for years and years about people say.."Dude...the paint that other team was shooting was EEEEVVVIIILLL..that stuff wouldn't even wash out.." and as for Iodine..I don't know for sure either...but it seems to be a kind of paintball urban myth that tourney players get special high end paint with Iodine in it that doesn't wipe...I actually liked the idea of the RPS Lightning..put sparkles in it so even if you do wipe it you'll still see the sparkles..

08-30-2002, 04:50 PM
HAHAHA the lighnting is really funny if you get hit in the mask! everyone looks at you funny when your done cuz your face is sparkley (we all know how hard sparkles ae to get off some times) and you look like a girl with the face stuff on its funny!

09-01-2002, 08:55 PM
I just picked up a case of pink Evil so i'll let everyone know how it shoots through my baby..

09-01-2002, 09:01 PM
tell us if it stains your clothes too, i'm interested in that one.

Tom Sparkman
09-06-2002, 12:26 PM
I got to try out a case last weekend and compared it to Hellfire. I used it in my Sterling and it seemed to break as easy as Hellfire - I'll need to use it some more to be sure. It was the same size as Marbs, so I had no rollout problems (unlike HF which is small small). It was accurate with no misshapen balls.

The fill is thick, but it is not nearly as bright as Hellfire - kind of a pumpkin orange instead of electric neon orange like HF. This was enough for the several people to say "it's nice, but I prefer Hellfire".

For myself, I'll use Evil in the Sterling (until I can get a tight barrel) and Hellfire in the LED.


09-06-2002, 01:41 PM
No opportunity to shoot it, but a couple weeks back a guy at the field had some evil orange. Stuff he had was extremely round. Very close and neat seam on it. Comparable to any other paint. Then for the wipe test. Punctured the ball and squeezed/dropped a couple small drops of fill on a white towel. Nice orange look. Then spread it with finger in circles. It stayed just as bright no matter how thin it was spread, but just kept getting bigger and bigger. What was oringinally a 1/8" circle about turned into about a 1.5" circle of paint, that still was just as bright. Not nearly as thick as lightning paint, though. And seemed to wipe of fingers without leaving any dye behind. I liked what I saw. Maybe not the most brittle paint in the world, but nice.

09-06-2002, 07:03 PM
The RPS EVIL that you are all shooting is not real evil. It does not have iodine in it like you think. It does have a pretty thick fill but it also has a marbalizer shell.

It is not the same evil that aftershock has been shooting for years. That evil used to come in all white boxes with a white shell and a pink fill OR evil all star which was available for the public but still not the same thickness of the pink stuff, the "Real" stuff.

But either way its very accurate paint and consistent, just hard as a rock, make sure you shoot someone like 6 times when you bunker them.

Load SM5
09-06-2002, 07:07 PM
I got a case of the ornge Evil a few weeks ago and it shot pretty good. It broke great on people, and only bounced once an a guy from across the field. It worked great though my mag.

09-06-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by blnk162

But either way its very accurate paint and consistent, just hard as a rock, make sure you shoot someone like 6 times when you bunker them.
I had to use that stuff in a tournament last weekend, and it had to be harder than Polar Ice. I shot my barrel comdom on accident 2 times. The ball just rolled out.
I got shot in the mask, on the face 2 times in 1 game, and they bounced off....and yes, 6 bunkerballs.
btw, i wear a Vforce morph and that guy was a killer shot..he ended up finally hitting me in the forehead. no more bouncy :(

09-06-2002, 07:14 PM
ok, i was in chemistry today, and somthing led up to iodine... anyway, it is lethal, but not in the amount that is in evil paint