View Full Version : Warp Feed Component Layout:

08-30-2002, 01:34 PM
I was considering this, and maybe it's been suggested, but with the introduction of the Halo B, wouldn't it be possible to lessen the size of the warp feed?

The wheel takes up a good portion of the bulk of the warp feed. But with force feed loaders becoming more common, would an eventual step towards a smaller wheel be possible without an increase in rpm? The need for the larger wheel is apparent with slower loaders, ones that a larger ball capacity on the wheel would compensate for, but when that lag between the wheel and loader is eliminated...

what do you all think?

08-30-2002, 01:38 PM
yeah,thats a good point, maybe tom will see this

08-30-2002, 02:24 PM
my buds and I went to radio shack and found a faster RPM motor of the same size and we've replaced the stock one. It does spin faster compared to the stock warp motor, but ya know we didn't do it for any particular gain, we just did it "because we could".

It never once occured to me to make a smaller wheel.

08-30-2002, 03:00 PM
I know what your saying but a smaller wheel would have less balls to hold and push balls up so it will have to have a tighter grip on the fewer ball to be able to push the same amount as a larger wheel holding more balls. but it would be cool never the less. I would love my warp to be smaller and lighter. later AZZKIKR

08-30-2002, 03:08 PM
Yes, but you have to realize that the Warp Feed as it exist isn't popular enough to justify designing a new system. All of the R&D, time and money that would have to be put into a new system isn't justifiable when the existing product is still trying to gain popularity.

08-30-2002, 03:11 PM
one of the reasons it isnt popular is because its too big, so this might just be the boost it needs...

08-30-2002, 03:23 PM
I realize that, but it's hard to predict whether that would convince the tourney players to start using them. Of course they make up a small majority, but what they use influences the majority of the paintball community.

Do you realize how much money goes into R&D of a new product and then getting new molds made and switching over your production/assembly for a new product?

I'm sure even if the weight is less of an issue, their will still be plenty of people that won't buy it because it doesn't allow them to shoot offhand (I know, despite the fact that Warp eliminates the need to shoot offhand people still don't like the idea of having to tilt the gun...), it makes the gun feel unbalanced and akward, etc.

08-30-2002, 03:27 PM
yeah, i see your points... but a lot of people i talked to said that they weren't going to get a warp until they made it smaller and lighter. (but it would cost a LOT to develop)

08-30-2002, 04:14 PM
Smaller wheels will make it more difficult for the warp to push on the paintballs making longer tubes more troublesome.

Also, smaller wheels will lower the number of odd-angle shots you can take.