View Full Version : ROF Question

08-30-2002, 09:34 PM
Hey guys,

I finally got my mini the way I want it and It doesn't quite fire like I expected it to.


Minimag body
Minimag valve
level 10 bolt
Apoc 2k 68/4500
Gas thru

Drop forw...blah blah blah

When I gased her up...the trigger pull is very stiff. So stiff...I can't crank out as many shots as I thought I would be able to do. I have a tricked out Spyder that I can rip much faster than the mag I just dropped 650+ dollars on. Is there something I'm missing here? I can't imagine you would need a warp feed and Halo (and the level 10 for that matter) when the trigger is this tight and the ROF is this low.

If you guys have any ideas...I'm all ears.


btw...this forum rocks...everyone has been mucho helpful thus far.

08-30-2002, 11:24 PM
is your setup brand new? If it is new you will need to run some paint through it before the trigger will "soften". After you run some paint through it won't be as stiff of a pull and you will also "learn" to be able to pull the trigger a bit faster too. hope i helped

08-30-2002, 11:52 PM
and put a littl dab of Dow 33 on the sear and on/off pin where it hits.:cool:

08-31-2002, 09:08 AM
The Gun isn't new, I bought it off of ebay. Actually looked pretty old. You think the valve needs a cleaning? Would that make a difference?

08-31-2002, 12:06 PM
no i don't think that valve needs cleaning but tuna's sugestion should help. The more paint you shoot out of it the faster you will be able to fire. The mag isn't the fastest of the guns out thier but it should have more speed then you are indicating. One more question, what pressure are you running into your gun with the nitro?

08-31-2002, 12:22 PM
Whats your input from your tank into the valve?
It should be about 800..

08-31-2002, 04:53 PM
i think you just need to learn the trigger. It's not like a spyder trigger. Practice.

08-31-2002, 05:06 PM
Yeah, you might just need to learn it. Spyder triggers are WAAAAY musier than a 'mags

08-31-2002, 09:42 PM
No doubt..the trigger is much different than the ole Spyder. I have a pretty mean trigger job on her too. So...i'm sure practice will help a lot but, I still feel something is awry.

The on/off pin? not quite sure where that's at.

I'm running about 750 out of the tank, I'll try boosting it up another 50 tomorrow (when the neighbors/girlfriend won't freak)

One more question,

can the Dye handle be setup to intellifeed as well?

Thanks for all your input guys.

08-31-2002, 11:52 PM
your input is fine, if you want you can raise it to totally elminate the possiblity of drop off but i was thinking maybe it was too HIGH, wich would make the trigger to be very stiff. See the trigger is affected by the air pressure going into the gun. Not so much as the Retro or RT valve but say if you put 300psi input, the trigger will be super soft and the bolt wont be able to complete firring a ball. Now say your input is 1000psi (theoretically), the trigger will be insanley hard. Fortunetly the mag has a special reg assebley that makes it vent if the pressure is too high so the valve doesn't get dammaged.

As for the trigger, i myself also switched from a spyder and my rof has been climbing every time i shoot it.

to find the on/off valve go here. Printh this for your records and future needs. You will find the on/off valve just to the left of the quick strip screw.

Good luck, nick

09-02-2002, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by angelKiller16
your input is fine, if you want you can raise it to totally elminate the possiblity of drop off but i was thinking maybe it was too HIGH, wich would make the trigger to be very stiff. See the trigger is affected by the air pressure going into the gun. Not so much as the Retro or RT valve but say if you put 300psi input, the trigger will be super soft and the bolt wont be able to complete firring a ball. Now say your input is 1000psi (theoretically), the trigger will be insanley hard. Fortunetly the mag has a special reg assebley that makes it vent if the pressure is too high so the valve doesn't get dammaged.

As for the trigger, i myself also switched from a spyder and my rof has been climbing every time i shoot it.

to find the on/off valve go here. Printh this for your records and future needs. You will find the on/off valve just to the left of the quick strip screw.

Good luck, nick

The trigger in a non-RT will NOT be effected by the input pressure. In an RT, unregulated air goes to the trigger, hitting with it 800psi, giving it its reactivness. In a stock mag regulated air hits the trigger, so its only hitting it at about 400 or so nomatter what the input pressure is.

09-03-2002, 11:52 AM
I'm relatively new to automags, but I picked up a minimag last week and played with it this weekend. My friend also has a minimag that is 3 years older, and when we were playing he was suprised by how fast I got my minimag to shoot. I thought I was just cool, but when we switch guns I found his trigger was harder and had more of a kick. He says he hasn't made any modifications, just maintained his minimag and was suprised my trigger was alot smother. We were running the same exact nitro systems. Anyone know why this might be except for the fact the Minimag gods were smiling on my mag the day they made it?

09-06-2002, 06:24 PM
hallelujah! I'm a believer!

I applied some oil as suggested, got used to the trigger, slapped my 10" Boomy I just got in the mail today...and I was just rippin' em like there's no paintball tomorrow.

I figured the Lvl 10 needed some breaking in and playing with the velocity/input pressure(tank) could soften my trigger as well and sure enough. I'm pushing out around 550 out of the Apoc. and about 1000 rounds later...man, I tell ya....I could hardly believe it. I don't have a good enough eye to tell you what my exact ROF was but it was as fast as I've seen anyone shoot.

So...glad I stuck with it...I was getting a little worried that the gun was over rated. *ouch* (biting my tongue)

Thanks for everything guys. I'm sure I'll be talking to you folks in the future as I will return here to get and give help.

Thanks again.


09-06-2002, 11:51 PM
Glad you got it working!