View Full Version : AOers Not at Shatner Big Game

08-30-2002, 11:29 PM
i'm really kicking myself for deciding not to put any money on the side to be at CPX right now...
...even if it would of cost me $350 just to be there (plane ticket from montana)

anyone else? who's still here this weekend?

08-30-2002, 11:43 PM
well me....but im in chile so i cant be there, bah!

08-30-2002, 11:45 PM
I wasn't going to be going due to money but now I'm reffing :) hehe

08-30-2002, 11:47 PM
I guess I haven't been to enough big/scenario games to really get excited over Shattnerball enough to actually consider going. If I were in the area I probably would go, but hell. So I'll be around =P

Anyone in the Philly area, I'm at school now, so PM me let me know where you play.

08-30-2002, 11:48 PM
the few, the proud, the ones who can afford plane tickets
it's something like that

08-30-2002, 11:56 PM
what school do you go to in philly?

08-30-2002, 11:59 PM
Im here, and will be here everytime there is a scenario untill I can get actuall money to fly... This darn transportation conundrum gets me every time!!!!:mad:

08-31-2002, 12:02 AM
bah no excuse for a nice drive from north carolina..... its only about 12 hours to chicago :)

08-31-2002, 12:13 AM
i would have to figure in a good 2 days for the drive

wouldn't mind it... except for the drive through north dakota(sorry, but an hour drive seems like 2)

but now i heard something about CPX not allowing overnight camping... just more money to use for offsite camping or hotel stays... more money that i don't have

but doesn't matter anymore... that camping bit is probably going to surprise a good number of players

08-31-2002, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by LaW
bah no excuse for a nice drive from north carolina..... its only about 12 hours to chicago :)

the way you say 12 hours makes it seem like 12 minutes, you ever tried being a salesman.... you the man!:D

08-31-2002, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by freek133

the way you say 12 hours makes it seem like 12 minutes, you ever tried being a salesman.... you the man!:D

I am into real estate :) i sell houses haha

08-31-2002, 12:32 AM
hahaha, "that large burn mark on the floor, thats not a burn mark, its modern art! the hole in the ceeling, thats what we call a natural sky light, while not as efficient as a real sky light, we find it does the trick, rats? that wasnt a rat, that was the active garbage disposal system! so im willing to knock off 12 cents on the house, your total comes out to 230,000.88 thanx and enjoy it..."

"Such a nice sales man wasnt he dear"

"Yes dear....wheres my new workshop?"

08-31-2002, 12:52 AM
There's no grass...

comes with a complete hassle free lawn...

08-31-2002, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by magman007
what school do you go to in philly?

U Penn

08-31-2002, 06:37 AM
Slap me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe that the actual game is more than a day long, yes? About 8 hours? With all kinds of extras around the sides, tank battle, etcetera, but still not more than a day of actual scenario? Well, that would be an extremely expensive single day. I'd probably have gone for a 24 or 48, or heck, an 18 hour game. But 8? Too much cost, not enough time, for me at least. Now somebody is going to tell me it's actually 72 hours or something insane like that and I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

08-31-2002, 06:41 AM
I'm not going and I can drive there in less than 15 minutes.

08-31-2002, 07:41 AM
I was suppose to go but I went to IAO instead.:)

08-31-2002, 09:04 AM
well im hear mainly cause im cheap and have to work allllllllllll weekend 16 hours a day

08-31-2002, 09:10 AM
All you people with your excuses. Magman007 will be excused as he is in another country, but just this one last time. All the rest of us are clearly unloyal and should make penance to the great TK. And this should be in the form of us all pitching in and buying a black C&C extreme, black, no red to black fade. I would also like to volunteer myself as, um, steward to watch over it, not that so I could enjoy it, but rather to shoulder the responsibility of our most grevious sin. In fact we should also chip in and include a 114ci flatline tank, just so that I can feel the burden of this ALBATROSS.


08-31-2002, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Jacob
All you people with your excuses. Magman007 will be excused as he is in another country, but just this one last time. All the rest of us are clearly unloyal and should make penance to the great TK. And this should be in the form of us all pitching in and buying a black C&C extreme, black, no red to black fade. I would also like to volunteer myself as, um, steward to watch over it, not that so I could enjoy it, but rather to shoulder the responsibility of our most grevious sin. In fact we should also chip in and include a 114ci flatline tank, just so that I can feel the burden of this ALBATROSS.

Oh shut it. I WAS going to go, but i threw out my back this summer and didnt' make the money needed to go, plus i'm still physically not able to play.

Some people just don't have the money, time, or interest. Get over it.

*stupid back*

08-31-2002, 10:00 AM
Misery Loves Company eh? :(

I realy would have liked to go. But after two trips up over the Mason Dixon in the last few months and my harboring hope to go to World Cup I realy just could not afford anything more outa my paintball budget. I gotta save up for WC. and got a lot of planning to do on the SC AO meet. That and least of all work! I am not too sad about it. Priorities is all...

But I wish I could be there. To see the Shatner go down!!! :D

08-31-2002, 10:04 AM
Whoa, didn't mean to come across like that, sorry if I did. Unfortunately jokes/sarcasm don't always carry across on the net the same as they would in person, and I forgot to add the appropriate smiley at the end to suggest that, it will now be fixed.


08-31-2002, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Misery Loves Company eh? :(

I realy would have liked to go. But after two trips up over the Mason Dixon in the last few months and my harboring hope to go to World Cup I realy just could not afford anything more outa my paintball budget. I gotta save up for WC. and got a lot of planning to do on the SC AO meet. That and least of all work! I am not too sad about it. Priorities is all...

But I wish I could be there. To see the Shatner go down!!! :D

yeah phil, but at least you get to make a choice between the two. You could have gone, if you gave up WC. I didn't have that choice. I'm not getting to go to Shatnerball, protocon, or consortium (these last two are sci fi/gaming conventions in TX)

Everybody: just ignore my ranting i dunno why this is bugging me so much, guess i was looking forward to this more than i realized.

08-31-2002, 03:10 PM
littmag where do you usually play,
i am a philly guy my self
pm me about it

08-31-2002, 03:15 PM
I would've gone if I could've. School, parents, and money are all factors that prevent me from going however.

08-31-2002, 05:18 PM
vf-xx i belive the corect term is

Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it

08-31-2002, 05:20 PM
I'm here!
Too far away :(

08-31-2002, 05:30 PM
anyone see that chrome with blue lightning anodizing extreme on the AGD europe site? (well it looks like blue lightning... might just be a fade... or a smudge on my monitor)

my penance would be along the lines of that Extreme(or just blue) and a 68ci flatline 4500

but i'll be joining you all at an event next year...

the only thing is... which one... suggestions?

there's always the IAO but which others?

08-31-2002, 06:14 PM
Well I would have went but I don't have a gun yet since just last week I decided to make my "comeback".

If this were 2 weeks from now it would be a different story, I wanted to go but I wasn't going to rent some field gun that they won't let me take the tank off of.

08-31-2002, 06:30 PM
for the shatner game... you get to keep your rental gear