View Full Version : First real game of paintball today!!

08-31-2002, 04:14 PM
Wow it was great

It was all woodsball (we had the option of speedball, but we played woods anyway) it was basically 32 vs 32 on most fields, but it freakin ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE PAINTBALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Its the best sport probably. And there is so much unexpected strategy involved to, I love it.

Once though we were (at least 10 of us) 100% pinned down by one guy with some automatic, that sucked, because I was splattered with at least 400 rounds of paint (foilege broke it up so I wasnt out, but I looks like an easter egg)

fun fun fun fun fun fun

08-31-2002, 04:21 PM
Glad to hear you had a great time. Yes, Paintball is a fantastic sport.

As for the 10 of you pinned down… LOL Look, he can not get you ALL. If you all made a break for it at once, some of you (probably most) would have made it to better positions and could have potentially taken HIM out. ;) Think about it next time. :D If you are going to get lit up, better to do so because you are trying.

Yeah, I know all about the being covered with paint but not being marked out. I was hammered so bad at one position one time that my whole marker and mask were totally covered in paint. LOL It was great though. And you end up getting some good comments when the game is over when folks look at you. :D

Again.... great hearing you had such a good time. That is what it is all about.

08-31-2002, 04:58 PM
great times hu...
glad you let us know!-)

Keep them coming! Cause ain't nuttn' better then a day at the feild...

08-31-2002, 06:43 PM
Hey thanks :)

I will give that full story.
We were in the dense woods and we were going on a slight uphill (about 10 of us). Suddenly at least 20 paintballs in rapid fire fly at us and we all jumped for some cover. We all got pretty good positions but we couldn't do anything. So we decided to move up 2 men at a time with cover fire. I was the first of the two (I just happened to be the in the front). As soon as I got up to run, I was immediatly barraged with paintballs (at first it was two guys with automatics , supposedly illegal but this was a big field and there wasnt a ref nearby, and no one cared a whole bunch about it) I fell to the ground and crawled to this tiny fallen tree, but it had about a million little branches coming from it providing just enough cover not to get hit by paintballs. The trade was, you could be seen and the paintballs went through and splattered us. After mabye 3 more of us managed to get this high up we were completely suppressed. We wouldn't even think of raising a gun cause it was immediating painted (as many people did). Even a lucky paintball got through the tree and hit the now-blue-headed guy next to me. It was a pretty bad situation, we were totaly helpless except for him to run out of paint balls. The guys behind us got a few pot shots in but he was WELL hidden and they couldn't have enough time to even aim. As for me it was mask in the dirt just to stay in the game. I even got shot in the back of the head by a teammate there (not fun, the only painful hit the whole day) but I was still in cause the paintball went INSIDE my mask and I didnt know it untill after the game, I assumed the ball didnt break (it hurt like hell). It was unanimous that if we stood up 80% of us would go down so we just didnt do anything for the next (long) minute or so, then the game FINALLY ended. My entire head was multicolored.

08-31-2002, 06:46 PM
Oh, and there were battles going on to our right and we couldnt think of running that way without getting hit either :( and to our left was the field boundry, which WAS VERY enforced.

I also met some paintball geeks, I never even considered that possible with such a cool sport as paintball... I have nothing against geeks (I seriously dont, I could be one myself if I wanted to), but these were some SERIOUS... uber geeks... Im not talking about knowing a ton of crap about paintball (I know too much its embarrasing) but... GEEK... lol there is no reason to share this... but man so much GEEK it boggled my mind!!!! Its like the ultimate trekkie-comic book-sit in dark room 24/7 geek ... but for paintball... scary