View Full Version : Shatnerball Memories

08-31-2002, 04:40 PM
Yes, I admit. I ran out of paint around 2PM and wussed out and left. But not before having some great times alongside fellow AO'ers and Mr. AGD himself! I figure this is a good place to post stories and anecdotes about shatnerball.

I'll start:

Favorite Moment: Taking the town of Bedlam time and time again with the AOers from the federation by storming it. Also the first firefight at the federation insertion zone was amazing. I probably saw 5000 paintballs in the air at any given time just before I got gogged and started the long walk back.

Stupidest Moment: At the AO pavilion, I was looking for water to rinse off the goggles after a particularly nasty double goggle tap. Saw a water cooler, asked if I could use it, then proceded to rinse my goggles thouroughly. Inside and out. After wiping them off and drying them, they were still cloudy so i went back for another rinse. The guy closest to me says "you do know that is gatorade right?" right then i noticed that the liquid was indeed a fluorescent yellow. :rolleyes:

I will sign autographs for those who ask :)

Nice to meet a ton of AO'ers, Tom Kaye, Mancow, and pass within 3 feet of Mr. Shatner on his grand enterance.

Tom- you should consider emcee-ing more often.. the gift of gab and crowd participation is with you!

08-31-2002, 06:41 PM
Aye. I think all involved had a great time.

Favorite memory? The last Big Battle. We (Borg) were in a treeline, North of 2 towns, with Klingons & Trekkies occupying them. Not too sure on the klingons, but my understanding is they were wiped out pretty quickly. The trekkies mounted 7 or 8 assaults Over the top of a ridge, with us waiting in the treeline. Needless to say, they got spanked, HARD. Funniest thing I've seen in a while..

08-31-2002, 07:14 PM
umm most memorable..... reffing the last big battle and losing track of how many times i go thit after i counted to about 60..... i'm in pain right now

08-31-2002, 07:47 PM

Well most memorable for me was spending almost 30 minutes carwling into the Red Shirts reinsertion zone wating for them to mass :)

I shot 15 or so then they figured out where I was, I did a quick reload and mowed 7-10 more ;)

I had several fun moments like that.

The Least memorable was the fact the air blow mondo moneky arse. I mean get freaking real, youhave 1500+ people playing and 98% of them shooting Compressed air and they have NO BACK UP. We started out the day getting less than 3k and it just went down the crapper form there. Hell the last fill I got from the main station was 1400psi, for the love of god get some 6k tanks and cascade them or something. We had to walk the better part of 1/4 mile to get fills above 2500psi.

I think that is the only thing many people will complain about. That and they ran out of the $60 & $80 paint so you were kinda stuck buying the $100 a case paint. To be honest I don't know when they ran out of the cheap stuff, but I know that when I went to buy at 7am there was no more of the $60.

Over all it was a great event, couldn't not have gone better for the Feds, The Klingons got thier act together and started getting relic points and controls points. We well, we are not senerio players we were just racking up body count and taking things away from people that we wanted :) Problem was we didn't control those point at the check times and we didnt get a mission completed all day. We blew at that :/

Other than that AWSOME !!


08-31-2002, 08:03 PM
I liked the part when Jon C got shot in the titty by shatner :)

worst part was the air fills they were terrible

08-31-2002, 08:07 PM
Awww poor Jon, I can see him being like Aw Bro, that wasnt cool! Time to open up a can of borg whoop arse on you ol Willy!

JJ was prolly laughing his arse off wasnt he?

09-01-2002, 11:18 AM
in the last battle, i ran across bedlam after each insertion. after the 2nd insertion, i got almost to the end of the field before getting shot, so i was just leaning up against the netting by some reffs. after about 3 minutes, the ref next to me asked me if i was out, and then told me i had to go back across. everyone likes trying to shoot the cow, even the borg :D.

earlier in the day, i was just walking around the field seeing how far i could walk towards man cow's base. i walked up to 2 of his players.
players: who are you?
me: i am the cow
players: what team are you on?
me: moo
one of the players tells the other to keep their eyes on me.
after i walked about 60 ft past them, they noticed my borg jersy through my cow costume, and shot me.

i was in a group that took over man cow's base near the end of the game. even though it was taken over according to the rules, there were 2 oposing players left alive and for some bs we never got the points. after azemoth pointed that out to the reffs, they claimed that the points would have not mattered that much to us..... all of these points that "do not matter" shure add up fast.

09-01-2002, 11:48 AM
I enjoyed myself.. I played cannon fodder in the woods during the last battle. Did anyone else notice the huge number of bouncers?

I was cannon fodder due to a 2100psi fill and a 48ci tank. I shot my hopper and a pod and was done.

Yea the fills sucked. Next year i'm breaking out the level10 micromag with a AIR valve in it.. it's happy on co2 ;-) I wanted to show the colors for everyone so I was running around with muz's blue to wine emag.... the same gun I managed to get to malfunction 2-3 times at skyball ;-) I think it liked me yesterday.

I wish I knew what missions there were, I would have loved to go and collect some points. It seems that we were just there as a diversionary force. not out to win in scenario terms. Given that most of us just play tournyball or recball where eliminations are key... Well we did what we knew best. *grins* Make dead bodies.

With a little more communication of mission prioritys, and some freaking air next year this could be a really really great scenario game. the field is small enough that you can always find SOMEONE to shoot if you want ;-) And there is enough room to manuver a squad of 40-50 guys and gals.

this was my first scenario.. and it made a pretty good impression on me.

the taking and retaking of bedlam and apoc were just amazing. watching troops flood on and off in different colors was very fun. I've never seen movment of troops on the scale we were on for this game.

All I can say.. is... lets do it again next year ;-) And lets research the air supply... worst comes to worst, I have a 6k fill station I can bring ;-)

09-01-2002, 03:16 PM
150 doller entry fee!! HOLY BANNANAS!
it still looked cool. so do the jerseys

09-01-2002, 05:28 PM
$150 included Spplat membership, which saved DataPimp and I quite a bit of cash, so the entry fee wasn't so bad.

09-01-2002, 05:40 PM
It was worth the money even if they had bad refs and now air and shatner just killed us in points we had fun shooting eveything not borg my fav kill of the day was the Tank I shot out it was fun stuff

09-01-2002, 06:02 PM
I just got back a while ago. I had a great time, even though borg lost:rolleyes: . It seemed to be pretty one sided when 80% of the borg had Rt and Emag valves but only got 1100-2000psi fills while the Feds had a fill station close to them pumping out 3000psi, it was too long of a walk to go over there and I didnt even know about it till almost the end of the day.

Also, the Borg had to wait for 30mins to reinsert while the Klingon and Feds were coming out every 15mins.

I did get a crazy amount of kills though, Spacemanspiff and I crawled up the tapeline on the Feds side when the Borg wasnt able to take the town, we killed a lot of ppl in keys positions and then we saw the borg storm the town with NO problem whatsoever. Later in the day a few of us AOer's stormed the Feds base, even though we were out numbered, we conquered, lol. I only got hit twice the whole day, every other time I had to leave to get a fill:rolleyes: All in all it was very fun, they may have won on points but with all the kils I got I'd consider it a personal victory:)

I had a great time working the AGD booth, we were always really busy, I never got to hang out at the AO tent, I'm sorry I couldnt meet everyone there but for those I did I hope to see ya all again soon. I also hope I helped everyone I worked with :) :)

09-01-2002, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
Also, the Borg had to wait for 30mins to reinsert while the Klingon and Feds were coming out every 15mins.

The reason for the different times of reinsertion was just one big screw up with the reffing group. every 10 minutes us refs would get another message to change the times. I was down working by the klingon insertion and in the beginning of the game we were doing every 15 minutes. Then word came for every 30minutes.... then players started getting crabby and upset and we ended up having some of them go back and sit down in central. Then we were told it was back to 15 minutes again and then finally they made it clear that it was going to be every top and bottom of the hour (30minutes) took them long enough to figure it out too :rolleyes:

Also on the AO tent... it was nice to see so many AO members there. I know knowone really met me but i was the ref that was just lingering around the area for part of the day. I did talk to a few of you there however.

09-01-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Drgnwyng
It was worth the money even if they had bad refs and now air and shatner just killed us in points we had fun shooting eveything not borg my fav kill of the day was the Tank I shot out it was fun stuff

A lot of the refs were as confused as I was. There was no proper ref meeting for a lot of the volunteer refs and that just led to a lot of confusion. As well the communication between refs was very bad due to only like 3 or 4 radios for all the refs. I got hammered so many times by federation members it was very hard to stay up in the game and do my job.... I don't think saying they had bad refs is warrented.. the refs took one big beating that is for sure.

09-01-2002, 08:05 PM
I think the Best moment was when we took The feds Fort that was great being one of the first people inside. I have to give mad props to Wyn for letting me use his Timmy while my mags consistancy was somewhere between 250-350.

Worst part of the day was having to walk all the way to the feds side to get air. :rolleyes:

Hmmm i wonder why the feds got to cloak(unable to be shot) while doing missions anyone else think it was set up.:confused:

09-01-2002, 08:16 PM
there was a cloaking device that could be found on the field which allowed a certain amount of players or a tank to move unharmed to any place it wished.

09-01-2002, 08:17 PM
My favorite moment was probably Bunkering (or "Mugging" as Simon Says...) Sage Lehr in the pump tourney, getting a flag pull and hang in the last game was fun too! It would only have been better if the rest of the AOers had come to watch and cheer us on... thanks guys... :mad:

My least favorite moment was waking up this morning, asking Wyn if Total Greif had shown up to the hotel party, and being shown pictures of myself asleep, with Manike, Thordic, Marc Gottfried and another Greifer standing around my bed pulling their pants down... thanks guys... :eek:

The pump tourney was fun, but the reffing (not including Total Greif) was plain old crap. the organization at CP was the worst I have seen, and the scenario was run horribly. Everyone who was there needs to email SPPLAT and recommend someplace like EMR or Hell Survivors for next year's event... they KNOW scenarios, and could easily handle the numbers we had (and a lot more).

I would like to say that meeting everyone, hanging out, and just having a good time with the rest of the AO peeps made the weekend 100x better than it would have been, Thanks guys, I look forward to getting together in the future! :D

aka "Wanna-be-Wang"

09-01-2002, 09:56 PM
Hell Survivors for next year's event... they KNOW scenarios, and could easily handle the numbers we had (and a lot more). Yeah they do and Im look forward to the tippmann game sep 21 oh yeah fun fun fun

09-01-2002, 10:09 PM
I will say the farthest I got with the tank with the help of borg ground troops was past the jungle of doom over the two birdges up to the open field where the entrance to fort courage was. We were looking at the feds up on the hill and they had signaled to us that they were out or just waiting for deployment. That was fine. So they said lets go to the fort. We soon found out that the tank did not fit the bridge so with the trail I had to use thier was no way to get to it. Then a ref came down the hill and said we had to go back to our insertion zone because the truce was off. I was about to ask him if he was smoking crack but just took it in stride with the rest of the rule changes and turned the tank around and went back to our flat spot on the gravel.
If you were a ref that was at the far end of Armagedon when the cannon rolled up. Can you tell which time when I fired that was directed at a group of fed players that were not in cover? I was told in a polite way that I cannot fire at them or I would be black balled and would have to leave. Well if it was the shot at the net where the feds were standing behind. your refs had gave me permission to shoot thier earlier and they would give the 10 foot blast radious from where the rocket hit. I could tell the ref that came up and exsplained the reson was lost himself so I just rolled with it. The other 3 shots were only at tanks. So you refs at that end sure needed to get together.
It you have not played on this field I recommed it on a regular day when you will get to play the diffrent fields. The Bedlam and armagedon were very cool. I just hope that we can use the tanks in them next year. Only if they get busy and put in some better trails for the tanks. other wise thier is not much for a tank to drive through.

Jim Bergles

09-01-2002, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Rusty
I will say the farthest I got with the tank with the help of borg ground troops was past the jungle of doom over the two birdges up to the open field where the entrance to fort courage was. We were looking at the feds up on the hill and they had signaled to us that they were out or just waiting for deployment. That was fine. So they said lets go to the fort. We soon found out that the tank did not fit the bridge so with the trail I had to use thier was no way to get to it. Then a ref came down the hill and said we had to go back to our insertion zone because the truce was off. I was about to ask him if he was smoking crack but just took it in stride with the rest of the rule changes and turned the tank around and went back to our flat spot on the gravel.
If you were a ref that was at the far end of Armagedon when the cannon rolled up. Can you tell which time when I fired that was directed at a group of fed players that were not in cover? I was told in a polite way that I cannot fire at them or I would be black balled and would have to leave. Well if it was the shot at the net where the feds were standing behind. your refs had gave me permission to shoot thier earlier and they would give the 10 foot blast radious from where the rocket hit. I could tell the ref that came up and exsplained the reson was lost himself so I just rolled with it. The other 3 shots were only at tanks. So you refs at that end sure needed to get together.
It you have not played on this field I recommed it on a regular day when you will get to play the diffrent fields. The Bedlam and armagedon were very cool. I just hope that we can use the tanks in them next year. Only if they get busy and put in some better trails for the tanks. other wise thier is not much for a tank to drive through.

Jim Bergles

Well I had started out reffing at the far end of the klingon camp but there was just no action there so i wondered out to the jungle of doom for the most of the day i stayed around there. Towards the end I reffed out by armageddon during the klingon and borg rush on the federation camp.... where then the klingons turned on the borg. I found that I was doing a much more involved job then some of the actual refs that worked at the fields. Most of the refs didn't want to be there, as a volunteer I enjoyed it all until that last battle, I was just really hot and a little dehydrated so it wasn't the most exciting.... plus all the hits i took but that was to be expected.

09-01-2002, 10:59 PM
yeah Rusty thanks for the help out there in the town by the feds with out you all thos tanks would have kill eveyone out there its was so not fair they keeped bring tanks back ever 2 mins so with out you out there we would have been so so so die and I think you scared Shatner away cuzz he was there but I did not see hem when i left the town so I believe he ran away

09-02-2002, 08:34 AM
I will agree that being a ref for this event was tough.With that many people and that much paint flying the last thing the ref wants to here is "Paint check". And just think you volunterd for it and we paid for it. AS a big game ref myself sometimes I wonder if the orange color is a paint magnet?
Take care
Jim Bergles

09-02-2002, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Rusty
I will agree that being a ref for this event was tough.With that many people and that much paint flying the last thing the ref wants to here is "Paint check". And just think you volunterd for it and we paid for it. AS a big game ref myself sometimes I wonder if the orange color is a paint magnet?
Take care
Jim Bergles

ha yeah i know what you mean. They had us in those nice referee jersey's so it would look better.... all it added was more layers of clothing and it was super duper hot in there... the workd "paint check" brought a chill to my spine.... i think i got hit the most running to check players ... it was so worth it though. Just such a great day.

Load SM5
09-02-2002, 05:51 PM
By the way, thanks to all the refs. You guys did a good job despite all the problems. You stayed on top of things and I appreciate it.

09-02-2002, 06:04 PM
One of the first things I did when I got home was email JJ and told him to consider Hell Survivors for the next event. As for the van with communications jamming, I thought that was against the rules. Are you sure they did that? Because you weren't allowed to listen in or jam them as far as I've read in the rules. Hmm..

09-02-2002, 06:47 PM
I never got in on any reall missions, so i decided to create my own missions to help me feel like I am doing my part. During my second insurtion when we were trying to take the town I ran out of air and decided to stay on the field and command. I got enough players to push the Feds back enough to open up a spot for our players to flood into both sides of Bedlam. Also I helped get a small unit togather to hold Bedlam from Klingon attack while most of the Borg were fighting the Feds in Aramageddon.

The worst part of the day for me was the bad air fills and haveing to turn around when the alliance was canceled. I was leading the tank blocking force for Rusty when we got the call. It was about 15 Borg and 10 Klingons. As we started to turn around we saw the Federation start again and probablly 75 hit the woods after us. We all decided that untill we got back to our respective camps the alliance was still on. We layed out an amabush with The 123 and I out front to lead the Feds in. I gogged about 5 Feds before getting shot out but was able to watch the ambush go down before we got plastered. It was fun.

I loved the last battle and getting a chance to be on the line with Tom, Budd Orr, Wayne, and some of the best paintball players I hve ever met made it a unforgetable experience.

09-02-2002, 07:33 PM
yes jamming channels was against the rules. you could listen to any channels but jamming them or talking over the other team or listening to the refs was a hiway 80 violation if caught. The air fills was a lack of planning or just a way to make sure the Feds would have a better chance at winning.
If the jamming thing is true I will really have to think about going back next year when one of the uppitys of paintball was behind it. I will make sure to voice that to JJ also. but they still could not controll who we shot. And the Borg infantry did alot of that.


09-02-2002, 07:40 PM
I personally didnt have a radio but mango did and he said that during the last battle everyone with a radio just turned it off because nothing could be said or heard with all the noise.

09-02-2002, 07:44 PM
yeah They jammed all the channels how unfair I mean as if anything there was fair

09-02-2002, 10:01 PM
During the Klingon/Borg Alliance, in the large battle near the Fed base and the "net wall" Shatner appeared out of the top of the Federation tank! My friend Superman (theme song plays) from the Uninvited shot him promptly, then the "fearless" leader/loser ducked back into the tank. The referees were heard jumping in celebration.

BTW, I had a great time meeting everyone from AO. Living in SC, it's hard to make it to most of the NE events. It was my pleasure to finally meet the following people:
usikman,Xen,CaPoEiRa,LoadSM5,BluemagRT,Pi and of course, Tom Kaye and anyone whom I've forgotten at the moment.

(In case you don't remember me, I'm the dork with the greyish-blue hair and the nitro tank that seemed irrepairable ;) )

Load SM5
09-02-2002, 10:19 PM
I remember, that crap wash out ok?

09-03-2002, 07:42 AM
don't worry, Load, i was ready for it to come out. It itched like hell and felt like a wicker basket. Now my hair is back to it's normal, soft texture and I am none the happier

09-03-2002, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
I also didnt like that Viper had a communications van outside of the field, it was scanning all channels and relaying info tipping off the Feds to all our moves, during the last battle, the van jammed everyone's radio's but there own. All this is ok but the van should have been on the field so that we would of had a chance to knock-out thier communications.


I didn't have any van there, or anything to jam anyone's radios. There was a buzzing noise on one of our channels when we left the east end of the property. I don't know what that was. We just stayed off that channel.

Spiro "Black Cat" Mamaligas, of Black Cat Productions, has a van with such equipment, and had bragged about coming out and using it. He was assigned to the Klingons. Due to unforeseen circumstances he couldn't make it.

As far as my use of radios, I don't even trasmit if I'm off the field. Sometimes I'll monitor our channel so I know where to find my guys when I reinsert, but that's it.

So before you go and try to slander someone who is has a 15 year reputation as a stand-up player who is a staunch supporter of stand-up play and safety, I would suggest you get your facts straight. I take accusations of cheating very seriously. Hell, I shot one of your guys out, then found a hit on me, so I told the ref to put him back IN! Is THAT stand-up enough for you. It confused the hell out of him AND the ref when I did it because NO ONE ELSE DOES!

I think you owe me an apology.

Originally posted by Rusty
If the jamming thing is true I will really have to think about going back next year when one of the uppitys of paintball was behind it.

I don't think I'm "uppity." Pacman rented us a golf cart for all the trips back and forth to the staging area. I often offered rides to other players while I was driving. I told everyone who shot me (except some of the kids on my own team) "good shot player!"

And no, the jamming rumor is just that...a rumor. I would never do that.

09-03-2002, 10:20 AM

If Viper says he didn't have it then it's absoulutely true. I trust him totally and we should work to dispell any false info about the day, thats what these threads are all about.


ps Viper this is me Tom Kaye

09-03-2002, 10:29 AM
It was good talking to you Friday. I meant what I said about the Level 10. Even if I don't shoot Mags at the moment, I've always admired the quality and customer service AGD is famous for.

What I won't thank you for is locking us in our insertion for 2 hours. :p

Thanks for taking part in the event. Your humor was enjoyed as much as you commanding. You have to come out to one of my events sometime. Bud has been sending Cole and the trailer out to our two big annual events. No reason why AGD shouldn't be next door to him. ;)

09-03-2002, 10:34 AM
I saw a van there, out by the Federation fill station.
It was a red full-sized van from the 80's. The back 2 doors opened and inside was a panel with multiple diplays and wires that I had no idea what they were. There were 2 or 3 antennas on top of it too. I wonder what it was for.

09-03-2002, 10:40 AM
Maybe for the multiple professional media crews that were there. That would be my guess anyway. It was parked directly behind the RV rented for Mr and Mrs Shatner with a large perimeter taped off around it, and right next to a truck that always had cameramen and techs moving equipment into and out of it.:confused:

09-03-2002, 11:35 AM
I also heard viper had a semi with radar and his own satelite link for monitoring troop movements.....and a big laser..(blinkin red light) been to many of vipers games and his intense dedication to stand up play spills over the the people that play his scenarios....

09-03-2002, 02:20 PM
as long as there wasnt a water tank containing sharks with frikin' laser beams strapped to their heads, i will not fret.

09-03-2002, 06:06 PM
most news stations have a relaying van ... the on-field camera crews (shooting for the DVD) most likely had a support van there ... there would most certainly be heavy radio traffic going to that van ... probably what that buzz was

the traffic on that one channel, or just the intensity of the camera crews transmissions would of probably had an effect on the surrounding lower power 2-ways (probably the source of that buzzing sound)

the last battle on bedlam and Armageddon ... how many camera crews were filming that ... and how close they must of been to eachother... and how many other 2-ways were in that close to each other

the "all channel radio jamming" on that last battle was probably just the combined disruption from all those crews transmissions

09-03-2002, 08:19 PM
Well Mr Rosenberry, I would like to fromally welcome you To Formally Welcome you to AO.

I am sorry for this rumor that has occoured, I have heard nothing but good things about your scenarios. I even hope to attend one of them shortly. I could not attend Shatner Ball because i am currently residing in Chile for a year of school Abroad. When i return to the Usa, one of my top priorities is to come to one of your scenarios.

I woula also like to ask you to stick around. We do not have that many scenario players (that i know of) and your insight would be welcomed. Please stay around her on AO. Im sure we would all appreciate it.

-Bill "magman007" Badnaruk

09-03-2002, 10:52 PM
When I heard my radio doing what it was at the last battle I though nothing of it untill I read the posts. And the exsplanation viper gave is good enough for me. I first thought it could have been the amount of transmissions but we should have had it all day then? thier was less players in the end battle than at the start. And uppity meant the people above the players who do the planning and coordinating and stagging of these events. At the time that was the first adjective that came to light.


09-04-2002, 04:36 AM
The best part was hanging out and meeting all the AO'ers!

I enjoyed being a medic for a awhile. It took allot of work running around, sliding, dodging paintballs, and healing people. But it was fun. Until I was killed and out of air, so as I was leaving I gave the medic band to Thordic. Who wouldn't give it back!!! :mad:

The Borg had some problems at the start trying to get out of our regeneration part. We just needed some people to lead the guys out of there and destroy the federation. After that we just plowed our way all over the field.

The bad thing was, once we took over a town or structure we couldn't hold it. Why? Because once we took it we were out of air. CPX knew of this problem the day BEFORE and choose not to fix it. I probably walked back and forth to the other fill station about 4-5 times that day to get around 2800 PSI. Better then 1700 PSI. THAT was NOT very enjoyable.

Besides that, the parties were kicken. People were friendly. I don't think you can meet a nicer crowd then the folks here on AO. In fact, I know you CAN'T! Always respectful of each other and willing to help out.

Thanks for the BBQ and Gatorade Gambit!
Thanks to the guys who I didn't even know any gave me a drink! =]
Thanks to Gunga for being our tour guide!
Jon is the man!
Thanks TK!

09-04-2002, 10:15 AM
yeah hang with Ao made it all worth it

09-04-2002, 02:17 PM
The high pitch of my uber fast Spyder Xtra lighting off was causing the RF buzz. I try to slow down but it is just to uber for me to contain... :D

It amazes me that people will rattle off accusations with absolutley no information.