View Full Version : Pro Carbine RVA?

08-31-2002, 07:29 PM
If im not allowed to talk about another paintballgun here, im sorry, tell me and I will delete/move this.

I have a pro carbine and I have a c02 wasting problem and I need a quick fix. I was researching and I came up with a few things.

- Custom hammer, improves efficiently and cycling, 7$ on ebay :)
- Rear velocity adjuster, but this is where I have my question.

I read from someone that the current adjuster on the pro carbine just limits the c02 at some point in the gun, but the same amount of c02 enters the gun anyways no matter how that is adjusted (probably the reason for the c02 flying out of the bolt on everyshot). But the RVA will actually cut off the amount of c02 coming into the gun. Is this true? If it is I am gonna go for it, but the guy mentioned the AirTipps RVA only, does that mean others wont do this?

Thanks ahead.

08-31-2002, 07:35 PM
Posting about a ProCarbine is fine, but I have no clue that could help you with your dilemma, sorry :(

08-31-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by CenterFire
Posting about a ProCarbine is fine, but I have no clue that could help you with your dilemma, sorry :(
same here

sure, you caln post whatever u want here..of course its gotta be paintball related

08-31-2002, 07:46 PM
efficiency is determined partly by the barrel:
alot of porting decreases efficiency
a very long or short length (over 12 or under 8) will lower efficiency
and a pro carbine is a blowback, a gun system which uses more air to cycle then most others.
the reason a barrel determines efficiency is this:
letting out air w/ porting slows down the ball, so to get to say 280fps w/ an unported barrel it would take X amount of air, getting the ball to the same speed w/ a ported barrel might take 2x.
Lapco barrels are very efficient, so are BOA and anything w/ minimal porting. The input pressure doesn't make a gun more efficient, and i don't think that hammer will make much of a difference either. As we see w/ low pressure guns like the shocker and bushmaster, they are very un efficient. Try to shoot at lower velocities, and if that is a problem, you may need to get a spring cut.

08-31-2002, 07:51 PM
No, my problem is using a full 20oz c02 bottle in 800 shots or less. My barrel is 14" and ported, but definatly not a lot. There is a LOT of gas flying out of the bolt area (and actually out the barrel as well). I was thinking that the amount of c02 released is the amount that is the maximum fps the gun can do and the stock velocity adjuster just limits whats actually used, and the rest is blown off somewhere.

08-31-2002, 08:53 PM
Tippmann guns, my other most favorite guns.

Okay, here's what you want to do. Get the RVA. I highly recommend the Air Tipps RVA just because it's the highest quality and looks good. When you install the RVA what you want to do is unscrew the current velocity adjuster screw that the gun has to the point that it doesn't restrict the flow and put some blue (medium strength)loctite on it. This will allow the highest amount of air flow and your efficiency will go up.

Now all you do is adjust your RVA to get your desired velocity and this inturn adjusts the spring tension, which adjusts how much air goes into the valve and down the powertube.

Which lightened hammer are you getting? If it's an AirTipps custom hammer you're getting one heck of a deal for $7 since they run new at about $80. If it's a hacked up stock hammer then that's still a decent deal.

If you can't get the velocity you want with the RVA and it's too high, just cut some coils off the stock spring and it will drop the velocity.

08-31-2002, 09:00 PM
Thanks a lot,

Im chronoing fine, but its just wasting so much c02... thanks though

08-31-2002, 09:40 PM
BlackVCG, do you know a good website to buy the Airtipps RVA. I know that county paintball has a lot of their stuff, but not the RVA only(they have one integrated into a CAR stock).

*Edit* I found it, Must have skimmed over it.

09-01-2002, 02:02 AM
CountyPaintball is the best place to buy all of the AirTipps accessories.

09-01-2002, 11:47 AM
Really??? Thanks a lot

09-01-2002, 12:08 PM
I could be way off base here since I don't know much about pro carbines. But..

If you have a large cloud of CO2 coming out your barrel could it not be that your getting liquid CO2 in the marker. That would use up your tank really fast. If this is the case an expansion chamber and/or an anti syphon tube in your tank would help to prevent this.

Just my $.02
